SAC Minutes – October 3


Teachers: Barbara Ehrlich, Caryn Corridon, YadirisFerrera, Angela Galvez, Ruth Hager, Adrienne Maisel, Eva Rothel

Parents: Ana Cardenas, Merna Gross, Ellen Kushner, Michael Olenick, Ana Pol, Mindy Siegel, Latoya Stucke, Hillary Sunshine, Julia Valent

Students: Leah Gold, Camila Gonzalez, Daniel Gonzalez, Emily Kushner, Reagan Olenick, Alexandra Saavedra, Abby Siegel, Cara Siegel,

Community Rep: Mary Macfie

Quorum/Call to Order: Adrienne Maisel called the meeting to order at 3:09 p.m.

Review and Approve Minutes: Minutes approved by Ana Pol. Barbara Ehrlich seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Budget Update: A+ funds: $68,018.00; SAC: $74,691.00

Budget Requests: None

SAC By Laws: School advisory By-Laws given to us by the county. By- Laws approved by Mindy Siegel. Barbara Ehrlich seconded the motion. The motion carried.

SIP Update: This year, students in 10th grade who have trouble in reading were called to a special study hall with teachers who mentor them. The mentor groups are for level 1 and 2 students This will help our students pass the reading FSA exam. A new program was purchased for students in 9th and 10th grade struggling with reading. Students who were not doing well in math were double blocked in two math classes. School improvement plan also has a behavior plan. Mr. Shannon has taken on the behavior plan that was approved by SAC. There is an attendance plan. Very important that kids are in attendance. Attendance policy was separated into 3 tiers. Attendance doubled from first semester to second semester. Extended vacations should not be taken. School improvement plan will be shown at next meeting.

Discuss and Develop A+ Ballot: 2016-2017 A+ fund ballot was opened up for discussion. Will be voted on at next meeting. Michael Olenick moved to add 85/15 as opposed to 95/5. Regan Olenick seconded the motion. 2 people were for it, 21 opposed. Motion does not pass.

School Waivers: Waivers include professional study days and students having to take midterms if in EOC class. Waivers will be discussed at next meeting.

New Business: Proposed time change of meeting. Possibly making the January meeting an evening meeting. Mary Macfie moved to change the January meeting to an evening meeting. Michael Olenick seconded it. 16 to move the time of the meeting. 5 were opposed.

Administration Report: Ms. Santoro reported that it is homecoming week with a big football game on Friday night. No new news on the building. We have new registrations from students in Puerto Rico. We will have an influx of students coming from countries that were hit by the hurricane. PSAT is next week, super testing day. 9th and 10th grades are coming plus 11th graders who pay to take it. Excused absence form for 11th and 12th graders will go up.

BTU: Reports for salaries will be October 12, 23, & 30.

PTSA: Latoya Stucke reported that the volunteer breakfast is on October 13th.

SAF: Ana Pol reported the calendar options for next year.

Adjournment: Next meeting will be Wednesday, November 1st. Reminder will be sent out. Angela Galvez made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ava Rothel seconded the motion. Motion passes. AdrienMaisel adjourned the meeting at 4:00.