The Governing Board consists of:

·  President

·  President-Elect (automatically succeeds to Office of the President)

·  Vice-President of Membership

·  Secretary

·  Treasurer

·  Committee Chairpersons

·  Most recent Past President willing to serve

Voting members:

President President-Elect Treasurer Secretary By Laws Finance Ways & Means Education

Attendance: It is imperative that all Governing Board members attend all meetings. In the event a Governing Board member has three (3) unexcused absences, he/she may be considered for replacement.

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Major responsibilities:

·  Presides at Governing Board and Chapter meetings.

·  Appoints all committees, except Nominating Committee, subject to the approval of the Governing Board.

·  Attend WCR State and National Meetings: i.e., Workshops, Governing Board, Regional Retreats, Regional Caucus, National Leadership Academy, Orientations and other Meetings deemed necessary by the governing board.

General responsibility:

·  Local Chapter President is knowledgeable of the bylaws and standing rules.

·  WCR structure and history.

·  Robert’s Rule of Order (Newly revised).

·  Provide a report on the above meetings at the next Governing and General Membership meeting.

·  Prepare a written agenda and report of all pertinent information received from the State Chapter and National level.

·  Gavel at all meetings along with National Flag with stand.

·  Instruct Bylaws Chair to distribute copies of the Current Bylaws and Standing Rules to Officers and Chairpersons.

·  Obtain a copy of Leadership Manual for each incoming at Chapters expense. The Leadership Manual should include the Bylaws, Standing Rules and Expense Reports. Review duties with each officer and Committee Chairperson.

Specific responsibilities to the Local Chapter President:

·  Disseminates applicable materials and information to officers/members.

·  Issue’s an invitation early in the year to the State WCR Governor to make an official visit to the Local Chapter.

·  Ensures that Chapter activities are not in conflict with Local Board of Realtors activates.

·  Coordinates officer and committee activities and responsibilities.

·  Makes certain Chapter bylaws are up to date and amendments reported to the National WCR office.

·  Attend Local Chapter sessions at Midyear and Annual Conference & learning lab sessions at Midyear Meetings.

·  Schedules meetings in accordance with the Chapter bylaw and standing rules.

·  Follows the Chapter meeting “Order of Business” as outlined in this Leadership Policy & Procedure Manual.

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·  Cooperates with requests from the State Chapter President, State Governor, Regional Vice President and national WCR office.

·  Assures that the Chapter’s votes are cast by the Voting Delegate or Alternate at the National Annual Business Meeting. The Local Chapter Delegate shall be the President in good Standing of the Local Chapter or another member, who shall be an Active member in good standing of the same Local Chapter, designated in writing by the President.

·  Promptly send all check to Local Chapter Treasurer.

·  Obtain the incoming pins at the Chapters expense for Presentation at Installation Ceremony for Board Members and Committee Chairs.

·  Make arrangements for Member of the Year and Affiliate of the Year to attend State WCR Awards luncheon and provide names to State Chapter by November 1st.

·  President shall sign checks in the absence of Local Chapter Treasurer.

·  Submit Local Chapter report (from LPPM) to State Governor by December 15.

Working with the REALTOR Board’s Executive Officer

One of the most critical tasks you will have during your term as Local Chapter President is establishing a strong rapport with your Local REALTOR Board or Association. The simplest way to assure ongoing cooperation is by commutating with the Executive Officer (EO). The EO

Can help you reach local officers, committee chairs, staff and much more! If your EO feels WCR has value to offer the members of the Board, you will find their assistance will make the year flow much more smoothly. The help they can give is invaluable.

·  Invite EOS to be speakers at Chapter meetings.

·  Provide EOS with complimentary passes to WCR sponsored education courses.

·  Remember to follow protocol i.e., follow Board’s chain of command.

·  Executive Officers can be National member of WCR. Offer them a complementary WCR membership or another staff member as the EO suggests/permits.

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President-Elect Shall:

In the absence of the President, the President-elect a REALTOR or REALTOR-ASSOCIATE presides at all meetings and performs the necessary duties of the office. The President-elect automatically succeeds to the presidency the following year. The main role of the President-elect is to prepare for presidency, this includes assisting the President. Preparation includes:

·  Attend WCR State and National Meetings, i.e., Workshops, Governing Board, Regional Retreats, Regional Caucus, National Leadership Academy Orientations and other Meetings deemed necessary by the governing board.

·  Shall provide a report on above meetings at next Governing Board and General Membership meeting.

·  Attend Leadership Academy. No other action helps you more, because the Academy helps volunteer leaders plug into the WCR national network sooner and more effectively. For peer support and for the referrals.

·  Following the annual election schedule a planning session with the incoming Governing Board and Committee Chairs to plan the agenda for the year. Prepare written goals for each committee and list committee members. Send to Governing Board and Committees.

·  Fill in for the President in the case of his/her absence.

·  Keep the WCR Banner displayed at all meetings. American Flag displayed at General Membership meetings.

·  Be knowledgeable of the bylaws of the Chapter and Standing Rules and have a copy available for review at all Chapter Meetings.

·  Serve on the Program committee and be liaison for all other committees.

·  Prepare and send in the Annual Report to National WCR.

·  Review the President’s sections of these bylaws and standing rules.

·  In the fall, and in collaboration with the Chapter’s entire incoming leadership team, completes the Chapter Business Plan using the SCR Annual Report (Chapter Business Plan and Chapter Excellence Awards) form.

·  Visit and review the National Strategic Framework. This is located in the Member Center on the WCR website.

Annual Report:

·  The local Chapter is required by National Women’s Council of Realtors to submit an Annual Report for the State Chapter. The President and President Elect are to compile the necessary data and submit the report by the deadline established by the National Council of Realtors

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An elected office of the Local Chapter. Individual must be a REALTOR or REALTOR-Associate. Oversee all membership activities. Accountable for the recruitment, retention and recapturing membership efforts of the chapter.

·  Be knowledgeable of Bylaw and Standing Rules.

·  Oversee all membership activates: accountable for the recruitment and retention membership efforts of the chapter, responsible for the implementation and follow-through on National and State Membership marketing campaigns when in effect.

·  Establish Local Chapter membership goals in cooperation with the Governing Board and communicate them to the Chapter.

·  Communicate membership goals and organize Chapter efforts to achieve goals.

·  Report to National WCR any corrections, changes (i.e. telephone, address) to member information.

·  Track WMLAR transfers and drops. Information then relayed to member to make sure and go into their profile and put new realty office/phone/etc.

·  Send WCR National the drops so they can be removed from the permanent list. Monitor membership reports received by National WCR for accuracy and follow up on any discrepancies. Report to National WCR any corrections and changes to member information.

·  Keep and maintain membership roster of National Members and Local Chapter Affiliates. Maintain an email database of all members.

·  Must send our Local Affiliate billing by November 15th each year for the following calendar year with return address to Vice President of Membership. Vice President of Membership to submit dues money back to Local Chapter Treasure.

·  Receive, review, approve and process new applications for all members.

·  Recognize new members at Chapter Meetings and in newsletters, Facebook any and all other social Medias.

·  Recruit new members by planning a Chapter membership campaign that encourages and challenges members to recruit new members.

·  Retain existing membership and re---recruit “dropped” members.

·  Compile and publish a Chapter roster.

·  Before distributing membership applications to prospective members complete the dues amounts on the application to prospective member’s complete the dues amount on the application and the name of our Chapter. These steps will ensure speedier and more accurate processing by National WCR.

·  Pre-Qualify candidates for National Affiliate membership- make sure our Chapter is under the 30% limit and the individual holds membership in the WMLAR Board of REALTORS.

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·  All affiliates will be processed as local affiliates unless accepted in a Governing Board position and/or approved by the Governing Board.

·  Some duties may be delegated to the Membership Chairman when the Chapter has chosen to have one.

·  Have all new member applications in before Treasurer send check to WCR National.


The Treasurer has custody of the funds of the Chapter and makes disbursements as may be directed by the President or Governing Board. It is suggested that a bond be obtained for an appropriate amount.

·  Keeps ledger showing receipts and disbursements. Deposit all funds received in accounts designated by the Governing Board. Write and sign checks.

·  All bank accounts shall include Local Chapter Treasurer, President and President-elect.

·  Serve as liaison of Finance and Budget Committee and help prepare the budget.

·  Prepare statements for each Governing Board meeting showing the approved budget and year-to-date figures, subject to audit.

·  The Annual Audit is to be performed before the December meeting by a committee appointed by the President. Each fund-raiser or project to be shown on a separate report attached to audit.

The Treasurer and Auditing Committee Chairman shall arrange a time to meet so the audit can be scheduled. Schedule this meeting no later than two weeks prior the February meeting.

·  File annual tax return as required (due May 15th). File any information required to maintain WCR status as a nonprofit organization. (Revised 3/31/13).

·  Submits the financial accounts of the association to an annual independent audit (usually a group of members) Performs others duties assigned by the President.

·  Gives Receipts for collection of cash, keeps copy of transaction for Chapter’s permanent records.

·  Have all new member application in before sending check to WCR National.

·  Will bill the local affiliates for their annual membership and collect dues.

·  Records are kept in an account book showing all receipts and disbursements.

·  Treasure’s report should be available at all regular Chapter meetings.

·  Treasurer will not pay any expense request if the Checking Account balance reaches less than $5000.00 without Governing Board approval.

·  Debt cards can be held by President, Immediate Past President and President Elect.

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WCR Billing Procedures:

·  Each renewing National WCR member received two mailed and one e-mailed renewal notice for due.

·  The renewal notice and e-mail are sent in early November. The e-mail contains a personalized link the member’s individual renewal page.

·  The second notice is mailed in February to each member who has not yet renewed.

·  Our Chapter will begin billing member’s on a quarterly, pro-rated basis.

This is the last notification they receive from the National WCR office before being dropped March 31st.

Affiliate Membership Dues Billing:

·  Local Affiliates are billed on an annual basis. The membership rate for Local Affiliates is the same as National Affiliates but 100% of the membership fee is retained by the Local Chapter. The Treasurer and VP of Membership will work together to mail out bills to Local Affiliates on the same cycle as National Members. Other words, in November of the year prior to renewal time the Treasurer will mail or email a renewal notice with information on how the affiliate is to return their membership fee. If the member has not renewed by December the Treasurer shall send an e-mail notice to Local Affiliate member.

A second billing shall be mailed by the Vice President of Membership in February and this is the last billing they receive. On March 31st the Treasurer will notify the Vice-President of Membership that the affiliate is to be dropped from our Local Chapter membership.

The National WCR office must receive notification of Chapter dues changes by October 31st in order for the change to be included in the dues billing for the following year. All dues changes become effective January 1st of the following year. Membership renewal notices are printed and mailed by November. Chapter bylaws must also be changed and re-approved.

·  Reimburse Officers expenses not to exceed the approved annual budget. Paid receipts and WCR meetings must be attended before disbursement of funds. All expenses should be presented with 30 day or when late in year by December 1st to facilitate closing of books on December 31st. The following items may be submitted for payment:

*Registration to National, State and Regional Meetings.

*Airfare to National Meetings or auto travels at the current IRS mileage rate.

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*Lodging at the convention rate and only for days of the WCR meetings at National, State and Regional Meetings. (One night at Fall MR Convention for WCR meeting; one night WCR meeting and awards luncheon these are paid based on meetings being more than One Hour and 30 Minutes away., transportation and airport fees will be paid based on the same criteria.

·  $35.00 per Diem for food while at conventions.

·  Travel expense reimbursement criteria for WCR Committee Chairs and/or Officers.

o  Must be a member in good standing to qualify for reimbursement of room expense at a WCR State, Regional or National Meeting.

o  Must attend all WCR Regional Meetings/Caucuses. Educational Workshops (with emphasis on those pertaining to your committee) Governing Board.