LEAGUE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING on Monday 6th November 2017 at Mere

1 - Attendance:

  • League Officers:
  • League Secretary: Tony Crompton (TC)
  • Chairperson: Steve Power (SP) apologies
  • Competition / Trophy Secretary: Dave Nuttall (DN)
  • Treasurer: Dave Nuttall (DN)
  • President: Geoff Jackson (GJ)
  • League Clubs:
  • Alderley Union: Brian Foden
  • Brook Street: Andy Long
  • Mere: Richard Owen, Steven Bloor, Tony Jackson, Philip Simpson, Richard Owen & Geoff Jackson
  • Mobberley: Tony Crompton
  • Shaw Heath: Scott Marshall
  • Tatton: Rob Clarke
  • Wilmslow Cons: Dave Nuttall
  • Wilmslow RBL: Not present

2 - Apologies for absence

  • Steve Power

3 - Minutes of last meeting

  • TC had previously circulated copies of the last meeting on the web site and no matters had been brought to his attention.
  • Accepted as a true and accurate account of the meeting. Proposed by RO and Seconded by AL.All in favour, none against and no abstentions.
  • As previously agreed, hard copies of minutes and agendas will not be available at meetings and attendees are advised to print a copy off from the web site in advance of each meeting if they require them.

4 - Items arising from the last meeting (not agenda listed)

  • None

5 - Disciplinary / Matters of Dispute

  • Wilmslow RBL to be deducted a point (from each club team) for failing to attend tonight’s meeting.
  • All Mobberley and Wilmslow RBL teams to be deducted 3 points for non-payment of league fees on time.

6 - Items notified to Secretary prior to meeting

  • TC mentioned the much higher incidence of teams playing short this season and to that end, proposed that we start to think about future league formats to (a) guarantee what we already have (b) relieve some of the work from some of the league captains struggling for a team and (c) hopefully increase team numbers. TC proposed that the 2018-9 season have teams of FIVE players with ONE point per frame and ONE point for the aggregate. Not playing a sixth frame and not two points for the aggregate. TC reckons that Mobberley would be able to enter one more team and others probably could (e.g. Mere, Shaw Heath, Alderley and Tatton). After discussion it was agreed to promote this change to all league members in advance of agreeing it (or otherwise) at the AGM.
  • TC also proposed that, due to very small entry numbers in several league competitions this season, we have a cull of the competitions in the hope that the remaining competition entry numbers increase. He proposed that the 3 Player, JME pairs; and Young Player; be discontinued / held back for review; and that the Taylor Trophy & Sid Jones be amalgamated into an ‘over 60’s competition’. After discussion it was agreed unanimously to do this from the 2018-9 season.

7 - Trophies / Competitions Secretary

  • DN said via TC that matches had progressed well and there had been no major issues. The 3 player (with just 4 entries) was played to a conclusion last Sunday with an all-Mobberley final.

8 - Treasurer

  • DN reported via TC that there was nothing else to mention beyond his comments at the last meeting.
  • There has only been the payment of the third quarter and Team KO cup fees since the last meeting and the current balance is £2,200.05 – which he will continue to monitor. The only fees outstanding are from Mobberley.

9 - Any other business

  • RO suggested that as Jack Tulley had lent his name as a memorial to the Young Player competition that was no longer to take place, maybe it would be good to change the name of the 6 Reds competition? TC to speak to Bruce Tulley and change if agreed.

10 Date of next meetings

  • Monday 5th of March 2018 at 7pm at Alderley Union club.
  • AGM on Thursday 5th of April at Brook Street at 7pm


Management Meeting rota:

  • Brook Street, Morley,Shaw Heath, Wilmslow Cons, Wilmslow RBL, Mobberley, Mere,Alderley Union

AGM rota:

  • Wilmslow RBL, Mere,Mobberley(70th Anniversary),Wilmslow Cons, Wilmslow RBL,Morley, Alderley Union,Shaw Heath,Brook Street

Life Members

  • Bruce Tulley / David Nuttall / David Rainford / Ed Wakefield / Francis Evans / Mervyn Pike / Rob Clarke / Ronnie Tagg / Tony Crompton/ Arthur Hasford / Philip Simpson
  • Barry Lineham / Brian Mitchell / David Potter / David Sykes / Geoff Owen / Geoff Sharpe / John Sproston / John Thompson / Peter Watson / Ray Dale / Sid Jones