
Student Name/Number:…………………………………………………


General Instructions

  • Reading time – 5 minutes
  • Working time – 2 hours
  • Board approved calculators may be used
  • Write using blue or black pen
  • Draw diagrams using pencil
  • Write your student number and/or name at the top of every page.

Total marks = 100

Section I

Total marks (85)

  • Attempt questions 1-8
  • Mark your answers on the answer sheet provided

Section II

Total marks (15)

  • Attempt ONE question from Questions 9-12

Student Name/Number:…………………………………………………


Student Name/Number:…………………………………………………


Section I

85 marks

Allow about 90 minutes for this section

Answer the question in this writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available.


Name ONE farm product you have studied.

Answer ALL parts in Question 1 about the product.

(a) (i) List TWO potential markets for the farm product.

1. ______

2. ______

(2 marks)

(ii) For ONE of the markets listed in (a) (i), state TWO market specifications

1. ______

2. ______

(2 marks)

(iii) Name ONE input used to produce the product

Input ______

(iv) State how the input can be manipulated to affect ONE of the market specifications



(3 marks)

(b) (i) Describe TWO post-production techniques that maintain the quality of the farm product.

1. ______


2. ______

(4 marks)

(ii) Describe ONE technique that may be used to add value to the farm product.



(2 marks)

(c) How can market demand affect farmer OR industry decisions relating to the nature of the product.




(2 marks)



(a) Outline an improvement in agricultural production that has resulted from scientific experimentation




(2 marks)

(b) Describe a problem that has resulted from the application of scientific knowledge to an agricultural production system.



(2 marks)

(c) Explain how land-management practises used since European settlement have accelerated erosion.





(4 marks)

(d) Outline ONE Aboriginal land management practice and its effect on the environment.




(2 marks)

(e) What was the effect of ONE Aboriginal land management practice on Australian ecosystems prior to European settlement?




(2 marks)


In a farm trial the growth of two crop varieties was compared over a 5 month period.

Samples were collected and Dry Matter (D.M.) was measured each month. The results from this trial are given in Table 1

Table 1 Crop Variety and Dry Matter (D.M.) Production

(i) Graph the data using the axes below

(2 marks)

(ii) From the graph, compare the Dry Matter production of the two crops



(2 marks)

(iii) State ONE possible reason for the difference in growth between the two crop varieties.



(2 marks)

(iv) Explain why replication would be important in the design of this trial



(2 marks)

(v) Explain why this trial would need to be repeated at different locations before general recommendations could be made to farmers.



(2 marks)

(vi) Name ONE measure available to the researcher to check the variability in the results.


(1 mark)



Abby recently bought a picturesque grazing property in the foothills of the Great Dividing Range. The property is on the site of a historic goldfield that brings many tourists to the area. She plans to clear the bush land to use the land with high fertility that has never been farmed. The sandy clay-loam country in the moderately high winter rainfall area is ideal for pasture growth. She hopes to benefit from the land’s fertility by stocking at a high level. During the colder winter climate, she will supplementary feed the stock to maintain the high stocking rate.

(a.) Abby is worried that her plans will increase erosion on the property. What type of erosion would be most likely on this property? Justify your answer, and state how it could be prevented and controlled.

Reason why erosion may occur












(6 marks)

(b.) Abby is also concerned about the risk of other forms of environmental degradation.

Table 2. Types of environmental degradation

From Table 2 identify two problems, other than erosion, that Abby’s management strategies may cause.

Explain why these may become a problem and how she should monitor each problem.

Degradation 1










Degradation 2










(8 marks)


An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of giving grass-fed yearling cattle different additional feeds. The treatments compared were:

• no additional feeding (control)

• 5 kg/day lucerne hay

• 5 kg/day lucerne hay plus 0.5 kg/day cracked lupins

• 0.5 kg/day cracked lupins.

Each treatment was replicated four times.

The results of the experiment are shown in the table.

(a) Using the grid on the following page, construct a graph showing the mean daily growth rate for the four treatments.

(2 marks)

(b) Discuss ONE factor that might influence the decision to use additional feeding

in an animal production system.





(3 marks)


Figure 3 illustrates how the energy requirements of a ewe change with stage of pregnancy and lactation (milk production).


(i) Account for the differing energy requirements of a non-pregnant ewe and a lactating ewe, as shown in Figure 3.



(2 marks)

(ii) Explain why higher levels of energy are required for a ewe in late pregnancy, compared with one in early pregnancy.




(2 marks)

(iii) Describe TWO management practices that may be implemented to ensure that adequate energy is available to breeding ewes.

1 ______


2 ______


(4 marks)

(c) (i) Describe what is meant by the term Feed Conversion Ratio.



(2 marks)

(ii) Account for the differences in feed conversion ratios of monogastric and ruminant animals.





(2 marks)

(iii) Describe a possible benefit of feeding a non-protein nitrogen source,such as urea, to ruminant animals.



(2 marks)


(a) (i) Describe TWO techniques that farmers may use to manipulate reproduction in farm animals.

1. ______



2. ______



(4 marks)

(ii) Describe how ONE modern reproductive technique used in animal production may impact on the welfare of the animal.




(2 marks)

(iii) Explain, using an example, why farmers must consider consumer health issues when choosing techniques that manipulate animal growth and development.




(2 marks)


The development of growing animals has to be managed to ensure the product meets the specifications of the target market.

Evaluate the management strategies used to manipulate animal growth and development for the purpose of meeting market specifications.


















(6 marks)

Section III

15 marks

Attempt ONE question from Questions 9–12

Allow about 30 minutes for this section

Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available.


(a) Through efficient management techniques, farmers attempt to control the various factors that limit the fertility of their animals. List these limiting factors, and for each factor describe a management technique that can be used to control it.

(5 marks)

(b) In order to maximise the output from an animal production system, it is essential for the farm manager to have a sound knowledge of the role of animal hormones.

Select TWO hormones, and analyse how each acts to regulate both the reproduction and the behaviour of farm animals.

(10 marks)


(a)Using only a labeled diagram, describe the fate of energy in animal nutrition.

(5 marks)

(b)Your local produce supplier delivers a bag of feed with the following information written on the feed label:

Feed label

Critically assess the suitability of this product for feeding, during the growth and adult stages of animal you have studied.

(10 marks)


(a) Describe ONE piece of scientific research and associated technology that has influenced agricultural production or marketing.

(5 marks)

(b) Evaluate the positive and negative impacts of the use of the technology you described in part (a).

(10 marks)



a) Describe the role of minimum tillage and crop rotation in sustainable farming systems.

(5 marks)

(b) Evaluate the role of microbes and invertebrates in improving and/or maintaining soil fertility.

(10 marks)

Student Name/Number:…………………………………………………