Domain V Evolution (Pages 70-84)


Domain V Evolution (Pages 70-84)

1.  Explain Jean Baptiste de Lamarck’s evolutionary theory.

2.  How does the phrase “inheritance of acquired characteristics” apply to Lamarck’s theory?

3.  What animal did Lamarck use to help describe his theory and why did he use it?

4.  Explain Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology.

5.  Explain Thomas Malthus’s “An Essay on the Principle of Population.”

6.  What was Darwin’s most important impact?

7.  Why was Darwin’s trip on the HMS Beagle life changing for him?

8.  What was significant about the Galapagos Islands in Darwin’s travels?

9.  What are adaptations?

10.  What do successful adaptations do?

11.  Define natural selection.

12.  What do we mean by reproductive isolation?

13.  Explain how reproductive isolation was significant for the Galapagos Islands.

14.  Who was Alfred Russel Wallace and what did he do?

15.  Define population genetics.

16.  Answer EOCT Practice Questions on page 72 and explain why letter D is the correct answer.

17.  Define adaptive radiation.

18.  Give an example of adaptive radiation.

19.  Define convergent evolution.

20.  Explain the role of myosin when discussing evolution.

21.  Define biodiversity.

22.  What are the three different terms researchers use when talking about biodiversity?

23.  Define ecosystem diversity.

24.  Define species diversity.

25.  Define genetic diversity.

26.  Define molecular clocks.

27.  Define speciation.

28.  Copy the sentence that has geographic isolation in bold print, page 73.

29.  Give examples of what might cause geographic isolation.

30.  Explain how geographic isolation is important to the theory of evolution.

31.  Define gradualism.

32.  Define punctuated equilibrium.

33.  Do the practice EOCT Question on page 74 and explain why the correct answer is D.

34.  What is radioisotope dating?

35.  What must scientist know to use radioisotope dating?

36.  What is the primary isotope used in radioisotope dating?

37.  Explain how scientists use radioisotope dating? How does it work?

38.  Explain what is meant by a half-life.

39.  What are other isotopes that scientists use?

40.  Explain what is meant by relative dating.

41.  What is a phylogeny?

42.  In many cases, a biologist will infer (finish the sentence, page 76).

43.  Answer the practice EOCT Question on page 76 and explain why the answer is A.

44.  Define extinction.

45.  What do paleontologists do?

46.  Define fitness.

47.  The fitness of an individual depends on what?

48.  Explain how fitness, environment, and natural selection play critical roles in the theory of evolution.

49.  Explain what happens in stabilizing selection. Draw a picture of what stabilizing selection looks like on a graph (refer to chapter 11 in your book or interactive reader).

50.  Explain what happens in directional selection. Draw a picture of what stabilizing selection looks like on a graph (refer to chapter 11 in your book or interactive reader).

51.  Give an example of directional selection.

52.  Explain what happens in disruptive selection. Draw a picture of what stabilizing selection looks like on a graph (refer to chapter 11 in your book or interactive reader).

53.  Disruptive selection will split a species (finish the sentence page 78).

54.  Can disruptive selection result in a new species?

55.  Answer the practice EOCT Question on page 78 and explain why B is the correct answer.

56.  Explain how oysters showed signs of directional selection.

57.  Explain how mosquitoes show signs of directional selection.

58.  Explain how viruses adapt or change and how this impacts humans.

59.  Answer the practice EOCT Question on page 80.

60.  Take the practice test on pages 81-82.

61.  Go over practice test answers on pages 83-84.