19 October 2017

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we approach half term it seems an appropriate time to highlight the next stages of our support for Year 11 students as they approach their GCSEs.

Pre Public Examinations (PPEs)

Year 11 begin their programme of mock examinations on 7 November. Each student will receive an individual copy of their own timetable but we enclose a breakdown of all of the examinations that will be sat during this fortnight.

These examinations serve two purposes. First, it is to provide practice in the examination experience to ensure that students feel familiar and well prepared by the time they reach their finals in the summer. Second, they provide staff with the most specific understanding of where strengths, weaknesses and knowledge gaps exist. The focus in lessons is then adapted accordingly.

The second PPE process takes place in February 2018.

Period Seven

As you will be aware we have begun a programme of additional lessons after school.The offer in autumn term is predominantly in support of subject areas that have coursework to complete.It is imperative that, should a student be told to attend, they must do so. This is to ensure that they have the best chance to manage their workload as the year progresses.

Autumn Term

Monday: Graphics and Product Design

Tuesday: Child Development, Art and Business

Wednesday: Drama and Business

Thursday: Leisure and Tourism, Business

Friday: Food

Revision folders

This past week we have provided every Year 11 student with their own revision folders. These are provided to ensure that every student has a means of storing all their hard copy revision materials such as their record cards. Students should be bringing these home over half term to aid revision. Do ask about them!

Knowledge planners

These planners detail the underpinning knowledge required in each subject area and can be helpful for parents in understanding what their children need to know in each subject area.

These planners can be found on the website by clicking on the following

1.Priory School


3.Exam information

4.Knowledge Planners

Half Term workshop timetable

23rdOct / Tuesday
24thOct / Wednesday
25thOct / Thursday
26thOct / Friday
10-3pm Art with Mr Podyma B6 / 10-2pm Art with Mr Podyma B6 / 10-2pm Art with
Mrs Basham B7 / 10-2pm Food with
Mrs Davies B11
Drama with
Miss GapesDDS

Yours sincerely

Mr Vaughan

Head Teacher