Thank-you for enquiring about holding a stall at the Craft Central Artisan Market, Lemonade Market.

VENUE: St James Theatre Wellington

DATE: October 3rd

SALE TIME: 10am - 3pm


The Craft Central Lemonade Market is a special event that will be set amongst our artisan market. The Craft Central Lemonade Market is a unique opportunity for young crafting entrepreneurs. This is a wonderful opportunity for young people to create, make and sell.In New Zealand there is a wonderful spirit of enterprise and Craft Central Artisan Market would like to offer students of all ages the opportunity to participate in a prestigious event and experience the world of local commerce and creativity. The Lemonade Market a risk- free environment. Craft Central takes no share of profits and asks for no site costs. Sucessful student applicants will havea free stall in which to sell items that they have created or designed. Parental involvement should be kept to a minimum and items should be crafted by students.

Who can apply?

This event is open to all students who live in the Wellington. Students must be from age 6 to those attending Year 13 in 2015. Students may enter as an individual or as a group. It may be a combined class effort, or a club within a school, or a group of friends. Students will need to go through a similar application and selection process to adult stallholders. The application form has been sent to you with this application pack.

How does it work?

ON THE DAY: The Lemonade Market will be run in two time slots. 10am-12 and then 1pm-3pm. This is to allow a larger number of student participants. It is also designed to provide students with a quality experience. A market event is a big commitment and Craft Central believes that a 2hr time period is sufficient time for students to sell their work and enjoy the day. There are a number of student stalls that will run for the entire market day 10am – 3pm. These sites will be offered to older students or student groups. There is space on the application form for you to indicate your preferences.

Students who are alloted the first time slot will need to set out their stall before the commencement of trade at 10am. They will be required to begin the pack down of their site at 12 and vacate their site by 12.20.

Students who are alloted the second time slot will need to set out their stall bginning at 12.20 and be ready to commenceme trade at 1pm. They will be required to begin the pack down of their site at 3pm.

There will be a Lemonade Market liason present during the Day who will assist students.

Students who are under the age of 15 will require the presence of an adult during their setup and sales period.

What can I sell?

The Craft Central Artisan Market and Lemonade Market is an event for artisans and student stallholders to sell their own handmade or designed items. Students are required to submit an outline of what they wish to sell in their application. Items can range from music you have composed or played, paintings, drawings, cards, sock softie’s, little plants you have grown, painted pet rocks or jewellery you have crafted. The possibilities are endless. The only restrictions are that no food item can be sold and items must be crafted, created or designed by the student applicant.


This competition is open to all successful Lemonade Market applicants. You need not apply beyound your initial application. This competition will reward the top 3 students who have a product and or ideas that are deemed worthy of future development. Competition judges are Craft Central organisers and they will have the final say over competition winners.

Winners will receive;

Access to a mentorship that will provide information, encouragement and suggestions for the development of a fledgling making buisness

Assistance with the development of an online shop through the website FELT AND credit for 20 free listings of your product on the site. (you do not have to have 20 products)

Promotion through profile on Craft Centrals Website and Facebook page as well as a link to your FELT shop.

Students who receive this award must have parental permission to take part in any online activities and the responsibility for the online FELT stall will rest with the winner and their guardian once the store has been established.

Site Arrangement

The Craft Central Artisan Market, is to be held in thegallery of the St James Theatre. It is a wonderful space with a grand staircase enterance and lift acess. Artisan stalls are located in the main section of the gallery. The Lemonade Market is also held in the St James Theatre gallery amongst the artisan stalls however several Lemonade market sites will be set together for collegial partnership and for ease of pack out and down during half day slots.

Each student will be assigned a stallholder site. The sites avaliable are below. There are LIMITED Standard sites and Wall sites. The majority of sites alloted will be Half Trestle sites.

The Half Trestle Site comprises of a ½ trestle table for display. You will have a table area that is 90cm long and 90cm deep on which to display items. The trestle table is 1.8m in length and it will be clearly divided in ½ with a tape marker. Two student stallholders will share a table. Craft Central Artisan Market will ensure that students will be placed next to another student who is not selling similar items.

The Standard site comprises of a full trestle table for display. You will have a table area that is 1.80cm long and 90cm deep on which to display items.

The Wall Display site comprises of a folding concertina wall display on which artwork or other items can be pinned. There is no trestel table provided but there is a chair.

Standard Site / FREE / ONE Tressel table
Half Trestle Site / FREE / ½ Trestle table
Wall Display / FREE / Wall Space for Artwork display



Customers can take your invoice to the centrally located Craft Central Help Desk where payment will be processed and a receipt will be given to the customer to return to you for collection of product. Payment will be made into your nominated bank account after the market’s conclusion.

Craft Cash

Craft Central Artisan Market will be encouraging custmers to pay cash for items purchased from the Lemonade Market, however they may choose to use Craft Cash.

Craft Cash allows customers to purchase cash tokens from the Craft Central Help Desk. They make a payment to Craft Central and are issued with Craft Cash. They can use this to purchase product at your stall. Craft Cash has the same value as legal tender but can only be used on the day. You submit your Craft Cash to Craft Central Help Desk at the conclusion of the market and payment will be made into your nominated bank account after the market’s conclusion.

Online promotion and marketing

Images of your products may be placed on Craft Central’s website. You may also have a Pinterest board completed for you on Craft Central’s Pinterest site and promotion on our Facebook page.

Craft Central may use your photos of you at your stall on their website and Facebook page after the Craft Central Artisan Market has been completed.

Print promotion and marketing

We have a poster and postcard marketing strategy that promotes the Craft Central Artisan Market throughout Wellington and the Hutt Valley. All Wellington schools will be notified of the Craft Central Artisan Marketandthe Lemonade Market.

What happens when I am accepted?

When you are accepted into the Lemonade Market you will receive a notification email and further details outlining details of the Craft Central Artisan Market.

What happens if I am NOT accepted?

When you are accepted into the Lemonade Market you will receive a notification email. You may not be accepted due to the number of students who have applied to sell items of a similar nature. HOWEVER, don’t give up! Craft Central is planning to repete the Lemonade Market event later in the year and closer to Christmas. We will keep unsuccesful applicants in our database and make sure that you are given priority concideration for our next event.