Request for Information – reference [4356]
Thank you for your request which I received on 28 June 2010. You asked for:
1) Please supply information relating to the incidence of attempts
by care providers to evict residents in care homes - that is, care
providers giving residents notice to leave or otherwise attempting
to get them to leave without their involvement in the decision or
against their wishes.
Please indicate the number of cases you are aware of for the last 3
years, also indicating if and how your organisation responded to
the situation, and what was the ultimate result of the situation,
i.e. if and how the situation was resolved.
I have not found any information that fits this description. If you send me further more specific details of the information you want I will look again.
2) Please provide me with the number of instances your council is
aware of where either the regulator or local authority safeguarding
procedures have substantiated allegations of institutional abuse of
a Leonard Cheshire social care service user over the past 3 years.
Further, please provide anonymised information on the alleged
behaviour by Leonard Cheshire resulting in the conclusion.
I have not found any information that fits this description. However, I believe that the local authority in which the relevant Leonard Cheshire service is located may hold the information which you are seeking. You can ask the relevant local authority for the information or I can transfer your request to them, if you provide further specific details about the service you are referring to. Please inform me in writing and provide the additional information requested if you would like me to transfer your request.
If you believe that I have not followed the relevant laws, or you are unhappy with this response, please contact me to request a first stage review. If, after that, you are still not satisfied you may request a second stage review by the Assembly Government. When dealing with any concerns, we will follow the Assembly Government’s Code of Practice on Complaints which is available on the Internet at or by post
Following that, if you are still dissatisfied with the response to your request you will have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 01625 545 745
Fax: 01625 524 510
Also, if you think that there has been maladministration in dealing with your request then you may make a complaint to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales who can be contacted at:
Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
Ffordd yr Hen Gae
CF35 5LJ
Please let me know if this is not an accurate description of the information you have requested.
Yours sincerely
Jonathan Corbett
Assistant Chief Inspector
January 2008

Dear Mr Paulley

Re: Request for Information – reference [4356]

Thank you for your request which I received on 28 June 2010. You asked for:

1) Please supply information relating to the incidence of attempts

by care providers to evict residents in care homes - that is, care

providers giving residents notice to leave or otherwise attempting

to get them to leave without their involvement in the decision or

against their wishes.

Please indicate the number of cases you are aware of for the last 3

years, also indicating if and how your organisation responded to

the situation, and what was the ultimate result of the situation,

i.e. if and how the situation was resolved.

I have not found any information that fits this description. If you send me further more specific details of the information you want I will look again.

2) Please provide me with the number of instances your council is

aware of where either the regulator or local authority safeguarding

procedures have substantiated allegations of institutional abuse of

a Leonard Cheshire social care service user over the past 3 years.

Further, please provide anonymised information on the alleged

behaviour by Leonard Cheshire resulting in the conclusion.

I have not found any information that fits this description. However, I believe that the local authority in which the relevant Leonard Cheshire service is located may hold the information which you are seeking. You can ask the relevant local authority for the information or I can transfer your request to them, if you provide further specific details about the service you are referring to. Please inform me in writing and provide the additional information requested if you would like me to transfer your request.

If you believe that I have not followed the relevant laws, or you are unhappy with this response, please contact me to request a first stage review. If, after that, you are still not satisfied you may request a second stage review by the Assembly Government. When dealing with any concerns, we will follow the Assembly Government’s Code of Practice on Complaints which is available on the Internet at or by post

Following that, if you are still dissatisfied with the response to your request you will have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Tel: 01625 545 745

Fax: 01625 524 510


Also, if you think that there has been maladministration in dealing with your request then you may make a complaint to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales who can be contacted at:

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
Ffordd yr Hen Gae
CF35 5LJ

Please let me know if this is not an accurate description of the information you have requested.

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Corbett

Assistant Chief Inspector

Parc Cathays
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ
Ffôn / Tel: 029 2082 5905
Ffacs / Fax: 029 2082 6912
Ebost / Email: