Preschool Worship

Good Morning Boys & Girls! I’m so glad you’re here. Who remembers what last week’s lesson was about? Was it about God making everything? (baby Bible storybook?) Was it good? Our Bible verse from Genesis was “and God saw that it was good.”

Today our story is about a man named Noah. I’m guessing many of you have heard the story of Noah. Noah loved God and he did what God wanted him to do.

Who knows what God wanted Noah to do? That’s right, build a boat, fill it with animals and Noah’s family to keep them safe during a flood. And Noah did it!

Noah built the boat even though it wasn’t even raining when God told Noah to start building the boat (or the ark). Noah trusted God and did what God told him to do.

Now we have a song to sing about Noah!

Arky Arky

Let’s also sing a song about one of the animals on the ark: a fuzzy caterpillar.

PUPPET SHOW September 28, 2008

Katherine: Singing “Who Built the Ark” in background

Tina: Hi there ______, I’m enjoying your song about Noah and the Ark!

K: Noah and the Ark is one of my favorite Bible stories! Did you know that Noah had many, many animals on the ark with him and his family? He had two of each kind of animal. That was a big crowd of animals, wasn’t it?

T: It sure was, ______. I know you have many little boats at the creek where you live—but the ark was a huge boat. God asked Noah to build the ark so that he would be safe from the flood. Noah trusted God and built the ark just as God told him to do. He listened to God and followed his instructions. He obeyed God.

K: Noah trusted God, and tried to walk with God. That means Noah obeyed God and tried to do what God asked him to do. Because Noah listened to God, he and his family and all of the animals were kept safe on the ark for 40 days during the great flood.

T: We can also walk with God by trusting and obeying Him. ____, can you think of some ways that God would want us to obey Him?

K: He wants to us to be kind to other people, to listen to our parents, and to share with others. We can do many things to obey God and to walk with Him, just like Noah did.

T: Those are good answers. God will help us to know the right thing to do, just like he helped Noah and his family and all of the animals on the ark. It makes God very happy when we trust and obey Him, like Noah did.

K: I’m going to try to listen to God and trust Him too! Now I’m going back to the creek to see if I see any boats there today! Goodbye Mrs. Tina, goodbye boys and girls!

Rise & Shine

The Lord said to Noah there’s gonna be a floody-floody

The Lord said to Noah there’s gonna be a floody-floody

Get those children (clap) out of the muddy-muddy

Children of the Lord


So rise, and shine, and give God the glory-glory

Rise, and shine, and give God the glory-glory

Rise and shine and (clap) give God the glory-glory

Children of the Lord.

So Noah, he built him, he built him an arky-arky

Noah, he built him, he built him an arky-arky

Built it out of (clap) hickory barky-barky

Children of the Lord


The Animals, they came on, they came on by twosies-twosies,

Animals, they came on, they came on by twosies-twosies,

Elephants and (clap) kangaroosies-roosies

Children of the Lord


It rained, and poured, for forty daisies daisies

Rained, and poured, for forty daisies daisies

Drove those animals (clap) nearly crazy-crazy

Children of the Lord


The sun came out, and dried up the land-y land-y

Sun, came out, and dried up the land-y landy

Everything was (clap) fine and dandy dandy

Children of the Lord


Chorus x 2