History of Quantum Theory [Ch. 1]

- Planck and Thermal [Blackbody] Radiation

- Einstein and the Photoelectric Effect:

- Bohr and Atomic Spectral Line Emissions

- De Broglie and Matter Waves:

- Brief Intro to Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory

Classical Hamiltonian Mechanics [Ch. 2]

- Abstraction Level Map:

Hamiltonians à Differential Equations of Motion à Functions à Variables à Number Predictions

- Hamiltonian:

- Poisson Bracket Properties:

- Hamilton’s Equation:

- Conservation of Quantities: f conserved if - ie Energy conserved if

- Classical Representation:

Quantum Hamiltonian Mechanics [Ch. 3]

- Hamiltonian:

- Poisson Bracket Properties: (same as above, only with hats)

- Commutator:

- Difference in Q.M.: instead of

- Canonical Commutation Relations:

- Hamilton’s Equation of Motion:

- Heisenberg Equation of Motion:

- Observables (Hermitian):

- Example - Matrix Representation:

- Raising/Lowering Operators:

- Free Particle Solutions:

Hilbert Spaces & Dirac Notation [Ch. 3]

- Complex Vector Space: H :

- Dirac Notation: “ket” vectors H & “bra” maps H *

- Hermitian Conjugate: H H *

- Inner Product: H :

with equality iff

- Unitary/Pre-Hilbert Space: - complex vector space + inner product defined

- Norm & Normalization:

- Distance:

- Hilbert Space: - pre-hilbert space + all vectors have a finite norm

- Hilbert Basis: s.t. H

- Separable Hilbert Space: - hilbert bases are countable

- Vector Coefficients of a State:

- Wave Function of a State:

- Resolution of the Identity:

- Observable Expression:

- Domain of an Observable: H so that H

- Expectation Value:

- Uncertainty:

- Uncertainty Relations:

- Position/Momentum:

- Energy/Time:

Time Evolution of Quantum Systems [Ch. 4]

- Ehrenfest Theorem: QM EOM = CM EOM iff is a polynomial in x & p of degree 2

- Time-Evolution Operator:

- Time Evolution of Observables:

- Calculating: - no t-dependence:

- with t-dependence: for T = time-orderer

- Unitary Property:

- Pictures of Time Evolution:

- Heisenberg Picture: As above, given , solve for & find all

- Schrödinger Picture:

for no t-dep.

- Dirac Picture:

Eigenspaces & Continuous Bases

- Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors: & system in for

- Compatible Observables: max # in system = 3N

- State Collapse

- Observable/Symmetric Operator:

- Sharp Observable/Self-Adjoint: diagonalizable, eigenvectors Hilbert basis

- Continuous Eigenbasis: such that


- Wave Function of a State:

- Identity Map:

- Observable Expression:

- Inner Product:

- Position Eigenbasis:

- Matrix Elements:

- Operators:

- Schrödinger Equation:

- Momentum Eigenbasis:

- Matrix Elements:

- Operators:

- Change of Basis between Position & Momentum:

Probability & Feynman Path Integrals

- Green’s Functions:

- Green’s Method: with

- Binary/Projective Observable:

- Example: If , then

- Probability Amplitude: for finding state at time t1

- Continuous Base Prob.: If , then

- Connection:

- Unobserved Probability: Probability amplitudes obey standard sum & product rules for events.

- Lagrangian:

- Feynman Path Integral:



- Mixed State: for Hilbert basis

- Pure State:

- von Neumann Entropy: = “degree of ignorance”

- Decoherence: Maximization of

- Heat Bath:

- Tensor Product of Hilbert Spaces: H (C) = H (A) H (B)

- Vectors: All linear combos of H (A), H (B)

- Rules:

- Basis & Identity:

- Operators:

- Partial Trace:

- Unentangled Distinguishable Systems:

- Entangled Systems:

- Boson: H where

- Fermion: H where

Angular Momentum & Spin

- Translation Operator:

- Invariance: If and then is conserved

- Rotation Operator:

- Cyclic Tensor: for (ijk)=(123)…; -1 for (ijk)=(321)…; 0 otherwise

- Angular Momentum CCRs:

- Commuting Pair:

- Eigenvalues: where for

where for

- Boson:

- Fermion:

- Orbital Angular Mom.:

- Spin Angular Mom.: H (tot) = H (orb) H (spin)

- Electrons, Nucleons, etc: ,

Philosophy of Probabilistic Nature

- Hidden Variables: Can system be described completely by

- EPR Hypothesis: such that (disproven by Bell)

- Nonlocality Generalization

-- Ryan Newson, F2004