The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Carlyle Community Unit School District No. 1 was held in the unit office board room on Wednesday, May 17, 2006, at 7:30 P.M.

Mike Wilton presided over the meeting.


Members present at roll call were Beckemeyer, Hanke, Schneider, Williams, Wilton; Behrens arrived at 7:31 P.M. Hodapp was absent.

Others attending the meeting were Sue Ayers, Joyce Francois, Jim McClaren, Joe Wilkerson, Lynn Thomas, Shannon Chase, Rick DeFauw and Phyllis Rahm.


Regarding minutes of the April 19th regular meeting, Jerry Williams asked that two sentences be removed from the paragraph regarding KSED paying a half-time speech teacher salary at no cost to the district as he found out that KSED will not be paying a half-time speech teacher salary at no cost to the district.

A motion was made by Williams and seconded by Beckemeyer to approve the minutes as corrected.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Wilton, Behrens, Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams,


Nay -none


A motion was made by Beckemeyer and seconded by Schneider to approve the payment of bills in the following amounts: Education Fund - $ 75,298.83; Building Fund - $21,905.12; Transportation Fund - $22,958.92; Bond and Interest Fund - $178,237.50; Fire Prevention/Safety Fund - $6,638.10.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Behrens, Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams,

Hanke, Wilton

Nay -none


Mr. DeFauw stated the treasurer’s report speaks for itself. The fund balances are positive and in good shape.

A motion was made by Hanke and seconded by Beckemeyer to approve the report of the school treasurer and place on file for audit.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams, Hanke,

Wilton, Behrens

Nay -none


A motion was made by Williams and seconded by Schneider to approve the report of the Activity Imprest Fund.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Beckemeyer, Williams, Hanke, Wilton, Behrens,


Nay -none


Mr. Wilton read correspondence from Darlene Cox thanking the board for flowers and time off during her recent bereavement.



Principal Joyce Francois stated the Prekindergarten classes had their end of the year party at Studio 50 and at the city park. The Big Sisters/Brothers party will be held at the park pavilion. Tuesday, May 23 is field day with science experiments, a magician or clown. May 24 is kindergarten graduation and May 25 is report card day. May 26 will be a School Improvement Day for the teachers.


Principal Jim McClaren said the 5th/6th grade Team Quest participated in the contest on April 28 and 29 in Chester. The special education annual reviews are completed. Justin Shultz received a first place on his science project in Springfield on May 3rd. The last school dance was held on May 5th. May 10ththe sixth grade visited Busch Stadium with Channel 11 meteorologist and then stayed for the Cardinal ballgame. Fourth grade visited the fifth grade on Friday, May 12th. The fifth grade band and chorus concert was held last night and tomorrow will be the junior high band and chorus concert. Awards Day will be held on May 22nd. Eighth grade will be at the park and pool on May 23rd. Seventh grade will have awards and go to the park on May 24th. Graduation practice will be held that morning, May 24th, for eighth grade with graduation that night at 7:00 P.M. at the high school gym. The junior high band will play at Busch Stadium at a Cardinal game on June 5th.


Joe Wilkerson reported the all-school musical was very nice. It involved a large number of students. ACT scores have been received for juniors. The Clinton County Senior Banquet was held on May 1st with Brent Brede as the speaker. Softball season has ended with a loss in the regional. Prom went over well with no incidents. He expressed a thank you to the Academic Boosters for hosting post prom activities. The senior athletic banquet was held last Saturday with Brad Kunz as the speaker via video. Exam study sessions are being held tonight and tomorrow night. There were approximately fifty students there when he left. Parent Boosters provide snacks and sodas. Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are exams. Graduation will be held Friday, May 26th. The senior band/chorus members leave for WashingtonD.C. on June 3rd. The Spanish students leave to tour Costa Rica on June 13th.


Lynn Thomas gave an overview of the Reading Improvement Grant to board members. She and Barb Wade help students in first and second grade by using the Reading Recovery program which they have been trained to do. The teacher aides have finished their testing. The grade school uses the ISEL test which is recommended by the state. All children made good gains. She has found vocabulary and comprehension to be lacking in students every year and less progress made. Some students were tested for special education; some were retained and some have moved out of the district. They had 54 students this year that needed title help. It was suggested that she check with other schools to see what they’re using or visit other schools to get new ideas.


Board members were given the building inspection reports from the annual inspections through the Regional Office of Education. There were no problems reported at any school.


The regional office provided copies of the annual financial reports for each district for members to see the cost of the district compared to other schools in the area in operating expenses, tuition and cost rates.


Mr. DeFauw gave board members an end of the year calendar for May showing events.


A request was received from Dustin Barr to use the varsity baseball field this summer for junior legion ball. He is currently assistant baseball coach.

A motion was made by Beckemeyer and seconded by Hanke to approve the request as presented.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Beckemeyer, Williams, Hanke, Wilton, Behrens,


Nay - none


Mr. DeFauw gave board members recommendations for employment for the 2006-07 school year as follows: high school media specialist – Charles Skorczewski (He said everything was taken care of through the ROE since he is taking course work to be certified.); grade school secretary – Mandy Boatright; 7th grade basketball coaching position – Shannon Dudek (as recommended by Andy Palmer).

A motion was made by Beckemeyer and seconded by Behrens to approve employment of Charles Skorczewski as media specialist for high school, Mandy Boatright as CarlyleGrade School secretary, Shannon Dudek as seventh grade basketball coach for the 2006-07 school year.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Williams, Hanke, Wilton, Behrens, Schneider,


Nay -none


A motion was made by Hanke and seconded by Beckemeyer to approve maternity leave requests from Stacie Steinkamp, Tara Joiner, Cory Harris.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Hanke, Wilton, Behrens, Schneider, Beckemeyer,


Nay -none


Mr. McClaren gave members a list of teachers to be hired to teach summer school on June 5-23, 2006 as follows: Kris Spihlmann, Jered Weh, Patty Tate, Kim Eggermann, KG Yaunches, Stacie Rapien, Ann Tucker, Sandy Wehking, Tara Woods.

A motion was made by Schneider and seconded by Beckemeyer to approve employment of summer school staff as presented.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Wilton, Behrens, Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams,


Nay -none


A motion was made by Williams and seconded by Schneider to approve the prevailing wage resolution for the 2006-07 school year.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Behrens, Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams,

Hanke, Wilton

Nay -none


A motion was made by Behrens and seconded by Beckemeyer to approve membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards for the 2006-07 school year.

Vote on Motion:Aye – Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams, Hanke,

Wilton, Behrens

Nay -none


A motion was made by Williams and seconded by Behrens to authorize preparation of the budget for 2006-07.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Beckemeyer, Williams, Hanke, Wilton, Behrens,


Nay -none


Board members were given a calendar for start of school information.


Mr. DeFauw told board members the district is going to need to trade in vans and purchase vans or a four-door car due to increased enrollment in special needs. Breese will no longer co-op with Carlyle to go to Nashville as their student no longer attends. Mike is looking to trade vans for district. Board members suggested getting bids for both options and see which is best.


Mr. DeFauw stated there would be no action regarding the grants as the information is not available on-line today. The Title II, IV, and V grants will again be shared with HoffmanTrinityLutheranSchool.


A motion was made by Williams and seconded by Hanke to approve moving the regular June board meeting to Tuesday, June 20th.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Williams, Hanke, Wilton, Behrens, Schneider,


Nay -none


A motion was made by Beckemeyer and seconded by Schneider to approve the field trip request from Andy Palmer to attend a team camp at Murray, Kentucky.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Hanke, Wilton, Behrens, Schneider, Beckemeyer,


Nay -none


Mr. DeFauw explained to board members the district is going to have to hire one more special education LD teacher and at least five more aides since the special education population is exploding. He will have the jobs posted and try to find someone for LD. Discussion was held regarding the reason for increase.


A motion was made by Hanke and seconded by Beckemeyer to approve the job description for the special education administrator position as presented.

Vote on Motion:Aye - Wilton, Behrens, Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams,


Nay -none


A motion was made by Schneider and seconded by Beckemeyer to accept the resignation of Stacie Steinkamp as high school volleyball coach.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Behrens, Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams,

Hanke, Wilton

Nay -none


Mr. DeFauw told board members amounts the insurance company was willing to pay for hail damage to the junior high roof. He said if the roof is replaced we would get $115,000. Discussion was held regarding cost of a metal roof versus asphalt shingles. If the roof was replaced with a metal one, the district would have to sell bonds to get enough dollars to pay for it. Mr. DeFauw said he would contact Art about getting bids for each kind to replace and also contact Kevin Doyle about possibility of bonds.


Mr. DeFauw told board members the county sheriff will offer free training for the defibrillators and Medstar will charge $175 per day for training. The district is scheduled for three days of training with 5-hour sessions with approximately 45 people to be trained in June. The teachers will be paid $25 per hour. Those being trained will be coaches, secretaries, custodians, administrators. The district will have the requirement covered.


Mr. DeFauw stated Justin Joiner will be a substitute custodian at the junior high when Joey Engelhardt is off due to surgery this summer.


A motion was made by Hanke and seconded by Schneider to have an executive session for Exception Five – personnel.

Vote on Motion:Aye – Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams, Hanke, Wilton,


Nay -none

Closed session began at 8:38 P.M.

Returned to open session at 9:05 P.M.


A motion was made by Beckemeyer and seconded by Hanke to adjourn.

Vote on Motion:Aye -Schneider, Beckemeyer, Williams, Hanke,

Wilton, Behrens

Nay -none

