News from Mrs. Fuhrman’s Class

September 9, 2016


News from Mrs. Fuhrman’s Class

September 9, 2016



We are off to a great start here in fifth grade! The students have been quick to learn the new routine, and it’s been so fun getting to know your children.


We are excited to be in our second year of our excellent reading series. Tests in Reading, Language Arts, and Spelling will be on the Chromebooks. There is a program the students can access called Spelling City, which has all the lists and many opportunities to practice spelling words. This will be shown to the students next week.


Library will be on Tuesday this year for Mrs. Fuhrman’s reading class, Wednesday for Mrs. Gruber’s, and on Thursday for Mrs. Talberg’s group. Students will also be able to check out books from my personal classroom library. Classroom goals for Reading Counts points have been set at 45 points for this first quarter.


Our focus for the beginning of the year is place value through billions. We looked at different ways of writing these large numbers. Next week my math class will have our first math test on Chapter 1 on Thursday.


We are starting off the year talking about cycles in nature. These concepts will be tested on Thursday or Friday of next week. Notes to study from will be sent home Monday. It’s a great idea for students to spend just a few minutes a night looking over notes a few days before any test.


We started out our social studies program with a review of the continents, oceans, and political leaders in our world.


A Parent Information Night for students interested in joining band will beWednesday, September 14th,in the Pioneer Music room from3:00-6:30. Stop by anytime during the information night to sign your student up for band and rent a band instrument.

Once band starts, the students will go on Mondays and Wednesdays at the end of the day, and will have lessons once a week during specials.


Having open communication between home and school is essential for providing the best possible education for your child! Feel free to contact me anytime. My email is , and I do check my email in the morning, at noon, and again after school. You can also reach me by phone between 7:30 and 8:00 am, 9:30 – 10:00 am, or at 3:15 pm at 468-6458, ext. 2258.

Have a great weekend!