The Washington Crossing Foundation was chartered in 1964, as a nonprofit

corporation for the purpose of promoting a greater appreciation

of the significance, courage and patriotism of George Washington and

his leadership throughout the American Revolution. The dedication and

courage which inspired his historic crossing of the Delaware and subsequent

victories at Trenton and Princeton, New Jersey, and eventually at

Yorktown, Virginia, are as important today as they were in 1776.

During the years since the work of the Foundation began, we have

remained steadfast in our purpose and have seen a resurgence of interest

in acquiring accurate and inspiring information about historical figures.

The principal beneficiaries of the Foundation’s programs are the nation’s

schoolchildren. In our important scholarship program, the Foundation

has awarded grants of from $500 to $10,000 to several hundred high

school seniors from across the United States who are planning a career

in government service and show particular interest in moral courage,

character and duty to state and country. The Foundation has awarded

more than one million dollars to help these students pursue their goals.

The Washington Crossing Foundation believes that its work is more

important today than any time since its founding. Once again we are

experiencing “times that try Men’s souls”, as Thomas Paine so eloquently

said during our initial struggle for liberty. We must never lose sight of

the sacrifice, the hardship, the suffering and the dedication which made

this nation survive. We should be proud of our heritage and forever

grateful to the courageous men and women who gave us the greatest

gift possible - Freedom. The Foundation does not exist to change history,

but instead to honor it. One of the founders of the Foundation, author/historian

Ann Hawkes Hutton, has said that “history is yesterday’s fact,

which understood today, will shape tomorrow”.

If you ask the question, “What does America mean to me?”, the members

of the Foundation would reply: We teach how our nation began; we

encourage and assist young people to take their places in our nation’s

public service, and we look to the future. We introduce the knowledge

of our American heritage to the students of our nation so that they will

value its meaning and draw upon its strength.

In the famous painting of “Washington Crossing the Delaware” by

Emanuel Leutze, owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the fears

and answering courage of Washington and his men are etched in the faces

of those in the boats who are about to undertake the bold

crossing of the Delaware on Christmas night 1776. The

authorized copy of this painting, a magnificent 12’ by 21’

oil painting by renowned artist Robert Bruce Williams of

Washington, D.C., is owned by the Washington Crossing

Foundation. The Foundation put this inspiring painting

on a national tour, first to the Indiana War Memorials

Museum in Indianapolis, Indiana, where it was welcomed

by county commissioners, military generals, visitors

and students from Indiana schools. It was also seen by

many thousands in California, where it was displayed

with important historical artifacts at the California Naval

Facility in Monterey. The painting was in place for a

special patriotic Fourth of July concert for four thousand

people to view. During its five year stay at the New

Jersey State Capitol Complex, the painting was viewed

by 900,000 vistors. It continues to tour the country to remind all who see

it of the kind of patriotism that Washington exhibited in his “Farewell

Address”. “The name of American, which belongs to you, in your national

capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism”... Such loyalty

and love of country are needed now as much - perhaps more - than in

the days of Washington.

That is just what we seek, and find, in the students who benefit from our

scholarship program. Winners have come from all 50 states and from

all walks of life. Foundation scholars have gone on to win prestigious

Rhodes, Marshall and Truman scholarships. Many Washington Crossing

Scholars have already established themselves in government service. One

has been clerk to the Chief Justice of the United States, one a staff member

of the International Court of Justice, the Hague, and another a member of

the personal staff of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. From

a National Park Service silviculturalist to Military officers, from a New

England town manager to a foreign service officer, from a professor of

international relations to a United Nations official, from a Texas high

school teacher to a Florida public prosecutor and a former member of

the White House support staff, across the nation, Washington Crossing

Scholars are perpetuating the ideals of 1776 to secure the future.