Year 6 Dance
Making the Grade
Phase / Objective / Activities / Resources1 / to learn a set phrase from teacher
to create 4 gestures based on feelings before an exam / Warm Up – teacher led aerobic warm up.
Main Teaching
Teach pupils set phrase – using development task 1 from core tasks CD. Ideas of being handed a paper, asking questions, opening the paper etc.
- Pupils practice in pairs
- As a class, write all the emotions and feelings pupils feel before an exam.
- Individually, pupils chose 4 of the emotions/feelings and create 4 different gestures around those feelings. Each emotion gesture to hold for 4 or 8 beats before the set phrase starts.
- Rehearse both sections.
2 / To create a paired phrase modifying existing / Warm Up – teacher led aerobic warm up.
Main Teaching
- Recap whole class phrase from week 1 and individual gestures
- Split group into pairs who have to take ideas from the class phrase and create 2 x 8 beats of movement, changing/modifying the existing movements by using the Dance toolkit (changing speeds, levels, directions for example)
- Link the phrase together with phrases from week 1
3 / To create a phrase in groups developing relationships choosing from canon, action/reaction, mirroring, matching and facing different directions. / Warm up – Teacher/pupil led aerobic warm up
Main Teaching
- Recap phrases from previous weeks
- Split pupils into groups and ask them to create a phrase of 4 x 8 beats
- Encourage cannon, unison, matching/mirroring techniques to enhance the phrase
- Link together with paired phrase and decide on performance – group members on adjacent chairs or group members on chairs spread out across the hall
4 / To develop a movement phrase as a whole class thinking about the compositional strategies taught earlier in the module / Warm up – pupil led aerobic warm up
Main Teaching
- Individually, pupils spend time creating own 4 beat motif.
- Select best from the class to put together a class phrase
- Link with other sections to the dance
5 / To create the opening to the dance / Warm up – pupil led aerobic warm up
Main teaching
- Brainstorm the feelings for pupils waiting outside the exam room and how they would enter the exam room
- Ask pupils in groups to experiment with ideas of how to enter the exam and to rehearse their entrance for 4 x 8 beats
- Link all phrases together
Flip video
6 / To perform final dance piece and appreciate performance / Warm up – pupil led aerobic warm up
Main teaching
- Rehearse the dance in sections and then altogether
- Perform to other year 6 class
- Video class performance using flip video and play back performance and pupils to assess their work against success criteria