ParticipantPaid Fees Detail


This report provides details of fees debited from a plan’s participants over a selected period of time. Details provided include fee amounts, fee descriptions, debit dates and assessment period begin/end dates for each applicable fee, as well as participant mailing information to assist with communication efforts. Only User ID’s with access to the entire plan will see this report in their menu on the PSC; User ID’s with access only to a specific division(s)do not have access. Also, data availability per run is limited to a six-month time frame.


  • Excel:Recommended for data sorting and formatting. Additional columns of data are available in this format
  • PDF:Recommended for viewing and printing formatted text and graphics
  • Word:Alternate option for viewing and printing formatted text and graphics


Q: How can I obtain data for an entire plan year if we’re limited to a 6-month time frame?

A: The report is limited to a 6-month time frame per run, so you can obtain an entire year of data by running the report once with a 6-month look-back period using an End Date of 12/31, then a second time with a 6-month look-back period using an End Date of 6/30.

Q: Can I run this report for multiple plans?

A: If you have access to the “Multi Plan” category, you may run this report against some, or all, of the plan numbers to which you have been granted access. Please note that our system will automatically choose a divisional category, if applicable, for each plan as different plans may utilize varying division categories (i.e. – Department, Agency, Division, etc).


  • Plan Number
  • Look-Back Period (in Months)
  • End Date
  • Participant Identifier
  • Sort Order



Plan NumberPlan Number

Plan NamePlan Name


SSN ExtensionSSN Extension

Last NameLast Name

First NameFirst Name

Fee NameFee Name

Statement LabelStatement Label

Date DebitedDate Debited

Amount DebitedAmount Debited

Event ID

Assessment Period Begin Date

Assessment Period End Date

Plan Fee ID

Mailing Name 1

Mailing Name 2

Mailing Name 3

First Line Mailing

Second Line Mailing



