Watts Up with the Climate? Australian Tour

Anthony Watts (above), David Archibald and many Australian scientists and researchers are touring Australia 12June – 1July2010. Prof Bob Carter, David Stockwell, Tim Curtin, Joanne Nova, Peter Ridd, and Prof Ian Plimer will also contribute throughout the tour. A brief summary of their expertise is at the bottom of this document.

David Archibald Prof Bob Carter Joanna Nova Tim Curtin Peter Ridd

The tour will be to demonstrate the wide range of research and evidence that counters the idea CO2 emissions will overheat or harm the planet. It is a tour not to be missed. It will be full of good information and worth bringing your friends to see.

Thirteen individuals are underwriting the tour. The climate sceptics (a new political party) is organizing the tour with the help of local organizers in each city. The organizers, helpers and almost all of the speakers are volunteering their time to bring this tour together.

Tour Schedule

Sydney NSW: Sunday 13 June 2010, 6:30 pm

Rockdale Town Hall, 448 Princes Highway (corner Bryant Street)

Anthony Watts, David Archibald and Tim Curtin

$25 per person, $20 if you make a booking or are a pensioner

Contact: Bill Koutalianos 0407076982

Townsville QLD: Monday 14 June 2010, 7:00 pm

Ignatius Park College Assembly Hall, 368 Ross River Rd, Cranbrook

Anthony Watts, David Archibald, Peter Ridd and Bob Carter

$20 per person

Contact: Michael Rowley 0407727163

Brisbane QLD: Tuesday 15 June 2010, 7:00 pm

Tara Ballroom, The Irish Club, 175 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane

Anthony Watts, David Archibald and Bob Carter

$25 per person, $20 if you make a booking or are a pensioner

Contact: Tony Gomme 0413100055

Gold Coast QLD: Wednesday 16 June 2010, 5.30pm (The meeting will be finished an hour before the State of Origin Football telecast begins)

Sheraton Mirage Hotel, Seaworld Drive, Main Beach Gold Coast

Anthony Watts, David Archibald and Bob Carter

$25 per person, $20 if you make a booking or are a pensioner

Contact: Bob Brinsmead (02)66777279

Newcastle NSW: Thursday 17 June 2010, 6:00 pm

The Banquet Room, Newcastle City Hall, King St, Newcastle

Anthony Watts, David Archibald and David Stockwell

$20 per person

Contact: Anthony Cox 0412474916

Noosa QLD: Friday 18 June 2010, 6:30 pm

Noosa Convention Centre, 3 Hilton Terrace, Noosaville

Anthony Watts, David Archibald and David Stockwell

$20 per person

Contact: Peter Hocking (07)54710281

Emerald QLD: Saturday 19 June 2010, 8:30 am

Property Rights Australia

Emerald Hall

Anthony Watts speaking after 11:00 am

$20 per person

Contact: Ron Bahnisch 0409334011 or 0409334211

Emerald QLD: Saturday 19 June 2010, 7:30 pm

Emerald Town Hall

Anthony Watts, David Stockwell, David Archibald and Bob Carter

$20 per person

Contact: David Stockwell 0417043732

Melbourne VIC: Tuesday 22 June 2010, 12:30 pm

Institute for Private Enterprise, 6/112 Millswyn Street, South Yarra

Anthony Watts and David Archibald

$25 per person, $20 if you make a booking or are a pensioner

Contact: Des Moore (03)98671235

Melbourne VIC: Tuesday 22 June 2010, 6:30 pm

German Club, 291 Dandenong Rd, Windsor

Anthony Watts and David Archibald

$25 per person, $20 if you make a booking or are a pensioner

Contact: Michael Spencer (03)98086075

Hobart TAS: Wednesday 23 June 2010, 6:30 pm

Stanley Burbury Theatre, UniversityCentre, Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay

Anthony Watts and David Archibald

$25 per person, $20 if you make a booking or are a pensioner

Contact: Alan Ashbarry 0417536621

Adelaide SA: Thursday 24 June 2010, 6:30 pm

German Club, 223 Flinders Street, Adelaide

Anthony Watts and David Archibald

$25 per person, $20 if you make a booking or are a pensioner

Contact: Leon Ashby (08)87235550

Mount Gambier SA: Friday 25 June 2010, 12:00 pm

Blue Lake Golf Links, Mount Gambier

Anthony Watts and David Archibald

$20 per person

Contact: Leon Ashby (08)87235550

Hamilton VIC: Friday 25 June 2010, 6:00 pm

Hospital Auditorium, “The Education Centre”, Lonsdale Street

Anthony Watts and David Archibald

$20 per person

Contact: Paul Collits (03)55720537 0410524742

Ballarat VIC: Saturday 26 June 2010, 7:30 pm

York Street Church Auditorium, 410 York St, Ballarat (East)

Anthony Watts and David Archibald

$20 per person

Contact: David Westaway 0414347618

Narrogin WA: Monday 28 June 2010, 7:30 pm

Narrogin & Districts Senior Citizens Centre

Anthony Watts, David Archibald, Bob Carter and Jo Nova

$20 per person

Contact: Janet Thompson 0417815595

Perth WA: Tuesday 29 June 2010, 6:30 pm

Social Sciences Lecture Theatre, University of Western Australia

Anthony Watts, David Archibald, Jo Nova and Bob Carter

$25 per person, $20 if you make a booking or are a pensioner

Contact: (08) 9487 0404.

Canberra ACT: Wednesday 30 June 2010, 6:30 pm

Labor Club, Chandler Street, Belconnen

Anthony Watts, David Archibald and Tim Curtin

$25 per person, $20 if you make a booking or are a pensioner

Contact: 0401772857

Wagga Wagga NSW: Thursday 1 July 2010, 7:00 pm

Country Comfort Hotel, Wagga Wagga

Anthony Watts, David Archibald and Tim Curtin

$20 per person

Contact: John Westman 0432827254

Coffs Harbour NSW Friday 2nd July 7pm

The Club (formerly the Catholic Club)

David Archibald and other speakers

Contact Jeanette Jones 02 66524240

The Speakers

Anthony Watts- A former television meteorologist who spent 25 years on the air, Anthony Watts operates a weather technology business and runs one of the most popular science blogs on the internet, wattsupwiththat.com. He will present advance results on his surface stations project to photographically survey every one of the 1221 USHCN weather stations in the USA used as a “high quality network” that has fallen into neglect. He’ll also tell his story of conversion from alarmist to skeptic in the 1990s, as well as some salient points about what he’s learned from his climate blogging experience.

David Archibald - An Australian scientist operating in the fields of climate science and cancer research, and the author of “Solar Cycle 24: Why the world will continue cooling and why carbon dioxide won’t make a detectable difference”.

David Stockwell, Ph.D. Former U.S. scientist, living in Emerald, QLD, and author of the book Niche Modeling, David Stockwell presents the “known knowns” of climate change, especially for the Central Highlands environment, mining, pastoral and agricultural industries.

Professor Bob Carter - Research Professor at James Cook University (Queensland) and the University of Adelaide (South Australia). He is a palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist with more than thirty years professional experience.

Joanne Nova is a freelance science presenter, a professional speaker, TV host, radio presenter, author and blogger. Over 200,000 copies of The Skeptics Handbook have been distributed in four countries and translated into 11 languages. Jo was a prize winning graduate of molecular biology and Associate Lecturer in Science Communication at the ANU.

Tim Curtin - An Independent Canberra Economist with experience advising the World Bank, the PNG government and publishes papers widely in various media.

Peter Ridd is a Reader in Physics at James Cook University specialising in Marine Physics. He is also a scientific adviser to the Australian Environment Foundation.

Ian Plimer - Professor of Geology at The University of Adelaide. He was formerly Professor at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich and at the University of Newcastle. He won the Leopold von Buch Medal for Science and has thrice won the Eureka Prize.