Autumn 1 / Autumn 2
Traditional stories / Toys
Writing to Entertain / Writing to Inform / Writing to Entertain / Writing to Inform
The Three Little Pigs
  • Retelling and character descriptions
/ The three little pigs
  • Instructions
/ This is the Bear by Sarah Hoyes
  • Retelling and Innovation
/ This is the Bear by Sarah Hoyes
  • Instructions ( persuasion) adverts to sell a toy
  • comparison of old and new.

Mostly uses simple sentence structure / Mostly uses simple sentence structure / Mostly uses simple sentence structure and beginning to join words using and / Mostly uses simple sentence structure and beginning to join words using and
Mostly leaves spaces between words
capital letters and full stops / Mostly leaves spaces between words
capital letters and full stops / Mostly leaves spaces between words
capital letters and full stops / Uses capital letters for names of people
Beginning to punctuate single sentences with a question mark
Can orally retell a familiar story including all the main points and in chronological order / Beginning to say out loud what they are going to write about including some of the main points
demonstrates the ability to sequence. / Structure their own writing using ‘scaffolds’ e.g. draw their own story map, time line, story mountain, pictures – demonstrates the ability to sequence. / Compose sentences orally before writing them
Usually uses words and phrases appropriate to task and topic( repetitive story language) / Usually uses words and phrases appropriate to task and topic( repetitive story language) / Usually uses words and phrases appropriate to task and topic ( repetitive story language) / Usually uses simple adjectives in labels, captions and sentences
1 week intensive unit / Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry) / Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry) / Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry)
Sentence structure / Punctuation / Text Structure / Composition and Effect
Spring 1 / Spring 2
Meerkats / Florence Nightingale
Writing to Entertain / Writing to Inform / Writing to Entertain / Writing to Inform
Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
  • Postcards
/ Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
  • Non chron reports
  • Lists
  • facts
/ Florence Nightingale non chron report or story
  • Character description
  • Diary entries
/ Florence Nightingale non chron report or story
Sentence openers include some variation / Mostly uses simple sentence structure and beginning to join words using and / Uses the coordinatingconjunction ‘and’ to join clauses
Uses a capital letter for names of places and days of the week / Beginning to use bullet points to list words/ideas
Beginning to punctuate single sentences with a question mark / Uses capital letters for names of people
Able to write relevant sentences under given subheadings / Writes relevant ideas and most are linked chronologically
Usually uses simple adjectives in labels, captions and sentences / Usually uses simple adjectives in labels, captions and sentences / Usually uses simple adjectives in labels, captions and sentences
Poetry- 1 week intensive unit / Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry) / Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry) / Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry)
Sentence structure / Punctuation / Text Structure / Composition and Effect
Summer 1 / Summer 2
Flying Machines / School Twinning
Writing to Entertain / Writing to Inform / Writing to Entertain / Writing to Inform
The way by home by Oliver Jeffers
  • Comic strips
  • Innovated story
/ The way by home by Oliver Jeffers
  • Recount ( of visit)
  • instructions
/ The window by Jeanie Baker
  • setting description
/ The window by Jeanie Baker
  • Non- chron report- local area

Sentence openers include some variation / Uses the coordinatingconjunction ‘and’ to join clauses to create compound sentences / Uses the coordinatingconjunction ‘and’ to join clauses to create compound sentences / Sentence openers include some variation
Beginning to punctuate single sentences with exclamation mark / Beginning to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark / punctuate single sentences with question mark
Writes sequenced sentences to form a short narrative / Writes relevant ideas and most are linked chronologically
Mostly uses words and phrases appropriate to task and topic ( time connectives) / Writes sequenced sentences to form a short narrative / Able to write relevant sentences under given subheadings
Mostly uses simple adjectives sentences / Mostly uses simple adjectives sentences / Mostly uses simple adjectives in labels, captions and sentences
Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry) / Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry) / Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry) / Poetry ongoing ( videos, poems to learn, performance poetry)
Sentence structure / Punctuation / Text Structure / Composition and Effect