Working Group on Smart Distribution

Volt-VAR Control Task Force


Detroit, MI, USA

Date and Time: Wednesday, July 25, 2011, 1:00 - 3:00PM

Room: Marriott Brule A

Working Group on Smart Distribution

Volt-VAR Control Task Force


Atlanta, GA, USA

Date and Time: Wednesday January 12th 2011 10:00-12:00


Tom Rizy (Chair) welcomed the members.

Approval Of The Minutes Of The Previous Meeting

Minutes from the Working Group meeting in Minneapolis Orlando (Januaryuly 20101) were approved without amendment.


Membership list was passed around for update.The meeting was very well attended, including 30 45 members with cross section of utilities, consultants, manufacturers, and academics.

VVTF Group Business

Review of Vision and Scope of the VVTF: Tom Rizy discussed the Vision, Scope and Objectives of the task force, and reviewed some of the short term and long term challenges for the industry in the area of volt-VAR control.

White Papers on VVO: VVTF is planning to prepare one or more white papers on the subject of volt-VAR control. Avnaesh Jayantilal (Alstom) and Anish Gaikwad (EPRI) offered to prepare initial materials. VVTF members were encouraged to volunteer to write sections of the paper. Possible topics for VVO white papers include

oVolt VAR Control challenges

oPresent volt/VAR control schemes

oUtility projects

oInverter controls

VVO Workshops: VVTF is also seeking to conduct workshops on the topic of VVO; Bob Uluski volunteered to coordinate this effort.

VVTF will address near term challenges such as High Penetration of renewables and Inverter-based DER. In the long term, the VVTF will address Smart Grid issues, Inverter controls, renewables, PHEV, and Energy Storage

VVTF Activities for IEEE PES General Meeting, Detroit, MI, USA; July, 2011

The volt VAR task force (VVTF) is sponsoring one panel session – “Integration of Smart Grid Technology into Volt/Var Optimization” – at this years GM

Proposed Panel Sessions for 2012 IEEE PES General Meeting in San Diego: VVTF will propose at least one panel session on volt var control and optimization for the 2012 GM in San Diego.

Open discussion on Volt-VAR Control

Michael Pehosh questioned if conservation voltage reduction part of the VVTF mission. This was confirmed. Based on show of hands, there is a string interest in that topic

Other VVO-related topics that will be explored include:

  • Integration of volt-var control
  • Impact of distributed energy resources
  • Demand side management for integration of irrigation resources
  • How does end use load behave under voltage reduction
  • Quantifying the benefits of CVR
  • CVR on secondary networks

The topic of single phase controls for distribution capacitors was briefly discussed. Several attendees (including AB Power) confirmed that this is important because distribution systems are unbalanced

Due to time constraints, no roundtable review of VVO activities was conducted. Members are encouraged to submit short descriptions of ongoing smart distribution activities at their companies to the VVTF secretary. These summaries will in turn be published on the SDWG website.

The VVTF-sponsored panels will be held at the General Meeting:

“Benefits and Challenges of Integrated Volt/Var Control”, Nokhum Markushevich

“Achieving Greater VVO Benefits by AMI Implementation”, Wenpeng Luan

“VVC using inverter-based DER”, Tom Rizy

Future VVTF Group Business

Writing a white paper

Exchange information / Techwatch should be done for VVC technologies


Standards VV procedure

Conduct panel and technical sessions

White papers

Hold workshops


Proposed Project Authorization Request (PAR)

Discussion about the Project Authorization Request (PAR): "Recommended Practice for Evaluating Electric Load Response to Conservation Voltage Reduction"

oQuestion: How many people are worried about results versus money spend?


Maybe we should start with a guide!

Only Load reduction or else!

Guide for VVC integration.

reactive CVR is 4 times bigger.

Load response vs Var response

Let’s start with a guide: impact with system response.

White Paper first or Guide.? Dead line? Meetings in between PES?

oMark is going to take the lead of Larry’s PAR.

oLarry Conrad raise the point that the PAR should be very precise

oAdministrative point by John McDaniel: The chair and or the vice chair must be member of the IEEE standard committee (Georges Simard to check if he is)

oVolunteers to support PAR: Mark McM, Georges, Tom Rizy, Bob U, Dan Ward, Tom Gauci (I have Tom Jauch is it an error ?)

After the meeting Cheong Siew asked to help

Round Table Discussion

Francisc Zavoda: VVC impact on voltage sags presented in New Orleans.

Anil Pahwa: Maybe Smart meter should be use as a feed back for VVC

Cheong Siew(BC) : A few Smart meters will report Volt and Var and watts near real time (3-10 seconds). RFP for smart meter issue in September 2010 and still in process. Smart meters 15 minutes average and other one instantaneous value sent one time every 15 minutes.

Questions: Meters and Harmonics? Response just RMS is metered.

Problems with transformers over load and high secondary voltage drop. How do we filter those funny values. Response: fix the problems. VVC uses meters as input in the algorithm. BC will do state estimation with all those measures. Profile will be available thru the meters and usable for the state estimation.

Coincidence load on transformer with all the meter. How much Data? How many meters? Response: Only meters on critical position (1% of the meters, even as less as 0.1 % !)

Issue: Need dynamic analysis (Links between AMI System and DMS). Response: not yet covered.

Bob Saint: CVR skepticism. Concerns from some NRECA members about legal issue about the level voltage that could be below the voltage standard. System voltages are pretty low already. Many comments of VVTF members that real life projects did not encounter any problem. It is even better because real time measurement at the end of feeders is now available as it was not before. Duke will also monitor AMI and AMR meters to validate the voltage level.

Jim Lemke. More secondary drop than what expected, AMI meters will be used to correct situation (once every day analysis). Reading voltage on line capacitor and in substation. Pre-pilot state. Looking for Load flows in real-time. Anticipate effects. Load models is a big issue. Load Model, load allocation are big challenge.

Dan Ward: They found that the voltage is generally lower than what the model compute

(Heidi ?)Pacific Corp: CVR – Pilot – Try to evaluate CVR Gains, looking for guidelines. Locations Economic questions . Only studying CVR for now.

Lee Taylor: VV management system. Full SCADA system circuit. Very interested to found out about more details. Would send some information.

Greg Fran (AFP) will do 80 circuits for automation, AMI and Batteries (8 circuits so far)

General Discussion: Air conditioners are stalling on low voltage, specially during cold load pickup conditions.

Marc Patterson: Some complaints. 240V motors (208 Volts). CVR and storms. Operator wants a switch to turn CVR off is some situations. Add regulator instead ?

John Leonard: PECO (Pensylvania) 1.08 CVR Factor during peek load, plan to reduce energy. Initiate the program. Details available . Issues: Very Hot summer. 4-5% complaints rise. Mostly Commercial costumer. Secondary not adequate. Interest how to handle AMI information.

Technical Presentations

Thefollowing technical presentationswas were made:

  • -Tom Rizy and Nokhum Markushevich made presentations about the status of 1547.8 which is considering local volt/var control along with high penetration PV on distribution systems. Key issue: DER is not allowed to regulate the voltage. IEEE 1547.8 effort is seeking to resolve this matter.
  • “Load Response for voltage Optimization” by whom???. Question was asked: “Question about Circuit and Percent in supplied (are those real measures?) Response will be in the minutesBob Uluski made a brief presentation on EPRI’s Load Modeling for Voltage Optimization effort, which is being coordinated with the VVTF. Major findings will be made available to the VVTF; result details will be restricted to project funders. Load models will support demand prediction as well as energy conservation.

The presentations will be posted on the website.

Other Volt VAR Control related conferences

The list of Volt-VAR related conferences was updated

  • IEEE/PES joint meeting; January 8 - 12, 2012 • Garden Grove (Anaheim), California, USA
  • DistribuTECH 2012, January 24-26, 2012, San Antonio, TX. Includes “Utility University” full day seminar on DA
  • Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2012)
    16-18 January, 2012, Washington D.C., USA
  • 2012 IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference And Exposition (T&D), Orlando, Florida, May 7 May 10 2012
  • 2012 PES General Meeting 22-26 July, 2012, San Diego, CA, USA

The list will be updated on the website as well. Members are solicited to advise the secretary for any upcoming event.

The list of Volt VAR Control related conferences was updated

North America

DistribuTECH 2011, February 1 – 3, 2011, San Diego, CA. Includes “Utility University” full day seminar on DA


The list will be updated on the website as well. Members are solicited to advise the secretary for any upcoming event.


We will plan to next meet at the IEEE/PES joint meeting; January 8 - 12, 2012 • Garden Grove (Anaheim), California, USA.

We will plan to next meet at the IEEE/PES general meeting in Detroit in July 2011.

Smart Distribution Working Group
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