Minutes of the Committee Meeting of U3A Todmorden

Held Tuesday February 17th 2015 at Central Methodist Church, Todmorden

Present – Keith Coates, Jean Pearson, Roger Howard, Marion Kershaw, Margaret Gunnill, Bill Griffiths, Peter Gibson, Peter Carrigan, Andy Garner, Audrey Locksley, Gail Allaby

Apologies – Ann Foster

Minutes of the meeting of January 13th 2015- Accepted, with the amendment that Bill Griffiths was erroneously listed as present rather than his apologies being given.

Matters arising – The new mailbox was in situ at the Fielden Centre, Todmorden Town Council had been informed of the new address. Keith was to hold the second spare key.

Financial Report – The income for January was £858, the expenditure £1369. Roger apologised for being unable to present a complete report due to family circumstances. As he was leaving for a month’s holiday on Friday 20th Feb, Keith and Bill offered to look at the accounts while he was away.

Membership Report – There were 396 registered members. Margaret had sent a card to Nick Littlewood following his recent operation, ad a condolence card to the family of Myra Townley, one of the founder-members and first committee members of U3A Todmorden.

Newspaper reports and photographs of U3A activities now carried a contact phone number as well as the website address. Calls were coming in. Margaret and Keith would deal with new member applications while the Treasurer was away.

Groups Report – Gail urged members to make use of the Facebook page.

Proposed new groups – no response from the fire station regarding First Aid, but Gail had a contact for a First Aid salesman who might be able to help with a group.

There had been no takers for the Sailing Group .

Ipad group – Christine Richmond had offered to convene. Apple could offer a group tutorial at the Trafford Centre. Android users would require other arrangements.

Modern Greek – Gail had been in contact with the potential tutor. Only 4 members had so far signed up.

Strolling Group – several members had signed up, but no one was willing to convene. The group could be run on the same lines as the Walking group, with members taking it in turns to organise each walk. Or those interested could be directed to the existing strolling groups operating in the town.

Polish Group – there would be a Polish Jazz session to publicize this at the Joy of Jazz meeting on March 2nd.

Let’s Go – large waiting list for the Port Sunlight trip.

Discussion followed on some of the changes in arrangements that might be needed for an expanding U3A.

Some group details needed updating on the website – convenors to be asked to contact Dee with current details.

Speaker-Finders Report – Peter Carrigan distributed updated charts showing the speakers for 2015 and the previous 4 years. Only the September 2015 slot was still vacant, but there were several possibilities.

Peter asked where the posters were sited, and Peter Gibson produced a list of sites and members responsible for each.

Committee agreed that the organiser of the proposed Town Hall Tours be invited to give a ten-minute talk at the March meeting – Andy to contact.

Accommodation – A letter from Mike Hall of TCRC was discussed. Agreed to pay the £300 shortfall as requested, but to pay only £150 of the storage fee requested, as the other £50 was for the posting box which we could no longer use. Keith would draft a statement in response to the letter.

Fielden Centre – Keith had seen the schedule of bookings, which left little spare time for extra U3A usage. He would send a holding reply to the Trustees to keep our options open. Gail would ask for the provision of wifi.

Succession – Jean Pearson, Gail Allaby, and Margaret Gunnill would all come to the end of their terms of office in June.

Jean was willing to stand again for Committee if needed , but not as Vice-President. Margaret was willing to serve on the Committee and possibly as Assistant Membership Secretary.

Gail was willing to stand again as Groups Co-ordinator.

Of the Co-opted members, Andy Garner did not wish to continue.

Audrey was willing to stand for Committee.

Bill was willing to continue.

Therefore we need :- Membership Secretary


Possibly Treasurer, depending on circumstances.

The suggestion was made that the assistant post of Cashier could be revived.

Agreed to have Succession on the March agenda.

General meetings – there had been a favourable response to the talk on Aquaponics at the January meetings, though it was felt some aspects might be over people’s heads. The presentation had been excellent.

Jean Pearson volunteered to give the vote of thanks at the February meeting.

Suggested newsletter – the Publicity group were not enthusiastic about getting involved with this. Gail suggested adding some newsletter content at the end of her monthly reports.

Report on YAHR meeting – Keith and Gail had attended. Amongst matters of interest, several U3A’s were now using online membership systems. The introduction of per capita regional payments had been mooted.

Chair raised the question of joining the North-West Region, which met in Preston.

Any Other Business - Jean asked if anything had been heard from the new Littleborough U3A since our joint meeting. Marion reported that they were continuing to meet. Chair said he could send the monthly report to Littleborough as well as Burnley/Cliviger.

Marion reminded members she would be absent for the March and April committee meetings.