Moving is one of the most stressful times in the life of a family. Many important tasks can be easily overlooked. I’d like to share with you a moving timeline and checklist to help make your move easier.

One month before you move…

Clean out your closets, attic, and basement. Discard anything that you no longer use or need. If you have a large number of these items, consider having a garage sale or donating them to charity.

Notify the post office of your change of address. You can also notify magazine publishers by calling OneSwitch, toll free at 888-465-0408 on Monday through Saturday 9 am to 10 pm EST.

Notify all regularly scheduled services such as security companies, lawn maintenance providers and trash services.

Check your homeowners insurance policy to see if you can apply an existing payment to the policy for your new residence.

Notify your child’s school so that records may be transferred to his/her new school.

Transfer or cancel your memberships in any local area clubs or organizations.

Two weeks before you move…

Notify the utility companies of your move and confirm the dates to discontinue services. Contact the utility companies at your new location to confirm start dates for services.

Ask your current physician for a referral in your new area. Arrange for transfer of all medical records that pertain to your family and make copies of your prescription information.

One week before you move…

Make sure lawn mowers, weed eaters, chain saws, snow blowers and other gas-powered tools are completely drained of gas and oil.

Pack linens in a dresser for easy access on your first night in your new home.

Pack a box with essentials that you will require on your last day in your old home and on your first day in your new one. This box of essentials should be loaded last in the moving truck, or set aside to be put into your vehicle so that you will know where it is upon arrival.

On the day before your move…

Label each carton with the room it should go to in your new home.

Make sure fragile items are given special attention and are packed properly.

Make sure all keys are available for moving day, including mail box, front gate, back gate, parking access, and outdoor buildings.

Defrost your refrigerator and freezer.

On moving day…

Take photos of your furnishings in case of damage during the move.

Before the truck departs, make a complete check of all rooms in your house.

Verify the destination address with the driver, and provide a phone number where you can be reached at all times.

Before leaving, turn off the water heater and thermostat.

I hope that these tips have been helpful in reminding you of important things that can be overlooked in the process of moving to your new home. Best wishes!