2014/2015 34

Gaddesby Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall

on Monday, 13th October 2014, commencing at 6.45 pm.

Councillors Present

Mr Gordon Bigam – Chair Mrs Jenny Hurst

Mr Neil Shorrock - Vice-Chair Mrs Pat Walton

Mr Howard Bakewell

Mrs Trudy Toon – Clerk to the Council


Apologies – Apologies were received from County Councillor Mr J T Orson and Borough Councillor Mrs Janet Simpson.

Parishioner/Public Time

There were no parishioners present.

Minutes – Minutes of the previous meeting no’s 2014/2015 29-33, having been circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed.

Matters Arising

  1. Changes to the Local Bus Service 100 – Councillors understood that the changes to the local bus service 100 had yet to be implemented.
  1. Replacement Nameplate : Main Street, Barsby – Councillors were pleased to report that a new Main Street, Barsby nameplate had recently been installed by MBC.
  1. Church Lane, Barsby – Nothing to report.
  1. MBC, Parish Council Liaison Meeting – Councillors Bigam and Bakewell apologised as they were both unable to attend the MBC agenda setting meeting held on Monday, 29th September 2014. The Clerk had emailed MBC to ask if it would be possible for Sir Clive Loader, the Police and Crime Commissioner for the Leicestershire Police to attend the forthcoming MBC/Parish Council Liaison meeting. Carolyn Appleby at MBC had responded via email, which advised that it would not be possible for Sir Clive to speak at the next Parish Council Liaison meeting, but MBC had suggested that a special session Ad Hoc meeting with all the Parishes in the Borough and Sir Clive could possibly take place in February 2015. A copy of the email was circulated to all Councillors.

The Clerk had also asked MBC if an item could be included on the agenda regarding the correct procedure for claiming the Council Tax Support Grant in relation to the Parish Council Precept. Following this request an email explaining the correct procedure had been received from Mr Martyn Bowen of MBC. Mr Bowen explained that the Council Tax Support Grant could be claimed over and above the agreed Parish Precept and that this would not affect the percentage of precept allocated to parishioners.

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Matters Arising Cont.

4. MBC, Parish Council Liaison Meeting cont. – It had been noted, on an email

dated 7th October 2014 from the Melton Rural South Neighbourhood Beat Team,

that the villages of Gaddesby, Barsby and Ashby Folville were not included in the

list of villages covered by the local beat team. It was thought that this may be an

over sight, but the Clerk was asked to email the beat team in order to confirm that

the villages would be included and to ask who the contact beat officer would be.

  1. Gaddesby Children’s Play Area : Play Equipment – The Clerk reported that a quotation had been received from Greyhound Leisure Ltd, this being; £625.00 to make the necessary repairs with two roof panels and £725.00 to make the necessary repairs with one extended long roof panel. These prices being plus VAT. Councillor Bakewell reported that he had received a quotation from Gaddesby carpenter, Nathan Myring, this being; £510.00 to make the necessary repairs with two roof panels and £585.00 to make the necessary repairs with one extended long roof panel. These prices being inclusive of VAT. Councillors agreed to proceed and ask Nathan to carry out the work as he is a local carpenter and his quotation was less expensive than Greyhound Leisure. Councillor Bakewell agreed to liaise with Nathan on behalf of GPC.

Councillor Shorrock apologised but he had yet to draft a version of suitable signage for the Children’s Play Area, but would endeavour to do so as and when time permitted. Further to the RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection Report the Clerk had learnt that a secondary safety support was missing on the new nest swing. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Peter Hacker to draw the matter to his attention and to ask him if it would be possible for the support to be installed.

Perimeter Hedge – The Clerk advised Councillors that a letter had been sent to Mr and Mrs Lockwood on 11th September 2014, asking them to arrange to have the perimeter trees and shrubs trimmed back to their boundary; a response had not been received. The Clerk reported that Borough Councillor Simpson had contacted MBC, on behalf of GPC, to ask for clarification of the legal position of GPC. A copy of the responses from MBC was circulated, via email, to all Councillors. Following discussion, Councillors all agreed, that as a response had not been received from Mr and Mrs Lockwood, a second letter should be sent by recorded delivery. This would then ensure that Mr and Mrs Lockwood officially receive the letter and would give them a second opportunity to respond to GPC with their proposed intensions.

  1. Bench, Ashby Road, Gaddesby – Councillor Walton reported that, after having spoken to Mrs Esme Folwell, she would be pleased for GPC to take on the responsibility for any future maintenance of the bench situated on Ashby Road, Gaddesby, which is in memory of her late husband Mr John Folwell.
  1. Missing ‘Gaddesby’ nameplate/sign – Nothing to report.
  1. Dead Trees, Rearsby Lane, Gaddesby – The Clerk was pleased to report that one of the dead trees situated along Rearsby Lane, Gaddesby had been safely felled by the landowner.
  1. Overgrown Hedge between North Lodge, Ashby Folville and the Old School House, Barsby – The Clerk was pleased to report that Mr Alan Smith of Mill Farm, Gaddesby had trimmed back the section of overgrown hedge between North Lodge, Ashby Folville and the Old School House, Barsby.

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Matters Arising cont.

  1. Overgrown Footway between North Lodge, Ashby Folville and the Old School House, Barsby – The Clerk had emailed LCC, Highways Department to report that the footway between North Lodge, Ashby Folville and the Old School House, Barsby had become overgrown and required mowing and cutting back to its original width.
  1. Village notice board : Park Hill, Gaddesby – Councillor Bakewell reported that he had attached a notice to the Gaddesby village notice board at the top of Park Hill, asking users to use pins not staples when attaching their notices to the board. Councillor Bakewell would attach a notice to the notice board at the bottom of the village, opposite Main Street, Gaddesby, also asking users to use pins not staples when attaching their notices to the board.
  1. ‘Superfast Leicestershire’, Fibre Broadband, Gaddesby – The Clerk had emailed Mr Matthew Kempson, the Broadband Project Manager to ask where thesuperfast fibre broadband cabinet would be located in Gaddesby village. Mr Kempson advised that Openreach would deploy fibre to the cabinet in Gaddesby. Mr Kempson explained that firstly, Openreach would install a new green cabinet outside the telephone exchange building. This is called a PCP and is related to telephony and ADSL Broadband – not fibre. Secondly, a fibre enabled green cabinet (DSLAM) would be build adjacent to this – within 50 metres. This will require a power source and would be connected by fibre. The PCP and the DSLAM would be connected to one another. Mr Kempson went on to advise that in some instances, it may be beneficial if the cabinet is located away from the exchange and maybe within the centre of the village. This is so that all parishioners are able to enjoy the full benefit of the fibre broadband service. A copy of Mr Kempsons email was circulated to all Councillors.


1. Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils – A letter had been received from the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils regarding the recruitment of Parish Councillors. A copy of the letter was circulated to all Councillors. Following discussion Councillors resolved to put a notice in the church newsletter in February/March 2015 to try to encourage parishioners to volunteer to become Parish Councillors. A poster had been received from MBC to advertise open events at the various Council offices in Leicestershire. The poster stated that MBC would be holding open evenings on 11th November 2014 and 13th January 2015 for anyone interested in becoming a Parish Councillor.

2. MBC : Consultation on the Melton Local Plan Issues and Options – 6th October 2014 to 12th January 2015 – A consultation document had been received from MBC regarding the Melton Local Plan Issues and Options. The covering letter advised that the consultation would run from 6th October 2014 to 12th January 2015. The document would be circulated to all Councillors during the course of the next few weeks. The Clerk would then be able to forward any comments to MBC. The document was also available to view on the MBC website.

Correspondence was either emailed or made available to Councillors as necessary.

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Planning Matters

‘For Information Only’

a. The Gables, 24 Main Street, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr Scott Machin, for a Non-Material amendment, for the proposed alteration to the ground floor rear elevation, bi folding doors.

‘For Information Only’

b. White Cottage, 17 Main Street, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr and Mrs B Garley, for a Non-Material amendment, for the proposed repositioning of the off street parking. As concerns had been raised initially regarding the positioning of the proposed two garages and the off street parking, Councillors felt that further information was required in relation to the amendment, therefore, the Clerk was asked to contact MBC for clarification as to where the new location for the off street parking would be.

‘For Information Only’

c. Ivy Cottage, 20 Chapel Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr Gary Fox, for consent to work on trees within a conservation area, for the proposed reduction of two Poplar trees, two Sycamore trees, a row of Conifer trees, a single Conifer tree, four Yew trees and the pruning of two Lime trees.

d. Gaddesby Primary School, Ashby Road, Gaddesby – Application submitted by the Governors of Gaddesby Primary School, for a proposed extension and the remodelling of the existing School, to include four classrooms, toilet facilities and a new Hall. Councillors resolved to support the application.

The Clerk was asked to write to Mr G Nelmes, the Head Teacher at Gaddesby Primary School to advise him that GPC had received and considered the planning application for the School and that we do not have any questions at this stage.

Planning Decisions

a. Land North of Field 4144, Ashby Road, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr and Mrs Harrison for the proposed erection of stables with a new access, has been granted planning permission by MBC.

b. Copper Coin, 3 Cross Street, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mrs Joanna Watson for the proposed crown reduction of one Maple tree has been granted consent to work on trees by MBC.

c. Monday Cottage, 6 Main Street, Barsby – Application submitted by Mr Bob Harris for the proposed removal of three Ash trees, one Horse Chestnut tree and one Blackthorn, has been granted consent to work on trees by MBC.

d. Ivy Cottage, 20 Chapel Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr Gary Fox for the proposed reduction of two Poplar trees, two Sycamore trees, a row of Conifer trees, a single Conifer tree, four Yew trees and the pruning of two Lime trees, has been granted consent to work on trees by MBC.

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Representative Reports

1. Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall – It was understood that the village harvest supper would be held in the Parish Hall on Thursday, 16th October 2014.

2. Barsby Village Hall Green – Councillor Hurst reported that a committee meeting had taken place to discuss and prepare for the forthcoming skittles evening to be held on Saturday, 15th November 2014. Councillor Hurst advised that raffle tickets were available to purchase and that proceeds from the evening would be divided between the Barsby Village Charity and the Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Rutland Air Ambulance.

3. Gaddesby Village Hall – Councillor Bakewell reported that the Village Hall curtains had been cleaned and hung back up and that the problems with the floor were ongoing. Councillor Bakewell went on to report that following the resignation of the cleaner the Village Hall committee were looking for a replacement.


Accounts paid since the last meeting:

Grant Thornton UK LLP – Annual audit fees, year ending 31st March 2014, £100.00 plus 20% VAT £20.00, total £120.00.

Melton Borough Council – RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection, £53.05 plus 20% VAT £10.61, total £63.66.

Accounts for payment:

E.ON UK Plc – Street light energy, ¼ ending 30.09.2014, £213.60 plus 5% VAT £10.68, total £224.28.

E.ON UK Plc – Street light maintenance, ¼ ending 30.09.2014, £182.65 plus 20% VAT £36.53, total £219.18.

The Society of Local Council Clerks – Clerks Membership Renewal 2014/2015, total £101.00.

Trudy.M.Toon – Clerks salary and expenses from 01.07.2014 to 30.09.2014, salary £1,253.20 expenses £101.71, total £1,354.91.

Payments Received:

30.09.2014 – MBC, 2nd precept and Council Tax Support Grant payment for 2014/2015, total £7,250.00.

Estimated Balances:

Barclays Bank Business Reserve Account £14,993.15.

Barclays Bank Community Account £8,886.59.

The latest bank statements were made available for Councillors.

Transfer of Funds:

Councillors agreed that £4,500.00 should be transferred from the Community Account into the Business Reserve Account; the Clerk was asked to carry out this transaction.

Other Business

1. Clerks Remuneration – Councillors asked the Clerk to see if there had been any recent changes to the Clerks Remuneration. The Clerk would look on either the Clerks and Councils Direct website or the Society for Local Council Clerks website.

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Arrangements for the next meeting:

Monday, 10th November 2014, at Gaddesby Village Hall, commencing at 6.45 pm.

The meeting closed at 8.10 pm.
