PhD course in Qualitative methods 2016, 7.5 ECTS credits

Course start: January 20, 2016

End date: May 18, 2016


The aim of the course is to give a broad overview of different qualitative research methods with a specific focus on interviews and observations. The participant will conduct his or her own qualitative study using one method. Reflections on methodological aspects during the whole research process are important and should be focused. Consequently, the course participant will be able to evaluate reports based on qualitative methods.


The course participant chooses a specific subject (research question) on which he or she will carry out a study using one qualitative method. Experience from planning and using a qualitative method and reflections should be summarised into a report. At the seminar in June the participant will present the report. Peer reviewing by fellow student is practiced, which means that a fellow student, the reviewer who gives his or her opinion and comments on the report, reads the report. Between the two meetings two individual meeting for supervision will be arranged.

Report writing

The report shall consist of a general part discussing different qualitative methods in relation to the specific aim of the report and a more specific part. The specific part is focused on the specific qualitative method that the participant has selected and should be focused on the different steps in the research process (see Kvale, 1997). For instance write about the aim, selection of method, define object of study, present your strategy (guide, selection of interview persons etc), your field work, how your analysis is conducted. Reflexivity is important!

The first part and strategy for the second part should be presented for the course manager at the individual meeting. Also a list of selected articles and literature should be presented at the meeting. The final report should be sent to the course manager and the other course participants at the latest one week before the final meeting.


The course in qualitative methods is aimed at doctoral students with no former or limited experience from qualitative methods. The course is an introductory course where qualitative methods are introduced and the participant gain experience from conducting a small scale project. The big three, observations, interviews and text analysis are in focus of the course, particularly implementation and analysis. The course is structured around lectures where key aspects of different approaches are addressed and discussed. At all times, participants are invited to contribute with their experiences.

The assessment of the course is an individually written paper based on a small scale project. The purpose is that the participant gain personal experience from using one or more qualitative methods by conducting a minor investigation. A subject or aspect related to the thesis is recommended.

Introduction to qualitative methods January 20, 9-12, KC V:H

The participants are introduced to the course and qualitative method. Methodology is treated briefly Characteristics of qualitative research, design of a qualitative study, combinations of qualitative methods and quality issues are discussed.

Observation and interviews February 3, 9-12, KC V:H Attention is devoted to interviews and observations. Different types of observations and interviews are discussed. Studies that combine different methods and how it can be done is also discussed.

Analysis and reporting February 17, 9-12, KC V:H How interviews can be analysed and presented in an interesting way is discussed. The issues are important but treated very short in the literature. For this reason, we devote particular attention to the analysis and reporting. Quality in qualitative research is dicussed.

Text analysis March 2, 9-12, KC V:H

Different types of text analysis are introduced. Practical aspects of the use of text analysis such as selection, approach and analysis are discussed. Images and analysis of the images is covered briefly.

Seminar May 18, 9-17

Discussion of course assignment. Submission to the opponent no later than one week before the seminar i.e. May 11 at the latest.

Supervision February 3 and March 2

During the course, we have two individual tutoring sessions. The aim of the first session is to discuss the small scale project (method chosen) and the structure of the course paper. The second tutorial is focused on the project and current challenges. The first tutorial takes place on February 3 and the second March 2.




LTH, KC4, Sölvegatan 39, entrance B or D. Seminars and lectures take place in KC:V H, Level -1. The location for the two supervisions, February 3rd and March 2nd, and the seminar on May 18th, will be announced later.


The participants will be assessed according to their performance on the written report and review of a fellow student’s report. The grading is passed/not passed. To get approved on the course both parts must be passed.

Course manager

Åsa Thelander

Department of strategic communication

Lund University, Campus Helsingborg

Phone +46 42 35 66 28
