ISACA SA 2015 Annual Conference

More Insights. More Value.


The ISACA South Africa chapter is issuing a call for speakers for its IT Governance, Information Security, IT Assurance and Risk Management Conference. The event’s key focus is on cyber-security.

Conference dates:3rdand 4thAugust 2015

Location:Emperors Palace, Johannesburg, South Africa

Session Proposal Deadline:30thof April 2015

Presentation Submission Deadline:10th of July 2015


To provide IT Assurance, Risk, Governance and Security professionals a learning event presented by industry leaders. The programme will provide participants the tools, best practices and information on how to overcome challenges and prepare for future trends, delivered with practical and pragmatic approaches to topics and concepts.


  • In line with delegate feedback and international trends we are moving towards solutions-oriented workshop sessions and interactive panel discussions in place of the now customary slideshows.
  • Speakers should offer real-world cases, practical examples of actual tools and working papers used, including mapping to ISACA frameworks, successes and failures, and insight on emerging issues to help attendees stay ahead of the curve. Speakers are expected to be familiar with portions of COBIT, Val IT and Risk IT that are relevant to their presentations. Speakers should consider how presentation content supports CISA, CISM, CGEIT and CRISC knowledge objectives.
  • Preference will be given to speakers who provide takeaway resources to delegates such as bibliographies, white papers, relevant articles, tools, guides, sample programs and other information that extends the learning beyond the session and adds value to the event.
  • Proposals from a team or panel are welcome in order to share multiple perspectives on a topic. All speakers should be prepared to participate in a panel discussion should the need arise.
  • The Conference Committee will review the proposals received and confirm acceptance in writing by the 25thof May 2015.
  • Vetting criteria:
  • The session proposal was submitted by the given deadline
  • All sections of the session proposal document are completed
  • Topic and session outline address current industry matters, align with the event’s theme and are specifically intended for meetings the interests ofISACA SA’s target audience
  • A professional headshot of the presenter in high-resolution JPEG format was submitted along with the completed session proposal
  • Presenter’s prior speaking engagements
  • Submission of video clips/audio recordings taken of prior speaking engagements is of encouraged
  • The submission deadline for session proposals is the 30th of April2015.
  • The submission deadline for final presentationsisthe 10th of July 2015.
  • Each Solutions Workshop and Panel Discussionshould be scheduled to last 90 minutes with a five minute break in between; while presentationsshould be scheduled to last45 minutes including questions.

Conference presenter reimbursement guidelines

In appreciation for their contribution, ISACA SA offers full complimentary conference registration to all presenters. In addition, ISACA SA recognises presenters and their organisations, as “conference supporters” in the conference literature distributed to delegates.

Flight and accommodation expenses are covered by the chapter. Where travel expenses are settled in advance ISACA SA will reimburse based on submitted receipts. Refer to Annexure Afor travel guidelines and budgets.


Please complete this in electronic format and provide the following information (all fields are required)


Name: / ______
Business title:
(e.g. senior manager, partner, audit director) / ______
Company name: / ______
Telephone: / ______
Mobile phone: / ______
E-mail: / ______
Alternate contact:
(e.g. secretary, public relations manager, etc) / Name:______


Suggested theme:
(Governance, risk, compliance, security audit and assurance) / ______
Suggested title: / ______
Learning Objectives:
The participant will learn more about:
Presentation level:
(Intermediate or advanced)
If applicable, list any experience/skills/knowledge that is required from delegates wanting to attend your session
Session Outline:
(Please provide a detailed overview of your proposed session in approximately 175-200 words. This will be published in the conference magazine and the conference MobileApp)
Prior speaking and educational engagements:
Biographical sketch:
(Please provide a brief biography in approximately 150-175 words. This will be published in the conference magazine and the conference MobileApp)


  • All submissions must be in electronic format (Word documents) via e-mail.
  • Proposals to be accompanied by a professional headshot photo of the presenter (high-resolution JPEG). This will be used in the conference programme.
  • Presenters are encouraged to send video clips/audio-recordings of previous presentations they delivered.
  • Presenters must complete a proposal for each proposed topic. The proposal form will serve to document the presenter’s vision of the proposed session and how she/he intends to treat the various issues of the topic.
  • By submitting a session proposal, the presenter consents to a PDF copy of her/his presentation being made available to conference attendees/ISACA SA Chapter members.
  • ISACA SA Chapter reserves the right to record selected conference sessions. By completing and submitting this session proposal, speakers agree to such recordings being made available to the public.
  • By presenting at this event, the speaker grants permission to be photographed/video-recorded/audio-taped during the event. The resulting photographs/videos/audios may be used by ISACA SA for future promotion of ISACA SA’s educational events on ISACA SA’s website, social media and/or in printed promotional materials. Also, by attending this event, the speaker consents to any such use. The speaker understands any use of the photographs/videos/audios will be without remuneration. The speaker also waives any right to inspect or approve the aforementioned use of any photographs/videos/audios now or in the future.

You may submit your proposal9s) to the attention of:

Nadine Schreiber

ISACA SA Chapter – Office Manager


Annexure A – Travel Reimbursement Guidelines

International guest speakers

Flights*: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover for flight expenses of up to
-ZAR20,000 for guest speakers travelling from Europe
-ZAR25,000 for guest speakers travelling from the USA/Asia/Australia
Should guest speakers book flights that exceed these amounts, the excess will be for the guest speaker’s account.
Accommodation: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover for accommodation for up to
-3 nights for guest speakers travelling from Europe
-4 nights for guest speakers travelling from the USA/Asia/Australia
Should the guest speaker wish to extend the stay in South Africa, the guest speaker will be liable for additional accommodation costs.
Airport transfers*: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover airport transfers in South Africa. Should guest speakers wish to claim for costs for airport transfers in their home country, ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover expenses up to the equivalent of R750.
Meals*: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will provide the following meals during the conference:
-Buffet breakfast at the hotel
-Welcome tea and coffee on both conference dates
-Mid-morning tea and coffee on both conference dates
-Buffet lunch on both conference dates
-Afternoon tea and coffee on both conference dates
-Cocktail snacks at the end of conference day 1
-Speaker dinner on conference day 2
In addition, ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover meal expenses as follows:
-Guest speakers from USA/Asia/Australia staying for 4 nights:
  • 1x breakfast of up to R150 (if the guest speaker arrives in South Africa before 10am)
  • 2x lunch of up to R200 per lunch
  • 2x dinner of up to R300 per dinner
-Guest speakers from Europe/USA/Asia/Australia staying for 3 nights:
  • 1x breakfast of up to R150 (if the guest speaker arrives in South Africa before 10am)
  • 1x lunch of up to R200 per lunch
  • 1x dinner of up to R300 per dinner

Other*: / All other travel expenses that the guest speaker wishes to claim for require pre-approval by the ISACA SA Chapter Conference Committee.

* Guest speakers must submit all respective receipts along with their claim for reimbursement. If no receipts are provided, ISACA South Africa Chapter will not be able to process the claims.

Local guest speakers from outside Gauteng Province

Flights*: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover round-trip of up to
-ZAR4,000 for guest speakers travelling from outside Gauteng
Should guest speakers book flights that exceed these amounts, the excess will be for the guest speaker’s account.
Accommodation: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover for accommodation for up to
-3 nights for guest speakers travelling from outside Gauteng (Sunday night through to Tuesday night)
Should the guest speaker wish to extend the stay in Johannesburg, the guest speaker will be liable for additional accommodation costs.
Airport transfers*: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover for airport transfers in Johannesburg Should guest speakers wish to claim for costs for airport transfers in their home town, ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover expenses of up to R700.
Meals*: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will provide the following meals during the conference:
-Buffet breakfast at the hotel
-Welcome tea and coffee on both conference dates
-Mid-morning tea and coffee on both conference dates
-Buffet lunch on both conference dates
-Afternoon tea and coffee on both conference dates
-Cocktail snacks at the end of conference day 1
-Speaker dinner on conference day 2
In addition, ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover for meal expenses as follows:
-1x lunch of up to R200 (if the guest speaker arrives before 11am on Sunday)
-1x dinner of up to R300 (if the guest speaker arrives on Sunday)
Other*: / All other travel expenses that the guest speaker wishes to claim for require pre-approval by the ISACA SA Chapter Conference Committee.

Local guest speakers residing in Gauteng Province

Mileage: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will cover mileage expenses according to the current South African Revenue Services (SARS) rate for the day(s) on which the guest speaker is delivering a presentation. Should the guest speaker wish to attend any other conference days on which they are not presenting, mileage will be for the guest speaker’s account.
Accommodation: / ISACA SA Chapter does not cover accommodation costs for guest speakers residing in the Gauteng Province. Should the guest speaker wish to book accommodation on the Emperors Palace premises or its vicinity, any relating costs will be for the guest speakers’ account.
Meals: / ISACA South Africa Chapter will provide the following meals during the conference:
-Buffet breakfast at the hotel
-Welcome tea and coffee on both conference dates
-Mid-morning tea and coffee on both conference dates
-Buffet lunch on both conference dates
-Afternoon tea and coffee on both conference dates
-Cocktail snacks at the end of conference day 1
-Speaker dinner on conference day 2
Other*: / All other expenses that the guest speaker wishes to claim for require pre-approval by the ISACA SA Chapter Conference Committee.

* Guest speakers must submit all respective receipts along with their claim for reimbursement. If no receipts are provided, ISACA South Africa Chapter will not be able to process the claims.

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