Our Archdiocesan Sister Parish

in the

Dominican Republic

The2012 Lenten Journey to La Sagrada Familia,will leave Milwaukee on Tuesday, February 28 and return on Wednesday, March 7.

  • Guides and Translators:

Once in the Dominican Republic our guideand translatorwill be Father Martí Colom along with Sr. Rosemary Huddleston, OP who will accompany the group during the journey. In addition, Elizabeth Howayeck, International Mission Coordinator for World Mission Ministries, will be working with the group during preparation and return phases.

  • Cost:

The all inclusive price will be around $1,800.00*. This covers airfare, ground transportation, programs, guides, translation service, communal reflection and retreat, simple meals and accommodations. (*This is price could be subject to changeshould airfare costs skyrocket. The final cost will be announced when all trip details are finalized).

  • Orientation sessions.

The first will be on Tuesday,January 17th (in case of a blizzard, January24th!) from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Cousin’s Center (3501 S. Lake Dr). A light supper will be served.

If you cannot make the first orientation, please be sure to let us know. We will schedule another time for you to receive the orientation.

These sessions offer us an opportunity to prepare for our pilgrimage,meet our companions for the journey,pray together,getan overview of the country and the parish, attend to practical questions such as “what to bring” and begin the “inner journey".

The second session will be scheduled during the first meeting

  • Passport

You will need a current passport that will be valid for six months after our return.

  • Health and age:

We welcome a variety of ages for participation in this trip. Individual health needs vary so it is important to consult your health care provider regarding immunizations, medications you might need while traveling and if it is advisable to participate in such a trip. Please keep in mind that the climate in the Dominican Republic is quite hot and you must be comfortable walking some distances as well as getting in and out of trucks and larger vehicles. This ensures an enjoyable time for yourself as well as the others who will be traveling with you. Any participant under the age of 18 must be accompanied by his or her parent.

  • Insurance:

World Mission Ministries Office does not provide insurance coverage for participants on these pilgrimages. You may wish to consult with your provider about coverage while travelling in other countries and/or take out trip insurance.