English III

Ms. Landon

Task: You will write an original poem.


  • Poem must be at least thirty lines long.
  • Poem must have a rhyme scheme (no free verse or ballad style poems).
  • Poem will contain descriptive words.
  • Poem must contain literary devices. On a separate piece of paper, you must identify the devices and explain why you chose to use them.
  • Poem must have a title.
  • Poem must be typed or printed neatly on computer or construction paper (not notebook paper).
  • Poem must have at least one illustration. You may also include an additional graphic printed from the computer or a hand drawn picture.
  • Poem will be neat, readable, and visually appealing.
  • Poem will have correct grammar and spelling usage.
  • Poem must be creative and original!
  • You will lose five points if you do not present your poem, but if you read your poem to the class, you will earn five extra points!
  • You must turn in this rubric with your poem.

Your poem is worth 50 points of your final test grade for the unit!

Due Date: Tuesday, December 11th

Grading Scale:
50 - 45 points = A
44 - 40 points = B
39 - 30 points = C
29 - 25 points = D
24 - 20 points = F /

Original Poem Scoring Rubric

CATEGORIES / Exemplary
45-50 points / Proficient
45-40 points / Progressing
40-30 points / Not Meeting Expectations
30-20 points
Poem Composition / Poem contains an outstanding rhyme scheme. / Poem contains a consistent and visible rhyme scheme. / Poem contains a fairly consistent and visible rhyme scheme. / Poem does not contain a consistent and visible rhyme scheme.
Length / Poem contains more than thirty lines. / Poem contains thirty lines. / Poem contains about twenty lines. / Poem contains less than fifteen lines.
Appearance / Poem is extraordinarily neat, readable, and visually appealing. / Poem is neat, readable, and visually appealing. / Poem is lacking in readability, neatness, and is not visually appealing. / Poem is not readable, neat, or visually appealing.
Illustration / Poem contains a visually appealing illustration. / Poem contains one appropriate illustration. / Poem does not contain an appropriate illustration. / Poem does not contain an illustration.
Grammar and Spelling / Poem does not contain any grammar or spelling errors. / Poem only contains one grammar or spelling error. / Poem contains two or three grammar or spelling errors. / Poem contains more than three grammar or spelling errors.
Devices / Poem contains more than three poetic devices. / Poem contains three poetic devices. / Poem contains two poetic devices. / Poem only contains one poetic device.
Analysis / Poet identifies and explains all devices on a separate sheet of paper. / Poet identifies and explains all devices. / Poet identifies the poetic devices. / Poet does not identify or explain devices.
Title / Poem has an outstanding title. / Poem has an appropriate title. / The title is not directly related to the poem’s content. / The title does not relate to the content of the poem.
Description / Poem contains more than fifteen descriptive words. / Poem contains fifteen descriptive words. / Poem contains fourteen to eleven descriptive words. / Poem contains less than eleven descriptive words.