Ladies AGM 13.06.16

Apologies; Mandy Poxton, Sophie Poxton, Bella Poxton, Louise Evans, Lisa Prince, Millie Cowsill, Nik Kusmonov, Sylvia Thomas, Becky Wootton, Emily George, Naomi Lancaster, Emma Wootton, Megan Walker, Martha Millington.

Attendees; Kath Robinson, Jane Sixsmith, Jenny Medlicott, Elaine Burns, Sandra Westbrook, Rosaline Smith, Angela Evans, Des Kinsella, Sarah Dearnley, Samantha Phipps, Cath James, Karen Slater, Becky Florida Hopson, Sarah Finnegan, Laura Wootton, Sophie Manning, Elinor Thomas, Becky Batsford, Sue Atteridge.

Minutes by Nuala Yelland

Chairwoman’s report;

Thanks to all captains, coaches, volunteers & committee members for everything that they have done in the 2015-16 season.

Congratulations to the Ladies 1st team on winning the National Conference West League and the mixed team for getting to the Finals weekend of the plate.

President’s report;

Reiterate the thanks to everyone involved from captains to committee members to volunteers. Great to see so much interest at the back to hockey session last weekend. Fantastic juniors season with the biggest ever number of club members & recognise all the hours of voluntary work.

Treasurer’s report;;

Unfortunately we have seen a fairly big loss in the club's accounts this year (-£3660);

  • Coaching costs increased (-£1659)
  • Great to have some great coaching but this is a significant cost increase year on year
  • Pitch costs increased (-£2521)
  • Didn't lose a single training session due to the weather
  • Didn't see an increase in rates last year but expecting to see it for the 2016-17 season
  • Cost of pitch hire in the 2015-16 season worked out to £193 per season
  • Sponsorship money raised increased (+£1604)
  • Did well on raising sponsorship through the 125 raffle but this falls into next year's accounts
  • Secured sponsorship from Kabbabish
  • Have also seen significantly more money raised through club socials through the 3 events run & would be good to see more next season
  • Membership income decreased (-£936)
  • 12 fewer adult members less than the previous season which had an impact on membership subscriptions
  • Hope to gain more through the back to hockey sessions
  • Affiliation (-£549)
  • 1st team league fees increased
  • Summer league fees increased
  • Play off costs added to the
  • Match fees (+£899)
  • Captains did a fantastic job of chasing up match fees and finished the season only £18 in debt (1 player)
  • Charity
  • Club was able to give £1000 to Myton Hospice which was a fantastic achievement


  • In order for the coaching set up to continue we need to make an adjustment to our income vs expenditure
  • Subs
  • Increase annual club subscription by £20 for Adult members to £220) - Proposed by Sam Phipps & seconded by Sue Atteridge, voted in by the AGM
  • Increase annual club subscription by £10 for Junior members to £135 - Proposed by Sam Phipps & seconded by Sue Atteridge, voted in by the AGM
  • Introduce a standing order option to make the subscriptions more affordable if individuals are struggling to afford the increased rate (standing order to be set up for the first of the month & evidence needs to be attached to the membership form at the start of the season)
  • Review the training plan on a Tuesday night to lose the pitch an hour less a week
  • Training to run between 7pm & 9pm
  • 1s&2s to share half a pitch 7-8.30pm and get half a pitch for each team for 30 minutes
  • GKs focuses session in the cage 7-7.30pm
  • 3s&4s share the main pitch 7-8.30pm every other week, alternating with the cage 7.30pm-9pm
  • 5s&6s share the main pitch 7-8.30pm every other week, alternating with the cage 7.30pm-9pm
  • Proposed by Kath Robinson & agreed at the AGM
  • Indoor training at Sutton Coldfield Grammar school every Thursday
  • 2 hours with an inter-club tournament each week from 7-9pm
  • Action Kath Robinson to contact School lettings about the booking at the school
  • Action Karen Slater to put together an interclub tournament
  • The men's club would like to share the 6-7pm slot on a Tuesday for U18s training
  • This would be good as if we let the slot go then we might not get it back in future seasons if we wanted it
  • Potentially share the cost between the men's, ladies & juniors clubs
  • Club choosing not to enter the 2nd team cup in the 2016-17 season
  • Proposed by Karen Slater & agreed at the AGM

Club captains’ report;

  • Thank you to all captains. In particular, communication between captains from different teams has been really good this year
  • Robbo has done a brilliant job with co-ordinating coaching
  • All coaches, both outfield and goalkeepers have done a fantastic job.
  • Great season for the 1s, 2s did well to stay up, 3s had a strong second half of the season, 4s were unlucky but good to have 3s and 4s in different leagues again, well done to the 5s and 6s
  • 241 goals scored in the 2015-16 season which was up on the previous year, 302 goals conceded in the 2015-16 season which was also higher than the previous season. In conclusion games were more exciting but let's aim for an overall positive goal difference next year
  • Well done to the 6 members of the club (Rose, Tess, Paula, Alison, Carol & Steph) played in the National O60s and got a silver medal! Congratulations
  • And a huge thank you to Elaine for organising all of the fixtures and umpires
  • There has been a great atmosphere in the club this year helped by the club socials so let's make sure we keep that going next year


No proposals this year for amendments



  • President; Jane Sixsmith, proposed by Becky Florida Hopson & Seconded by Sarah Finnegan
  • Chairwoman; Sue Atteridge; proposed by Cath James, seconded by Becky Batsford
  • Secretary; Mandy Poxton; proposed by Karen Slater & seconded by Becky Florida Hopson
  • Treasurer; Sam Phipps; proposed by Sarah Finnegan & seconded by Jane Sixsmith
  • Membership secretary; Sandra Westbrook, proposed by Sue Atteridge & seconded by Sarah Dearnley
  • Comms co-ordinator; Nuala Yelland, proposed by Sam Phipps & seconded by Becky Florida Hopson
  • Welfare Officer; Karen Slater, proposed by Cath James & seconded by Sarah Finnegan
  • Club volunteer co-ordinator & Club Coaching Development Co-ordinator; proposed by Eli Thomas & seconded by Nuala Yelland
  • Facilities co-ordinator & Fixtures secretary; Elaine Burns, proposed by Rose Smith & seconded by Sam Phipps
  • Fundraising secretary / social secretary; Sarah Finnegan, proposed by Laura Wootton & seconded by Karen Slater
  • Ladies club captain; Cath James, proposed by Becky Florida Hopson & seconded by Karen Slater
  • Ladies vice club captain; Karen Slater, proposed by Sarah Finnegan & seconded by Sue Atteridge
  • Umpire co-ordinator; Elaine Burns, proposed by Sue Atteridge & seconded by Rose Smith
  • Kit co-ordinator; Becky Batsford, proposed by Eli Thomas & seconded by Laura Wootton
  • Junior Head Coach; Jane Sixsmith, proposed by Becky Batsford & seconded by Sue Atteridge


  • 1st XI co-captains; Eli Thomas & Sophie Manning, proposed by Becky Batsford & seconded by Jane Sixsmith
  • 2nd XI co-captains; Becky Florida Hopson & Laura Wootton, proposed by Karen & seconded by Sarah Finnegan
  • 3rd XI captain; Sam Phipps, proposed by Kath Robinson & seconded by Sarah Dearnley
  • Vice-Captain to be agreed in the team after squad selection
  • 4th XI co-captains; Sue Atteridge & Sylvia Thomas, proposed by Jen Medlicott & seconded by Sam Phipps
  • 5th team captain; Cath James, proposed by Ange Evans & seconded by Sue Atteridge
  • Vice-Captain; Lisa Abbott, proposed by Ange Evans & seconded by Cath James
  • 6th team captain; Rose Smith, proposed by Karen Slater & seconded by Eli Thomas
  • Vice-Captain to be agreed in the team after squad selection
  • Vets O35s captain; Charlotte Cross to be approached after the AGM
  • Vets O45s captain; Lisa Prince to be approached after the AGM
  • Indoor captains; Becky Batsford & Vicky Woolford, proposed by Jane Sixsmith & seconded by Eli Thomas
  • Mixed captain; Nuala Yelland, proposed by Jen Medlicott & seconded by Karen Slater
  • Mixed vets captains; Sarah Dearnley & Des Kinsella, proposed by Becky Batsford & seconded by Sue Atteridge

Congratulations to captains’players of the season

  • 1st team - Sue Wood
  • 2nd team - Lisa Prince
  • 3rd team - Becky Wootton
  • 4th team - Martha Millington
  • 5th team - Hope Cooney
  • 6th team - Natasha Jones


We need to find somewhere in the club to put the 1st team trophy on display :)

Warwickshire AGM -> surplus money has been spent on facemasks and we have been given 5, to be distributed to relevant teams through captains meeting