THURSDAY 28 November 2013


09.15 - 09.45 / Registration & Coffee
09.45 - 11.00 / Laura Poots (Pump Court Tax Chambers) / Problems with the UK home – tax issues to consider.
11.00 - 11.30 / Tea/Coffee break
11.30 - 11.50 / Mark Baxter
(5 Stone Buildings) / A better view of capacity in the Court of Protection
11.50 - 12.10 / Ruth Hughes
(5 Stone Buildings) / Inherent jurisdiction over vulnerable adults.
12.10 - 12.30 / Jordan Holland
(5 Stone Buildings) / Powers and duties of Deputies/Attorneys: Gift giving and maintenance of third parties
12.30 – 12.50 / 5 Stone Buildings Court of Protection Team / Questions and answers and introduction to Statutory Wills workshop
12.55 – 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 - 14.55 / 5 Stone Buildings Court of Protection Team / Statutory Wills workshop
14.55 - 15.15 / Tea/Coffee break
15.15 - 16.15 / Brian Tora and Andrew Wimble (JM Finn & Co) / Economic review and update.
‘It will be different this time’!
16.15 / Chairman’s closing remarks and close
Laura Poots Barrister
Pump Court Tax Chambers
/ Laura was called to the Bar in October 2007 and practises in all areas of taxation, offering advice on planning and also acting in the course of disputes and litigation.Her direct tax practice covers personal and corporate taxes. She has particular expertise in private client advice and planning for individuals, trustees and family businesses (UK and international).Laura’s indirect tax practice includes VAT, SDLT and landfill tax.She also advises on commercial and professional negligence disputes
involving tax issues. Laura is qualified to accept Public Access instructions and is happy to accept instructions under the Special Advisory Scheme,and the Joint Advisory Scheme. In March 2013 Laura was appointed as a Junior Counsel to the Crown - C Panel. Laura is a member of the Revenue Bar Association and the London Chancery and Commercial Bar Association and is a regular contributor to At a Glance, an annual reference publication for Family lawyers.
Jordan Holland, Barrister
5 Stone Buildings
Jordan has a general chancery practice with an emphasis on contentious probate, family provision, trusts and property disputes and Court of Protection matters, as well as related professional negligence claims. He recently appeared for the successful applicant deputy in Re M (N v O & P) [2013] WTLR 681 and is currently acting in the satellite litigation arising in that case in the Chancery Division and Family Division. He also has a particular expertise in cases involving art and cultural property and recently appeared for the successful claimant in Avrora Fine Arts Investment v Christie, Manson and Woods Ltd [2012] PNLR 35. He is a member of PAIAM (Professional Advisors to the International Art Market) and the Institute of Art and Law.
Mark Baxter, Barrister
5 Stone Buildings
Mark has a broad traditional chancery practice, with a particular emphasis on probate, estates, family provision, trusts disputes and Court of Protection work, divided roughly equally between litigation and advisory work. Recently, he has appeared for the representative beneficiary in Public Trustee v Butler [2012] EWHC 858 (Ch), concerning the construction of a complex homemade Will, and succeeded in a 1975 Act claim on behalf of a co-habitant claimant where co-habitation was disputed (Swetenham v Walkley, unreported). He is recommended for Court of Protection work by Chambers & Partners who described him as “someone who knows his way around the field expertly” and is co-author of Risk and Negligence in Wills, Estates and Trusts.
Ruth Hughes, Barrister
5 Stone Buildings

Ruth is described in Chambers & Partners 2013 as “an emerging force within the Court of Protection” and is often instructed by the Official Solicitor in statutory gift and statutory will cases where her experience advising on capital taxation issues, and in drafting wills and trusts, is particularly helpful. She has a busy Traditional Chancery practice accepting instructions for both contentious and non-contentious work. The core of her practice is contentious probate and family provision claims including claims involving mutual wills and proprietary estoppels. She is a member of the Attorney General’s C Panel.
Brian Tora, Investment Manager and Journalist

Brian’s long career in the investment industry has seen him hold many senior positions in a variety of firms. He has served on the boards of both investment trusts and unit trust management companies and is a much sought after writer on financial matters, with columns in a wide variety of publications. For the past six years he has been an Associate with investment managers, JM Finn & Co, which he advises on investment communications issues. Along with other interests both inside and outside the investment world, Brian remains a regular broadcaster on financial issues on radio and television and contributes to investment seminars and conferences, both as a speaker and as chairman.
Andrew Wimble, Investment Manager
JM Finn & Co

Andrew joined JM Finn & Co in September 2012 with responsibility for Business Development, together with managing investments on behalf of families, charities and intermediaries. Andrew has considerable experience of charity management, being a trustee on, and Head of the Investment Committee of, five charities, including the Rifles Charities, D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust and a prep school.
Andrew has a wide experience of The City both domestically and internationally. Prior to joining JM Finn & Co he worked for Barclays Wealth as a director of their East Africa division, Previously Andrew worked for 11 years with Kleinwort Benson as a UK senior private banker. Before joining Kleinwort Benson he worked as a discretionary fund manager with ANZ Grindlays Bank, travelling extensively throughout the Middle East, as a stock-broker with Merrill Lynch and as a ‘space related risks’ insurance broker with Marsh and McLennan.
Andrew was also commissioned into the Royal Green Jackets and is qualified as a commercial pilot.
Conference Registration Form
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First Name: / Position:
Postal address:
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Access/Dietary requirements:
STEP members £135 (STEP Students £100) / Non members £170
Cancellations / Registration Fee / Accreditation / Disclaimer
Cancellations must be received in writing at least seven days before the date of the conference and will be subject to an administration charge of £30. It is regretted that cancellations made after this time will not be accepted and the delegate will be liable for the full conference fee. Substitutes may be made at any time provided the organisers are notified prior to the conference. Please note that if a non-STEP person attends instead of a STEP member the difference in fees will be charged. / The conference registration fee includes participation in the conference, lunch and documentation material, which will be distributed at the beginning of the event. All bookings are considered binding on the receipt of the registration form. / The event is intended to be accredited by the SRA and if so delegates will be able to claim 4 hours of accredited CPD time. STEP members can claim 4 hours of structured CPD hours. / It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the conference organisers to alter the content of the programme or the identity of the speakers.

Send completed form and cheques, to arrive no later than Wednesday 7th November 2013, made payable to ‘Thames Valley Branch STEP’ - to Miss Denise Drammis at Clifton Ingram LLP 22-24 Broad Street Wokingham Berkshire RG40 1BA

DX 33500 Wokingham

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