ASUCC Student Leadership Team

Minutes of February 22, 2016

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Call To Order:

Meeting called to order by ASUCC President Anthony Terra at 12:04pm

Roll Call:

ASUCC Student Leadership Team

Minutes of February 22, 2016

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Anthony Terra, ASUCCPresident
Joshua Friedlein, ASUCC Vice President
Ciara Byars, ASUCC Activities Officer
Stacya Baker, ASUCC Public Relations
Alicia Jones, ASUCC Business Manager
Elijah Dunnavant, ASUCC Senator / Evan Burns, Armored Arts Club Rep.
James Gugel, Engineering Club
RJ Harris, Peer Mentors
Mark Hamel, Wrestling Club Rep.
Kristapher Yates, Student Life Liaison
Diana Kelly, Student Life PA

ASUCC Student Leadership Team

Minutes of February 22, 2016

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Standing Business:

Approval of Agenda. Agenda for February 22, 2016was approved with a few changes to name spelling and addition to New Business. (Josh, Alicia. 8, 0, 0)

Approval of Minutes. Approval for minutes fromFebruary 8, 2016 were approved. (Josh, Alicia. 7, 1, 0)

Statements from the Audience:

No statements from the audience.

Old Business:

Club Recertification: Engineering club finished all the paperwork and were recertified.
(Josh, Alicia. 8, 0, 1)

New Business:

Proposal 4: Preamble:Moved to old business. (Josh, Alicia. 9, 0, 0)

Proposal 5: Article 1 Amendment: Moved to old business. (Josh, Ciara. 8, 1, 0)

Proposal 6: Team Membership Amendment: Moved to old business. (Josh, Alicia. 9, 0, 0)

Proposal 7: Team Mission Amendment: Moved to old business. (Ciara, Josh. 8, 0, 1)

Proposal 8: Team Name Amendment:Moved to old business. (Ciara, Mark. 8, 0, 1)

Proposal 9:Team Description Amendment: Moved to old business. (Josh, Stacya. 9, 0, 0)

Proposal 10:Executive Council Description Amendment: Moved to old business. (Mark, Ciara. 8, 1, 0)

Enrichment Grant 1:UCC Armored Arts: Moved to discussion. (Josh, Elijah. 8, 1, 0)

The grant will benefit the student body by training UCC students and getting the students to be more active. It was then clarified what the names of the armor meant and what they protected. After the students the armor was made for graduate, the alumni will take the armor. The alumni will come to large events after graduation and help the current UCC Armored Arts club. It was asked who the professional was and Burns replied that he was trained. It was brought up that the club has not had events on campus but would be more than willing to bring an event to campus. The club needs $920 and will have an extra $80 for shipping costs. If the $80 is not used, ASUCC will get the money back. The discussion was then tables. (Josh, Ciara. 8, 0, 0)

Officers' Reports:

Anthony Terra, President.

Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Phase 2.

Business Manager: Alicia Jones was appointed new business manager.

Senators: One senator resigned due to transfer and a new senator was brought on.

Joshua Friedlein, Vice President

Naming the Observatory: As the principal funder of the project, ASUCC gets to name the new observatory. Friedlein asked for ideas for a name. The names cannot be related to the October 1 tragedy.

OCCSA: Met on Friday

Elections: Elections had gotten derailed due to holidays and sickness but will be meeting that Monday at 3.

Ciara Byars, Activities Officer.

Activities Meeting: Will be meeting at Thursday at noon.

Movie Event: The Avengers will be playing Wednesday, February 24, 2016, at 3 pm in the Cafeteria. Food will be provided as the Veterans Club will be barbequing hamburgers and hotdogs.

The Main Flush: Public Relations will now be in charge of The Main Flush. Talk to Baker to get information on the paper.

Spring Fling: Spring Fling is beginning to get planned. Clubs should meet with Ciara to help get involved with the activity. Spring Fling will occur the week before finals of Spring Term.

Club Fair/Welcome Week: Clubs can help decide whether or not to have the club fair during welcome week. Clubs are advised to talk to Byars for more information.

Stacya Baker, Public Relations.

No report.

Alicia Jones, ASUCC Business Manager:

No Report

Senators.No Report.

Committee and Task Force Reports and Reminders:

Due to time restraint, committee and task forces were skipped.

Club Reports:

Athletic Department.Absent, no report.

Drama Club. Absent, no report.

Engineering Club. 400 people showed up to the Expo and the club is now remaking clocks out of used parts.

Environmental Sustainability Club. Absent, no report.

Geology Club. Absent, no report.

Mainstream. Absent, no report.

National Student Nursing Association: Absent, no report.

Peer Mentor Program.Helping students with FAFSA and OSAC and are planning to have a stress and sleep awareness month.

Phi Theta Kappa.Absent, no report.

UCC Armored Arts. Practice was canceled but will happen again on Sunday at 1 pm.

Veterans Club.Absent, no report.

Wrestling Club. Club is now inactive due to poor attendance. Club will start up again t the beginning of Spring Term.

Advisor’s Report:

No report.

For the Good of the Order:

Message from Gov. Kate Brown: Friedlein reported thatGovernor Kate Brown sent the message that “Not a day since October 1 she hasn’t thought of us.”


Meeting adjourned by Anthony Terra at 12:50pm.