New Oxford Athletic Booster Club
Scholarship Application Cover Sheet
NOABC will award at least two scholarships to deserving students that have successfully combined athletics with academics at New Oxford High School. Scholarship winners will be announced at the NOABC All Sports Banquet on May28, 2014 at the New Oxford Social and Athletic Club Pavilion.
To be eligible for the NOABC Scholarship the applicant must meet the following criteria:
The student has never violated the Athletic Code of Conduct. The student has never quit or been removed from a team unless due to incapacitating illness or injury.
The student must have a Grade Point Average of at least 3.25.
The applicant must be “accepted” by an institute of higher learning or technical school prior to April 17, 2014.
The completed application must be submitted to the High School Guidance office by dismissal on April 17, 2014 in a typed format.
By completing and signing this cover sheet, the applicant certifies that he/she has met the four criteria listed above and answered all questions in a truthful manner.
Student Name ______Circle: Male Female
GPA ______Guidance Counselor Signature ______
Accepted Institution ______
Student Signature ______Date ______
Directions:Please type on the form provided or save the application to your own document to complete the information. Place this Cover Sheet, the information pages (questions 1-8), and the Applicant Appraisal Form in a sealed envelope marked NOABC Scholarship and return it to the Guidance Office by April 17, 2014. Do not include your name on the information pages (questions 1-8) or Applicant Appraisal Formor the application will not be considered. Please direct any questions to Mrs. Joleen Fennell at 633-7813 or . The phrase “During High School” refers to September of the freshman year through April of the senior year. NOABC looks forward to reading your application.
- List the sports played during high school and the grade levels when you participated in each. (Competition Cheerleading is an activity-see #3.)(24 pts. max)
Sporting Activity / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
- Tell the number of quarters that Academic Honor and/or Distinguished Honor Roll was achieved during high school. (15 pts. max)
Honor and/or Distinguished Honors / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12 / NA
- List other high school clubs, organizations, or activities that you have been a member during high school and tell the grade levels when you participated in each. (Rows may be added, however listing specific events that were part of being involved in an activity is unnecessary. Ex. Collecting Food and Christmas Shopping Baby sitting are both events sponsored by Student Council. Please only list Student Council.)(½ pt./activity/grade level)
HS Clubs, Organizations, Activities / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
- List any community organizations or volunteer work you have been associated with during high school and tell the grade levels you participated in each. (Rows may be added.)(½ pt./activity/grade level)
Community Activities / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
- List and explain ways that you have promoted or given back to your sport(s) beyond participating in the sport(s).(2 pts./ justified way and ½ pt/ listed way)
- Write a paragraph that explains how you have shown through your actions that you have successfully combined athletics and academics. For maximum points, provide support for your answer.(4 pts. max)
- Write an essay expressing how participating in athletic programs at New Oxford High School has impacted your life. Tell what you have learned from being a Colonial athlete and how you will apply that knowledge to your future. For maximum points, state your thesis; include 3 details citing ample evidence and a closing.(15 pts. max)
- My parents are members of the New Oxford Athletic Booster Club and/or have volunteered at the concession stand or assisted with fund raisers. Circle yes or no.
(1 pt. max)
New Oxford Athletic Booster Scholarship Applicant Appraisal Form
A high school instructor, counselor, coach, or administrator to enable NOABC in its scholarship selection must complete this document. Please respond to each item and do not use the candidate’s name at any time. Please return the completed form to the applicant. The form can be accessed from the CVSD web site.
The student’s achievements reflect his/her ability
□ extremely well. □very well. □ moderately well.□ not well.
The student is able to combine athletics and academics
□ extremely well. □very well. □ moderately well. □ not well.
The student represents NOHS
□ extremely well. □very well. □ moderately well. □ not well.
The student demonstrates respect for self and others
□ extremely well. □very well. □ moderately well. □ not well.
Without using the student’s name, address evidence of how this candidate balances school and sports, displays leadership qualities, is an active volunteer, and/or is a role model for other students. This narrative may be attached to the form.
Appraiser’s Name ______Title ______
Telephone Number ______E-Mail ______
Appraiser’s Signature ______Date ______