Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors (AGNC)

Genetic Counsellor Training in the UK:

an Information Pack

Claire Dolling

Sue Kenwrick

Rhona Macleod

AGNC Genetic Counsellor Training Panel

Issued October 2015

Contents 2

Background 3

Training for Registration 3

Approved Training Centres 3-4

Training Post Holders 4

Sample job description for training post 4

Learning contracts 4

Monitoring and evaluation 4-5


A: Application form for Validation as a UK Genetic Counsellor Training Centre 6-10

B: Sample Job Description 11-13

C1: The Learning Contract: general information 14-15

C2: Sample Learning Contract 16-20

D: Evaluation Report Forms 21-24

E: Entry Level Criteria 25

Contact details for further information 26


The main remit of the Genetic Counsellor Training Panel (GCTP) is:

·  to facilitate and monitor posts aimed at training genetic counsellors for Registration in the UK and the Republic of Ireland

·  to assess and approve Regional Genetics Centres who wish to offer such training.

·  to provide advice and guidance about genetic counsellor training to trainees, mentors and training centres.

The processes used by the GCTP, and described below, are based closely on those used during the Department of Health (DH) funded Training Post Scheme, which began in 2005.

Training for Registration

Under the Registration system, practitioners wishing to train as registered genetic counsellors (RGCs) must first satisfy a set of requirements in one of two potential pathways, henceforth known as entry-level qualifications. Full details of current entry-level qualifications are available from the website of the Genetic Counsellor Registration Board ( and in appendix E.

In order to apply for registration as a genetic counsellor, practitioners must submit a portfolio to the Registration Board. Details of current portfolio requirements are provided by the GCRB on their website.

Approved Training Centres

Approved Training Centres (ATCs) must provide access to a suitable learning environment including:

·  A multidisciplinary approach to patient care

·  A supervised clinical caseload

·  Clinical case meetings

·  A named registered genetic counsellor to act as a training supervisor/mentor.

·  Established links with departments related to clinical genetics, including laboratories and other related clinical specialities (e.g. fetal medicine, cancer services and paediatrics)

·  Clinical and counselling supervision

·  Opportunities for participation in clinical audit and research

·  Access to educational opportunities through departmental seminars, study days & journal clubs with clinical application

·  Learning resources, including appropriate IT facilities and library resources

·  A minimum of 3 genetic counsellors who are either registered or actively seeking registration.

Centres seeking ATC status must complete and return the “Application form for Validation as a UK Genetic Counsellor Training Centre” (Appendix A). ATCs should submit an application for revalidation every 5 years.

Training post holders

The primary aim of training posts is to support higher professional training in genetic counselling for new entrants to the specialty, from a diverse range of backgrounds. Individuals appointed to training posts should satisfy the entry-level qualifications prior to appointment. Panel members are available for informal advice on whether an applicant’s background meets the aims of a training post.

Sample job description for training post

For guidance, an example is included in this pack (Appendix B). The job description will reflect the current approach to supervised practice for new postholders in accordance with the agreed AGNC Career Structure.

Learning contracts

On appointment, the trainee and their mentor will be asked to draw up a personal learning contract which will form the basis for planned provision of training opportunities. Progress towards fulfilling this contract should be reviewed regularly by the trainee and mentor, and also by the GCTP. Individual contracts should reflect both the trainee’s previous qualifications and experience, and their career aims and should take careful note of the current Registration requirements. Further details on Learning Contracts and a sample contract are included in this pack (Appendices C1, C2).

Monitoring and evaluation of training post

Each Centre will be asked to:

·  Notify the GCTP of the appointment of the trainee, together with details of their Mentor, and a copy of the Learning Contract within one month of the trainee taking up their post.

The Trainee will be asked to:

·  Submit evaluation reports (see Appendix D) to the GCTP at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months.

·  The 12,18 and 24 month reports should contain details of progress towards Registration.

·  Update the GCTP following completion of the post on their employment and registration outcomes.


Application form for Validation as a UK Genetic Counsellor Training Centre

(Document updated November 2011)

Is this application being made jointly with another Centre? (please circle) Yes No

If yes, please give name of other centre:


(NB. Each Centre should complete this form individually)

(A) Details of applying Centre

Centre name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………..……………………………………………

Centre address:………………………………………………………….…………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….…………….…………………………………


Name of Lead Genetic Counsellor:……………………………………………………………….….………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………….………

Contact email address:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………

Contact telephone:………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………

Clinical Director/Head of Service:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………..

UK Registered Genetic Counsellor nominated by Centre as the person with whom the Genetic Counsellor Training Post Panel (GCTPP) will communicate directly, after the validation process is completed, e.g. with respect to recruitment, appointment and reports on progress etc.)


Date of application:………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………...... ……………………….

(B) Staffing levels (*FT equivalents)

Population served by Centre:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Number* of Registered Genetic Counsellors:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Number* of other genetic counsellors/nurses at band 7 or above (numbers seeking registration):………………….…………………………………………………………………..……

Number* of genetic counsellors at band 6 (e.g. for whom the department has training commitments), and end date of post(s) if fixed term:………………………..

Number* of Consultant Clinical Geneticists:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Number* of Specialist Registrars:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………

Number* of other medical staff: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(C) Criteria for selection as a Training Centre

Please indicate how you feel you can meet each of these criteria. Applicants may be asked to expand upon or clarify this evidence.


Maintaining a high standard of multidisciplinary care within the department (e.g. through clinical case meetings, peer support, mentoring, case review)
Family follow-up services and/or genetic registers
Relationships with relevant patient groups
Outreach clinics
Established lines of communication and collaboration with laboratory services
A multidisciplinary approach to patient care (e.g. multidisciplinary meetings, clinical or educational activities with professionals from other disciplines or specialties)
Established links with other related clinical specialties (e.g. fetal medicine, cancer services and paediatrics)
Participation in clinical audit
Involvement in and contribution to research activities


Clinical supervision.
Please give details of:
·  proposed UK Registered GC mentor(s)
·  whether mentor(s) will be on the same site as trainee genetic counsellor(s)
(If not, please give details)
Counselling supervision
Please give details of
·  type of supervision (individual, group etc.)
·  supervisor
·  frequency
·  source of funding
Journal clubs with clinical application
Access to educational opportunities through departmental seminars and study days
Learning resources including appropriate IT facilities and library resources
Access to training in multidisciplinary teaching
A culture that encourages and supports continuing professional development
Ability to establish an appropriate learning contract with the trainee e.g. to work towards genetic counsellor registration

Please complete and return application to the AGNC Genetic Counsellor Training Panel by email to Judy Tocher ()


Sample Job Description

for trainee genetic counsellor post aimed at completing higher professional training towards registration as genetic counsellor

Job Title: Trainee Genetic Counsellor Grade: Trainee Grade (Agenda for Change Band 6)

Hours: Full time, fixed term for 24 months (or part time equivalent)

Location: Named Trust

Reports to: Named Training Mentor

Accountable to: Head of Service (or as per local arrangements)


·  To gain the requisite clinical and educational opportunities to enable the postholder to obtain registration as a genetic counsellor.

·  To contribute to the provision of a high quality genetic counselling service within (name of Service).

KEY RESPONSIBILITIES (These will vary at different stages of training and according to supervision requirements)

The postholder will:

1.  Participate in drawing up a Learning Contract with their Mentor, within one month of appointment.

2.  Endeavour to meet the learning needs agreed in the Learning Contract, according to the strategies identified, throughout the tenure of the post.

3.  Participate in 6 monthly reviews of their learning progress with their mentor and through written reports to the Training Panel.

4.  See patients and their families in genetic clinics, other clinic settings, and in their own homes.

5.  Take responsibility for his/her own work, subject to the supervision of the named mentor, Genetic Counsellor Manager and the Consultant Clinical Geneticists.

6.  Participate in clinical and counselling supervision as arranged by their mentor.

7.  Contribute to preparation of consultant led genetic clinics to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency as well as continuity of care for families referred. This includes pre-clinic contact by telephone/home visiting, preparation of notes, attendance at clinics and follow-up.

8.  Undertake genetic counselling where the diagnosis has been well established and under the direct supervision of their mentor or other senior genetic counsellor. In these instances, send summary letters to the patients and their doctors.

9.  Participate in (but not to take primary responsibility for) disease specific clinics/genetic family register service, including annual review, genetic counselling for the extended family, home visits, organisation of clinics, other follow up and support.

10.  Arrange relevant prenatal diagnostic tests for genetic patients who inform the department of a pregnancy, ensuring continuity of care through to outcome under the supervision of the mentor.

11.  Confer, where necessary, with their mentor, other senior genetic counsellors, clinical geneticists and laboratory colleagues to assess the appropriateness and range of clinical contact and investigations to be undertaken.

12.  Endeavour to achieve for all families seen a good understanding of the genetic counselling and the best possible adjustment to the presence of genetic disease in their family. Towards this aim, interpreting the genetic facts in a way that is comprehensible to families.

13.  Employ the methods, procedures and approach established within the department but also to aim to improve procedures for the benefit of patients and the service.

14.  Confer, where necessary, with their mentor, other senior genetic counsellors, clinical geneticists and laboratory colleagues to assess the appropriateness and range of clinical contact and investigations to be undertaken.

15.  Undertake an equitable proportion (appropriate to this training post) of the total genetic counsellors’ workload whilst maintaining an appropriate quality of work.

16.  Maintain a full and accurate record of work undertaken (including pedigrees, telephone and home visit reports, correspondence and other notes) in both manual and computerised records and preserve their confidentiality.

17.  Ensure that best possible standards of work are maintained.

18.  Facilitate communication between medical, field working, clerical and laboratory staff within the department to ensure the best possible service to families.

19.  Maintain effective communication with professionals (e.g. medical, nursing, social work) outside the department, both for the benefit of individual families as well as to promote general awareness of the genetic counselling service.

20.  Assist with departmental research.

21.  Contribute to departmental teaching commitments, as appropriate to level of previous teaching experience.

22.  Attend departmental seminars/teaching sessions, and national meetings.

23.  Collate clinical and educational development opportunities towards the portfolio of evidence required for Genetic Counsellor registration.

24.  Prioritise work, particularly assessing the urgency of clinical work.

25.  Participate in internal and external audit procedures.

26.  Undertake any other duties, within the context of this job description and appropriate to the grade of the post, necessary for the changing needs of an effective and efficient patient service.

APPENDIX C1: The Learning Contract: General Information

What is a Learning Contract?

An individualised plan to facilitate identification of relevant learning strategies for the trainee and enable those strategies to be assessed.

What is the purpose of the Learning Contract?

A Learning Contract (LC) is designed to assist both trainees and mentors to:

·  identify the trainee’s learning needs

·  think creatively about ways of addressing those needs

·  formulate an agreed training plan

·  agree on means of assessing how and to what extent the training needs have been met.

The LC should be discussed and documented at the start of the training period. At each assessment it is used to review progress and formulate future training plans.

Where do we start?

The overall focus of the training program is to enable the individual to satisfy the requirements for AGNC registration. As the registration system is based on a set of competencies, it makes sense to use those as a framework for identifying the needs of the trainee. It is very likely that an individual who has been appointed to a training post will already have developed some of the required competencies to a significant extent, but will be able to identify areas where considerable development is still needed.

It is suggested that the trainee and mentor discuss the trainee’s skills in terms of the AGNC competencies to classify competencies into those where some skill is present but consolidation required and those in which the trainee has little or no competence at present. Those areas where there is little or no competence will provide the major focus for discussion of educational input required for this trainee.

What types of educational experience might be appropriate?

Any appropriate strategy that will enable to trainee to develop competence can be used. It is envisaged that strategies will include:

· observation of good clinical practice in clinical genetics

· observation of laboratory practice where appropriate to the work of a genetic counsellor (e.g. so a test can be described to a client or a result interpreted by the counsellor)

· supervised clinical practice with feedback

· informal educational programs (such as journal clubs, case discussion meetings, laboratory/clinical meetings)