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Help The Food Center pack grocery bags of non-perishable food items on Monday evenings at 7pm. This is a great opportunity for kids and parents to work together. Teens who need community service hours can come and are welcome to bring a friend.



Help The Food Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Collect food from local suppliers, unload food deliveries, sort produce, and prepare The Food Center for distribution day. Schedules are flexible – once a week, once a month or once every two months….whatever you can spare!

Tuesday 10:30 am -1:00 pm,

Thursday 11:00 am – 1:00pm


Help The Food Center on Wednesdays – client distribution day. Shifts are available between 8:30 am and 1:00 pm….walk clients through the food distribution area, or keep the tables and shelves stocked throughout the day.


Enjoy talking with and helping people? Help The Food Center interview clients on Wednesdays. Refer clients to other agencies when additional aid is needed. Shifts are available between 8:30 am and 12:30 pm. Good listening skills are required. Computer and typing skills are helpful.

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Matthew 25:35

What is the Food Center?

The Food Center at the Morrisville Presbyterian Church is a non-profit, volunteer run, community outreach program that grew in response to those who came to our doors in need.

The Mission of the Food Center is to provide supplemental food assistance to families in Lower Bucks County, PA and the greater Trenton, NJ area, and to do so in a caring and respectful manner.

The Food Center is open to the public every Wednesday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, and working families who are not available on Wednesdays may come to Food Center on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 7-8pm.

Where do we get the food?

Generous donations of food and money, by members of both the MPC congregation & the community, allow the Food Center to offer a wide variety of food items to our clients. Other resources include:

  • Philabundance
  • Mercer Street Friends Food Bank
  • The Presbytery of Philadelphia
  • McCaffrey’s Supermarkets
  • Local businesses & organizations who donate food and money
  • Grants from Shoprite Stores
  • Annual Hike Against Hunger fundraiser

What do we provide?

Our standard grocery bag of non-perishable food includes the following items (items in bold type are those that are most needed):

  • 1 can of spaghetti sauce
  • 1 lb. of pasta
  • 1 jar of peanut butter
  • 3 cans of vegetables
  • 2 boxes of macaroni & cheese
  • 1 qt milk, evaporated or shelf stable
  • 2 cans of soup
  • 1-2 lbs of rice
  • 2 cans of fruit
  • 1 box of cereal
  • 1 can of a meat entree (e.g., stew)
  • 2 cans of tuna fish
  • 1 can of beans

Our clients also receive a wide variety of fresh produce, meats, and bakery items, as well as personal care supplies, based upon what has been donated by our sponsors and suppliers.

What about financial support?

The Food Center is an outreach ministry of the Morrisville Presbyterian Church. Accordingly, donations to the Food Center are tax deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law. 97% of our donations are used to purchase food. Checks can be made out to The Food Center can be mailed to the church office.

Whom do we serve?

Over the past year, we provided food to over 16,000 individuals and distributed over 9,000 bags of non-perishable food, plus another 9,000 bags of fresh produce, baked goods and frozen meats.

Our clients represent a cross-section of the local community. Approximately 30% of recipients are children, 15% are senior citizens. The remaining recipients include disabled persons, those on very tight fixed incomes, hard-working families struggling to make ends meetand those unable to work at all. 89% of our clients live in NJ, and 11% come from PA. Clients must meet income guidelines to qualify for the program.

The Food Center does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex or disability.

What about community support?

Organizations that conduct food drives on behalf of the Food Center include:

  • Youth Groups, Scout Troops
  • Other local congregations
  • Schools
  • Businesses & Public Agencies
  • Senior Residences & other residential communities
  • National Letter Carriers Association

Updated 1/2013