Trinity Lutheran Church

106 W. Penn Street, Bedford, PA 15522

Office Hours: Monday-Friday; 9:00 am-5:00 pm

phone: (814) 623-8813 Fax: (814) 623-1361


June 20, 2010

(+ = Times of Corporate Worship)

This Week

Sunday (20) + Pentecost 4 ~ Eucharists: 8:30 & 10:00 am

... Coffee & Fellowship Time will resume in September

... Sunday School & Adult Forum will resume in September

Monday (21) Salvation Army’s Bedford Service Unit Board Meeting: 5:15 pm

Tuesday (22) ... Matins & Bible Study will resume in September

... Faith & Fun Club After-School Ministry will resume in September

Free Community Dinner (St. John’s UCC): 5:30 pm

Wednesday (23) ... Evening Vespers & Choir Rehearsals will resume in September

Next Week…

Sunday (27) + Pentecost 5 ~ Eucharists: 8:30 & 10:00 am

... Coffee & Fellowship Time will resume in September

... Sunday School & Adult Forum will resume in September

Tuesday (29) ... Matins & Bible Study will resume in September

... Faith & Fun Club After-School Ministry will resume in September

Free Community Dinner (St. Thomas RC): 5:30 pm

Wednesday (30) ... Evening Vespers & Choir Rehearsals will resume in September

X Summer Worship Schedule X

Liturgies at 8:30 and 10:00 am

Sunday School and Adult Forum on Summer Recess

Abbreviated Eucharists:

1st Sunday of Each Month in Trinity Hall ~ 11:30 am

Growing Years Child Day Care Ministry at Trinity

Administered by Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries

Monday through Friday, 6:30 am-5:30 pm

For More Information & Registration Details call 623-2096

Free Community Dinner Notes...

Every Tuesday ~ Serving from 5:30-6:30 pm

... Ministering to the needs of our community, Trinity is working with our neighboring churches to provide a “Free Community Dinner” to those who appreciate the support. Dinner is served, every Tuesday, at Trinity.

… St. John’s UCC will be providing and serving the meal on June 22.

Worship & Music Ministries

“Musicians” are invited to share Special Music at Summer Sunday Liturgies...

Over the summer months, parishioners are invited to share in worship by providing special music, in place of our choirs, as an offering to God. Susan Casteel is coordinating the weekly schedule and invites anyone interested in scheduling a Sunday to see her to discuss available dates and options... instrumentals or vocals, solos or groups.

Abbreviated Eucharist...

Sunday, July 4; 11:30 am

... These liturgies are intended to welcome those whose physical limitations restrict their participation in the fuller liturgies of the morning. We gather in Trinity Hall.

... While we’re on our Summer Schedule, we’ll gather the first Sunday of each month at 11:30 am.

Learning & Fellowship Ministries

Trinity Book Clubs ~ Please Pass the Word and Join Us!

... “Thanks”, to Pat Macchiarolo, coordinator.

Afternoon Group’s Next Gathering…

Tuesday, July 6, 1:30 pm, at Hebrews. The group will discuss “The Faith Club” by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner.

Evening Group’s Next Gathering...

Monday, July 12; 6:15 pm, in the Senior High Classroom. The group will discuss “Can’t Wait To Get To Heaven” by Fannie Flagg.

Church Council & Ministry Teams & Notes...

2010 Church Council... “Thanks!” to the parishioners who are sharing their time and giving leadership to our ministries this year as Council Members and Committee & Ministry Team Coordinators! Please join and support them in their efforts!

... Officers: President: Marlene Claycomb, Vice President: Barbara Dikum, Secretary: Lisa Hagenbuch, and Treasurer: Erick Seager

... Ministry Team Leadership: Worship Ministries: Connie Claycomb & Ron Scott, Children & Youth Ministries: Barbara Dikum & Jill Aaronson, Adult & All Parish Ministries: Lisa Hagenbuch & Brenda Jennings, Outreach Ministries: Michelle Plush & Mike Macchiarolo, Property Team: Chris Turner & Dave Betts, and Stewardship & Finance: Beth Hullihen & Erick Seager.

... “THANKS” to all parishioners who serve on the various ministry teams of the Parish for the time and devotion you commit to guiding and supporting the ministries of our Church!

... If you would like to serve in some specific area, please contact the appropriate coordinator(s) and plan to join the team at an upcoming meeting.

Outreach Ministries

Come Meet our Missionary and enjoy a Covered-Dish Dinner!

Sunday evening, July 11; 6:00 pm

... All the way from Madagascar, we have the honor of hosting an evening with Barbara Hinderlie, our ELCA Missionary, who will be with us to share stories of her missionary work and enjoy a meal with us. All parishioners, young and old, are encouraged to attend and hear how our support is playing such an awesome role in the spread of the Gospel!

... Fried-chicken, drinks, place-settings, and brownie-sundae desserts will be provided by our Outreach Ministry Team. Those attending are asked to bring side-dishes to share. We’ll be gathering in the Social Room.

... There’s a sign up sheet in Trinity Hall for those planning to attend.

“Meals to Heal” ~ A New Outreach Ministry...

... “Meals to Heal” Ministry Team met this past week and is ready to go! We’ll be visiting and sharing a meal with parishioners within a day or two of discharge from in-patient hospitalizations and/or rehab experiences.

... “Thanks!”... to the following teams: Mike & Pat Macchiarolo & Michelle Plush; Marlene Claycomb & Barb Short; Janelle Lowe & Brenda Jennings; Barb Debski & Beverly Landis.

Africa Jam

June’s Special Ministry Highlight & Appeal

... “Africa Jam” is a ministry which provides hope, unity, and community to more than 10,000 young people in Cape Town, Africa using innovative social upliftment, faith enrichment and arts and education projects. “Africa Jam” offers a wide range of programs and services, including safe after-school programs, enriching camp experiences, HIV/AIDS education, and Christian fellowship and spiritual development. Through knowledge, life skills, and opportunities to develop their God-given talents, young people become more confident individuals who are able to give back and strengthen their communities.

... “Africa Jam” is also being highlighted as part of this Summer’s Vacation Bible School experience, and offerings from the Bible School as well as our special offerings will be shared with this ministry.

... Please use a special envelope to share your offering for this unique ministry sometime during the month of June. Please make checks payable to “Trinity” and note “Africa Jam” on the memo line.

Bedford Food Outreach

Distribution Day: Friday, July 16, 2010; 9: 30-11:30 am

... The upcoming distribution will be held at the Bedford Church of the Brethren, along Donahoe Manor Road.

... Contact Dan Kerr (623-6384) to learn how you can get involved.

Over the next few months, please share any of the following items with local, needy families through the Ministry of “Bedford Food Outreach”:

(Please bring to the Collection Area in the Narthex)...

+ Boxed Mac & Cheese + Canned Soups + Peanut Butter &/or Jelly + Spaghetti &/or Sauce + Skillet Dinners + Breakfast Cereals

+ Canned Tuna + Canned Vegetables + Canned Fruit

Other Notes...

Thanks, Thanks, and Thanks, again, to:

... Everyone who pitched in to help replant our front gardens: Mary Ann Martz (project coordinator), Lisa Hagenbuch, Dan Kerr, Rosie Leppert, Bill Martz, Jim & Linda McElroy, Katie Short, Mike Short, Rick Smith, and Chris Turner.

... All our “Baobab” Bible School Leaders: Mary Jo Casalena, Amanda Casteel, Lisa Cessna, Michele Davidson, Babraba Dikum, Sheri Dowey, Lori Dunkle, Stacey Feaster, Masha Foor, Amy Higgins, Brenda Jennings, Bev Landis, Josh & Stephanie Leibfreid, Rosie Leppert, Miriam Peck, Sue Prescott, Pat Macchiarolo, Don & Judy Replogle, Katie Short, and Kelsey Short, and our Coordinator, Jill Aaronson!

... Our “Baobab” Bible School Nightly Dinner Coordinators: Lisa Hagenbuch, Brenda Beegle, Betsy Littlefield, Marlene Seese, and Barb Short, and everyone who supported them and helped prepare and serve the meals.

Renovation-Mortgage Finance Notes

Update ~ “Phase 3 ~ Mortgage Elimination”...

... We are all benefiting from the improvements made to our facilities as part of the 2004 Building Renovation Project. The Elevator, handicapped accessible restrooms, and much needed space enhance our ministries every day! The financial support which parishioners and friends have shared has been marked by generosity, when we consider where we are today, in light of the $975,000+ project.

... Please join the ranks of those who have made pledges and continue to share special donations as we move toward the completion of these financial responsibilities...

... As of June 18, 2010

Total Project Cost ~ $ 975,000+

Phase 3 ~ $$ Goal (to retire mortgage by 12/31/2010): $ 325,000

3 Year Pledged Commitments and Donations Received (-): $ 207,032 (63%)

Remaining Need to Reach Goal: $ 117,968

Volunteers to Water Flowers over the Summer....

A schedule to water the flowers around the church over the summer months is posted in Trinity Hall. Individuals are invited to sign up for a week at a time. You are asked to water the flowers several times per week during hot/dry weather.

“Simply Giving”...

The Stewardship & Finance Ministry Team remind you of the opportunity to use “Simply Giving”, an automated, convenient, and flexible way to share your offerings with the ministries of Trinity. Please check with the Church Office to learn more about this stewardship resource and learn how to take advantage of its simplicity!

Highlights from the Church Council Meeting of June 10...

... 12 Council Members present and 1 excused with prior notice

... The Treasurer’s Report noted Offerings to Regular Parish Ministries through May 31 of $109,630.78 and expenses of $107,446.03, with a 5/31 balance of $2,184.75.

... All Ministry Teams met since the previous meeting, and shared reports. Highlights included:

... Outreach Ministry: Great response to the Inquirer’s Dinner of 5/17, “Meals to Heal” Ministry (visits & meals to parishioners upon hospital discharge) is being explored, another congregation has joined the “Free Community Dinner” ecumenical partnership, presented a proposal to share a grant in the amount of $300 with the Shawnee Area Camping Ministry (which passed)

... Parish Musicians: positive responses to the recent “Easter Cantata”, plans being made for revamping choir schedules in light of changes to organists’ schedules this fall.

... Adult & All-Parish Ministries: Various Fellowship Ministry Groups continue to meet, plans to develop “5th Sunday Pot-Lucks” which will invite parishioners to a casual fellowship meal each time there is a 5th Sunday in the month (beginning August 29).

... Property Ministry: Addressing issues of lighting for the steeple and repairs to some of the interior structure, Recent Work Days and Garden Renovation Events have been occurring (thanks for the support of various parishioners!), transferred our elevator service contract from Eastern Elevator to Schindler for better diagnostic capabilities to create more dependability and fewer service calls.

... Finance Stewardship Ministry: Audit of 2009 Accounts completed, IRS tax withholding matters are nearing completion (in our favor), exploring options for dealing with any balance remaining on the mortgage at the completion of “Phase 3” this winter.

... Children & Youth Ministries: Confirmation Ministry Update includes plans for 7 youth for Confirmation this fall (with Bp Gregory on November 21), Vacation Bible School, “Baobab” all set for 5 nights the week of June 13, Sunday School and Faith & Fun concluded late May and will resume in September, noted Sunday Morning Visits by SCS children to local parishioners as a great experience for all concerned, Sunday Nursery will be discontinued and families invited to use Trinity Hall, Youth Summer Day Trip to Knoebels planned for June 11.

... Worship Ministry Team: Transportation Ministry considering purchase of a van and exploring possible parking options for winter months, Reviewed notes form the Musicians meeting and upcoming liturgy schedule; Greeters, Ushers, Lectors, Acolyte, Altar Guild Ministries running smoothly, exploring the design of a “Shepherding Ministry” to identify and assist new-comers who come to Sunday liturgies.

... Executive Committee: Reviewed all Ministry Team Reports and highlighted items for action by Church Council, reviewing and updating Job Descriptions for employees, continued reflection on the revision to Trinity’s Mission Statement for Council consideration, reviewed report from Ad Hoc committee re: concerns presented at the 2009 Annual Congregation Meeting and recommended report for adoption by Council.

... Pastor’s Report:: acknowledged and thanked Musicians, Choir Members, Council Members, and those who serve on various ministry Teams for their diligence over these past months, Updated on Ecumenical Ventures, including BHS ’10 Baccalaureate, Lenten Luncheons, Free Community Dinners, Bedford Anglican Fellowship; shared reflections on the impact of the ELCA’s actions re: sexuality on local, synodical, national, and ecumenical witness, Vicar Tormod Svensson officially begins internship through Gettysburg Seminary on July 1 (members of Internship Committee affirmed).

Daily Devotions

Resources for Daily Devotions are Available in Trinity Hall...

... “Portals of Prayer” (Daily Devotions for Adults ~ regular and large print)

... “Davey & Goliath’s Devotions” (Daily Devotions for families with Children)

... Please visit for daily devotions. While at this site, you can register for daily devotions to be emailed to you.

... Daily Devotions... Parishioners are encouraged to engage the Scriptures as a regular part of their daily routines. There are various printed resources in Trinity Hall (for adults and families) and even more “on-line” (check out to guide you in this Spiritual Discipline.

Bible Readings ~ as we prepare to Worship...

Parishioners are encouraged to prepare for worship by reading and spending time in reflection on the Scriptures which will be read at the Sunday Liturgy...

... Readings for Sunday, June 27 ~ Pentecost 5: 1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21; Psalm 16;

Galatians 5:1, 13-18; Luke 9:51-62

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Worship Attendance & Offerings

This Past Week ~ through June 18, 2010