Historical Commission November 9, 2015

City Hall Annex – 4th Floor Conference Room

Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm


Commissioners: Co-chair Olivia Mausel, co-chair Joseph Paul, Paola Ferrario, Alexandra Puffer, James Sheehan, Frances Welson

Associate Commissioners: Dan Fitzpatrick, Jean Jonker

Public: Chair of Planning Board Mimi Panitch, Glenn Sullivan

Commissioner Joe Paul motioned to open the meeting

Commissioner Sheehan seconded

All were in favor

Discussion of possible changes demolition delay ordinance

Looking to other communities to examine their processes was suggested.

The topic of the Clearance Review Committee was discussed and the Historical Commission is unclear of their role.

The topic of definitions and language on the demolition delay application was discussed.

It was agreed to wait on re-examining the demolition delay ordinance until Commissioner Intiya Isaza-Figuerora and all commissioners are present.

Commissioner Joe Paul volunteered to look into other city’s ordinances.

Commissioner Ferrario volunteered to find out more about the Clearance Review Committee.

Commissioner Mausel is going to find out how long a hearing can be open for.

Mimi Panitch left the meeting at 7:20 pm.

Discussion of previous meetings minutes from October 19, 2015

Commissioner Mausel asked for a motion to accept the minutes 10/19.

Commissioner Sheehan motioned to approve the meetings as amended.

Commissioner Puffer seconded the motion.

Discussion of previous meetings minutes from September 29, 2015

Commissioner Sheehan motioned to wait for Commissioner Intiya Isaza-Figueroa to be present to approve the minutes from this meeting.

Commissioner Paul seconded the motion.

Discussion of previous meetings minutes from September 16, 2015

Commissioner Paul suggests that the Historical Commission record its meetings.

Commissioner Puffer will reach out to City Clerk Brenna McGee to learn more about how minutes are kept with other groups.

Discussion of previous meetings minutes from August 12, 2015

Commissioner Paul motioned to approve the minutes as amended.

Commissioner Welson seconded the motion.

All in favor.

Brief discussion of Commissioner Ferrario’s appointment.

Brief discussion of the Historical Commission marching in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade.

Discussion of intern from Job Corp

Commissioner Mausel included the job description of the commission’s new intern Intern is Dahinarra Anselmo. Her hours are Thursday 9-11 am.

Discussion of 246 Lyman Street Rehabilitation Project

Commissioner Paul and Commissioner Mausel toured the property with Dean Tech Director, Robert Archibaugh and students and instructor from Dean Tech. They seemed interested in getting involved with the project at a later time.

Community development may have block grants that could be used for the property. Commissioner Mausel will follow up on this with the rest of the commission as more information becomes available.

Commissioners Mausel and Paul met with school receiver Dr. Zrike’s chief of staff, Stephanie Dabolos, who stated that there are funds for the Historical Commission to include students from the Connections after school program in Historical Commission activities.

Commissioner Paul is going to do research to find another community that has done a similar project with a home.

Discussion of Inventory Workshop

Discussion of website and Facebook page

Commissioner Puffer suggested developing Facebook page guidelines.

Associate Jonker stated at on May 2, 2017 Mr. Elizur Holyoke would turn 400 years old. She suggests The Historical Commission may consider beginning to plan something to celebrate this.

Associate Jonker stated she is looking for more help in creating a grant to put the ForestdaleCemetery on the National Registry. She presented her findings about Civil War veterans buried there. Commissioner Paul and Commissioner Ferrario have volunteered to help.

Commissioner Mausel passed around a letter from civil engineers from Past Presidents Committee, about holding next year’s BSCES infrastructure day in Holyoke. More information will be available in coming weeks.

Commissioner Paul motioned to adjourn the meeting.

Commissioner Sheehan seconded the motion.

All in favor.

Meeting ended at 8:45 pm

Respectfully submitted by Commissioner Alexandra Puffer