Study Guide

Unit 4 Political Organization

Learning Target 1: Students will understand how space is organized politically (international).

Define Nation -

Define State –

Define Nation State –

Define Multi-State Nation –

Define Multi-Nation State –

Define Stateless Nation -

Can you give actual examples of each in both Europe and the Middle East

Europe Middle East

The Peace of Westphalia

When did most “states” form and in what Realm of the world did that occur.

About How many countries are in the world today.

Define Devolution –

Spatial Devolution –

Irredentism –

Shatterbelt –

Failed State –

Sovereignty -

Learning Target 2: Students will understand how space is organized politically (intranational).

Define – Reapportionment

Gerrymandering – (and why? Is this done) –

List Centripetal forces Centrifugal forces

Contrast Federal Governments Unitary Governments

Learning Target 3: Students will understand how are boundaries established, and why do boundary disputes occur.

What was accomplished at the Berlin Conference?

What was flawed about the boundaries created at the Berlin Conference?

What is the nature of an officially recognized boundary?

What is a geometric boundary?

Define – Allocational boundary dispute –

Define “landlocked State” –

Define Fragmented State –

Additionally, what type of forces and devolution do fragmented states encounter?

Define Buffer States –

Define Enclave –

Learning Target 4 : Students will understand how does the study of geopolitics helps us understand the world.

Summarize Wallerstein’s theory and what force was integral behind its legitimacy?

Summarize Ratzel’s Organic theory.

Summarize Mackinder’s Heartland theory.

Learning Target 5: Students will understand the evolution of statehood and explore the future of the state.

Define Mercantilism -

Define Imperialism –

How was the idea of “state” diffused from its European power source.

Define Supranationalism –

Who are the permanent members of the UN Security Council?

There are a few questions from the Kuby Chapter 13. Review your returned annotations and consider the following.


The importance of the historic split or the Roman Empire

What are the criteria for a state.

The importance of the Ottoman conquest of this region.

Review the ethnicity/state chart.

Define “ethnic cleansing”.

Questions from Kuby Case Study