English Notebook Rubric Name:______

WOW! 25 / Nice! 20 / Almost! 15 / Oops! 10 / Score
Neatness &
Organization / Binder together and clean. All tabs labeled and in the binder correctly. No papers in pockets. Title page is first and correctly labeled. / Binder is somewhat together. Most tabs are labeled. One or two papers in pockets. Title page is first and has most information correct. / Binder is looking rough, has markings, etc. Few tabs are labeled/ missing. Most papers stored in pockets. Title page is first but missing a few things. / No binder Tabs are missing completely or only has 1 or 2. All papers stored in pockets. No title page.
Bell Work / All bell work is in the section. Each bell work has day, date, and assignment. Each is completed fully. / Most bell work is in the section. Most has day, date, and assignment. Most are completed fully. / Only a few assignments are in this section. Few have day, date and assignment labeled. Few are completed fully. / No bell work assignments are included. Few are labeled correctly or completed.
Graded Papers / All graded papers are included in this section and in order as they were assigned. / Most graded papers are included in this section and mostly in order as they were assigned. / Only a few graded papers are included in this section and few are in order as they were assigned. / No graded papers are in this section.
Literature / Each section includes only the papers for that section. All papers are dated and titled. / Each section includes most of the papers. Most papers are dated and titled. / Each section includes a few of the papers. Few papers are dated and titled. / No papers are in one or more of the sections. None are dated and titled.

Total_____/20 Grade:_____

English Notebook Rubric Name:______

WOW! 25 / Nice! 20 / Almost! 15 / Oops! 10 / Score
Neatness &
Organization / Binder together and clean. All tabs labeled and in the binder correctly. No papers in pockets. Title page is first and correctly labeled. / Binder is somewhat together. Most tabs are labeled. One or two papers in pockets. Title page is first and has most information correct. / Binder is looking rough, has markings, etc. Few tabs are labeled/ missing. Most papers stored in pockets. Title page is first but missing a few things. / No binder Tabs are missing completely or only has 1 or 2. All papers stored in pockets. No title page.
Bell Work / All bell work is in the section. Each bell work has day, date, and assignment. Each is completed fully. / Most bell work is in the section. Most has day, date, and assignment. Most are completed fully. / Only a few assignments are in this section. Few have day, date and assignment labeled. Few are completed fully. / No bell work assignments are included. Few are labeled correctly or completed.
Graded Papers / All graded papers are included in this section and in order as they were assigned. / Most graded papers are included in this section and mostly in order as they were assigned. / Only a few graded papers are included in this section and few are in order as they were assigned. / No graded papers are in this section.
Literature / Each section includes only the papers for that section. All papers are dated and titled. / Each section includes most of the papers. Most papers are dated and titled. / Each section includes a few of the papers. Few papers are dated and titled. / No papers are in one or more of the sections. None are dated and titled.

Total_____/20 Grade:_____