Provincial Faculty Development Initiative Agreement *

  • The PBSG-ED Group will provide 45 module packages to each of the six university-based Family Medicine Residency Programs in Ontario.
  • Each module package consists of 10 printed modules on a single clinical teaching topic, and a facilitator guide.
  • Each Family Medicine Residency Program will have up to 5 years from April 1 2011 to use their 45 module packages.
  • The 45 module packages can be chosen from all the available topics of the PBSG-ED Group during this five-year period, according to the need of the individual residency program.
  • The PBSG-ED group will take orders from the Ontario Family Medicine Residency Programs, and will track module usage for each program. For the first year, at minimum, the PBSG-ED group will promote the use of the modules to the residency programs.

Departments of Family Medicine Responsibilities

  • Each Department of Family Medicine will designate a contact person for communication about the PBSG-ED initiatives and provide this name to the PBSG-ED program.
  • All modules are to be ordered through the PBSG-ED contact person, indicating that the session is part of Ontario’s Provincial Faculty Development Initiative. This will avoid any charges for the modules (up to a maximum of 45 per Department).
  • Each PBSG-ED session must be reported to PBSG-ED, with the topic and location on a regular basis, ideally after each session, at a minimum biannually.
  • Each Department will be responsible for providing the study credit certificate to participants at the session, and for maintaining the list of participants for each session. This is required for validation of study credits.

Study Credit Agreement

  • The PBSG-ED Group will ensure renewal of Mainpro M1 study credits until at least April 30 2016
  • The PBSG-ED Group will provide the OCFP with an annual listing of all groups using each module with the name of the contact person who can provide attendance lists.
  • These study credits will apply to those university-based family medicine programs using the modules without any industry sponsorship. Should there be such sponsorship, a separate application for study credits will be required from those receiving the sponsorship.
  • Should Mainpro C credits be required, participants may complete the CFPC Linking Learning to Practice exercise.

*Funded by the Government of Ontario and the Physician Services Committee