Prior to the business of the evening commencing Patrick Taylor, Conservation Architect for MSDC and Babergh DC gave a presentation on the conservation plan for Stradbroke. Several members of the public took the time to come along and view the exhibition and then to listen to Patrick’s presentation. The Planning Committee agreed to meet to discuss the appraisal and present findings to the Council at the November meeting when a formal response could be submitted.

Public Forum: Steve Lee reported to the Council that he had spoken to John Cleverley following the failure of the garage site to sell. Mr Lee planned to make alternative suggestions for the site.


Applications for consideration at this meeting:

2645/11 erection of stable block Three Corners, Laxfield Road

3043/11 construction of additional dormer window to the front elevation Oakfields, Battlesea Green

3360/11 work on cherry tree and yew tree Stradbroke Churchyard

Recommendation for approval of the above

Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met:

2577/11 remove 1 x sycamore Old Builder’s Yard, Church Street

3380/11 change of use and works to convert a barn to a single residential dwelling, including retention of some works undertaken previously and completion in accordance with revised drawings and accompanying documents. Erection of detached cart shed garaging Brooklands Barn, Mill Lane

3386/11 LBC for above

Other business:

The Chairman reported there had been little movement from SCC’s property department on the subject of the Court House and the possible transfer to the Parish Council. Cllr Guy McGregor was attempting to facilitate a meeting where some progress might be made. It was stressed during this meeting that however keen the Council was to ensure the Court House was retained (ideally by the Parish Council) it could not and would not be allowed to become a drain on the village.

A piece of land had been informally offered to the Parish Council for affordable housing use. This is very early in the cycle so do not expect to see these materialise soon but the Council was delighted with this news which enables it to proceed with the various processes to bring about some much needed housing for the village that can be afforded by those with a link to Stradbroke. Consultations would now be set in motion to formulate the best way to move forward.



A last reminder that this is due for completion in November.

ALLOTMENTS: It had emerged at the public meeting in August that the piece of land offered for allotments was not, in fact, as large as first anticipated and would not accommodate all those interested in taking plots nor give space for additional features envisaged. The Council agreed to continue the search.

LIBRARY: nothing further had come from SCC

CRIME: PCSO Long reported that in the course of 2011 so far there had been 19 crimes in Stradbroke. During the same period in 2010 the number had reached 38.

The next meeting of the Parish Council: 14 November 2011 at 7.30pm

Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679


**please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**