Minutes of the Meeting of the Hope Community Council held at the Community Centre, Heulwen Close, Hope on
Wednesday 2 April 2014.
Councillor Mrs MD Williams, (Chairman) and Councillors Mrs C Cunnah, Mrs SL Davies,
P Evans, B Hughes,Mrs S Jones, A Parry,EA Parsonage,PR Pemberton, C Shone,P Smith and IR Sumpter.
Also present Mr AF Rushton, Clerk and Financial Officer
271. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies for absence were received fromCouncillors Mrs L Griffiths and Mrs J Lucy.
272. Visitors to the Meeting.
(a) Mr Tom Woodall attended the meeting to talk about the future of the Caergwrle Castle site. The lease of the site to the County Council from this Council terminated in September 2015 at which point the management of the area may revert to this Council. He explained that current budget constraintsand staffing levels would preclude the Countryside section from continuing maintenance and management of Castle Hill at no cost.
Management of the area consisted of two elements (a) general maintenance and upkeep including health and safety checks and action and (b) habitat and wildlife management and development.
Mr Woodall stressed that the countryside section would be interested in continuing to be involved with the area but would clearly have to charge for their services. He also acknowledged that the Community Council would be free to seek the services of other contractors should that be their wish.
In answer to a question Mr Woodall explained that over recent years a good deal of tree clearance had been carried out to ensure that the Castle ruin was visible from all directions. A careful balance however was required so that existing mature trees could be preserved whilst ensuring that the site did not become overgrown.
Councillor Mrs Jones took the opportunity of thanking Mr Woodall and his staff for the excellent work done on the area over the years. The Chairman thanked Mr Woodall for attending the meeting.
(b) The Reverend Adam Pawley Hope Parish Church was to have attended the meeting to discuss further the commemoration of the centenary of World War1. He was however due to meet with Mr Dave Healey of the Hope and Caergwrle Historical Society later in the month and had therefore requested to attend the May Council meeting when he would hopefully have more to report.
273. Chairman’s Announcements.
The Chairman announced that she had recently attended the Buckley Town Council charity dinner and had received an invitation to the Mold Town Council charity dinner to be held on 9 May 2014. It was agreed that whilst the Chairman’s term of office would have ended by that date, on this occasion her attendance be approved.
274. Minutes of Council.
that the Minutes of theMeeting of the Council held on 5 March 2014, be approved as a correct record and signed, by the Chairman.
275. Matters Arising.
(i)Police Partnership Initiative – North Wales Police –PCSO Andrea Ellis attended to report on police activity in the area over the recent period.She also reported that she and other officers had been on speed gun refresher courses and that the ‘arrive alive’ van would continue to be operating in the area.
It was also intended to reintroduce a joint initiative between the local community and police with the objective of increasing information and intelligence sharing, identifying emerging issues to tackle in partnership and enhance the relationship between local councils and the police. It had been agreed that the Council would give consideration at this meeting to selecting three specific issues which could be tackled in partnership between the Council and police.
It was agreed that the three issues to be raised under this initiative should be traffic speeds throughout the area including Rhyddyn Hill, anti-social behaviour including drink and drugs and the continuing extensive litter left outside the Castle Inn Caergwrle.
that the Clerk notify North Wales Police of the above issues.
(ii) Community Generation of Hydro Electricity – Councillor P Smith reported that he was awaiting a further visit from Dafydd Watts of Natural Resources Wales so that he could carry out an assessment of the weir which he reported on to the last meeting. This would confirm whether such a scheme would be feasible.
(iii) Devolution of Services – The Clerk reported receipt of an email from the Clerk of Mold Town Council stating that they would be interested in hosting a training session organised by One Voice Wales on the issue of devolution of services. If 20 delegates could be found the cost per delegate would be £20. The Council was asked if it would be interested in supporting this.
that Mold Town Council be advised that this Council would support one delegate for such a training session at a cost of £20.
276. Minutes of Committees.
that the minutes of the following standing committees be approved and adopted and confirmed as a correct record.
(i) Planning and Highways – 5 March 2014.
(ii) Leisure and Environment –5 March 2014.
(iii) Finance –5 March 2014.
277. June 2014 – Council Meeting.
The Council was asked to consider changing the date of the June 2014 Council meeting from Wednesday 4 June to Tuesday 3 June 2014.
that the above date change of the Council meeting from Wednesday 4 June to Tuesday 3 June 2014 be approved.
278. Liaison with Local Schools.
The Clerk reported that Mr Graham Hughes Head Teacher Castell Alun High School would be attending the Council meeting on Tuesday 3 June 2014 to update Councillors on progress with his aim to build closer links between the school and local community.
279. Wrexham-Birkenhead Railway Line.
This item had been included on the agenda at the request of Councillor C Shone. He asked that the possibility of this railway line being electrified be further explored and that the Clerk be requested to write to Lord Barry Jones, Ian Lucas MP for Wrexham and the Wrexham Birkenhead Rail Users’ Group seeking support for this objective.
Resolved: accordingly.
280. Future Items for Consideration.
(i) The future management of Castle Hill Caergwrle.
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning and Highways Committee held at the Community Centre, Heulwen Close, Hope on Wednesday 2 April 2014.
Councillor Mrs SL Davies, (Chairman) and Councillors Mrs C Cunnah, P Evans,
B Hughes, Mrs S Jones, A Parry, EA Parsonage, PR Pemberton,
C Shone, P Smith, IR Sumpter and Mrs MD Williams.
Also present Mr AF Rushton, Clerk and Financial Officer.
281. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs L Griffiths
and Mrs J Lucy.
282. Minutes.
that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 5 March 2014.
283. Matters Arising.
(i) Road Markings and Road Surface Conditions – Caer Estyn Crossroads and Wrexham Road Penyffordd/Hope – The Clerk reported a response from the local Flintshire County Councillor stating that he also had been pressing the Highways Department for improvements to this section of road but to no avail. He would be continuing to press for something to be done.
that the Clerk request copies of Councillor Newhouse’s correspondence so that the County’s responses can be compared.
(ii) Various Highways Issues raised with Flintshire County Council (Double yellow lines Fagl Lane/dog walkers highway safety – The Clerk reported that the request for the extension of double yellow lines on Fagl Lane has been noted and would be included in the long list of similar requests received. The matter relating to dog walkers and highway safety had been referred to the Road Safety section for them to determine if a campaign can be presented to highlight this issue.
that the above report be noted.
(iii) Car parking Caergwrle – It was reported that the County Council was proposing to place bollards on the edge of the pavement on the corner of Castle Street and High Street to combat parking at this location. It was also intended that the double yellow lines would be strictly enforced.
that the above report be noted.
(iv) Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Temporary Prohibition of through traffic at Caergwrle – The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from Flintshire County Council stating that a section of Porch Lane would be closed on 11 April to facilitate a BT pole replacement
that the above be noted.
284. Planning Applications.
(a) The Committee considered planning applications received as follows:
(i) Application APW/051849 – Erection of a single storey rear extension at Estyn Lodge Lower Mountain Road Hope.
(ii) Application LEJ/051786 – Change of use of two commercial units to ancillary residential use at 2 Hawarden Road Hope.
(iii) Application LEJ/051892 – Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development – erection of building for storage of hay, animal feed and farm machinery at Rhewl Barn Pentre Lane Hope Mountain.
that the above applications be supported.
(b) Applications which had been determined by Flintshire County Council were reported as follows:
(i) Single storey rear and front extensions and replace garage flat roof with a tiled pitched roof at Bay Tree Cottage Gresford Road Hope – approved.
(ii) Single storey rear extension at Hazeldene 41 Rhyddyn Hill Caergwrle – approved.
(iii) Reserved matters application – amended layout to include substitution of 15 no. house types and addition of 5 no. dwellings on land at rear of Adwy Deg Fagl Lane Hope – approved.
(iv) Change of use of outbuilding from redundant hotel accommodation to one single residential house with grandparent accommodation at Caeau Farm Gresford Road Hope – approved.
(v) Extension to increase living room and provide single garage at 81 Derby Road Caergwrle – approved.
(vi) Change of use of premises from 2no.A1 retail units to tattoo studio at 10-12 Castle Street Caergwrle – approved.
285. Flintshire Local Development Plan Delivery Agreement Approval/Call for Candidate Sites.
The Committee considered a letter from Flintshire County Council requesting submission of candidate sites to be considered as part of the Local Development Plan process. Submissions were required by 30 May. A copy of the letter was circulated to Councillors at the last meeting.
The public and other bodies were being to submit suggested sites under different categories of development such as residential, minerals development, employment, waste development, retailing, community use, public open space, gypsy and traveller accommodation and tourism uses. A separate submission form was required for each individual site accompanied by an appropriate plan and technical information.
(i) that at this stage the Clerk be requested to make submissions in respect of the Willow playingfield and Queensway playingfield requesting that these al be nominated as public open spaces. It was also agreed that the area of land fronting Wrexham Road Abermorddu which had been excluded from the UPD for residential development be submitted as an area of protection.
(ii) that the Clerk invite a representative of the Planning Department to a special meeting to discuss the wider implications of the LDP and clarify any issues Councillors may have.
286. Street Lighting – St Cynfarch’s Avenue Hope.
The Clerk reported an email from a local resident requesting a review of the number of lights in St Cynfarch’s Avenue/Estyn Close. It was pointed out that one of the columns was currently not operating properly.
that the situation be re-assess when all the existing columns are fully functioning.
287. Street lighting Meeting with County Council.
The Clerk reported a letter received from Flintshire County Council inviting the Council to a meeting to be held on 13 May 2014 to discuss options with regard to the adoption of Town and Community Council lighting by the County Council.
that the Chairman of the Committee, Councillor P Smith and the Clerk be requested to attend the above meeting.
Minutes of a Meeting of the Leisure and Environment Committee held at the Community Centre, Heulwen Close, Hope on Wednesday 2 April 2014.
Councillor Mrs MD Williams (Chairman) and Councillors Mrs C Cunnah,
Mrs SL Davies, P Evans, B Hughes, Mrs S Jones, A Parry, EA Parsonage,
PR Pemberton, C Shone, P Smith and IR Sumpter.
Also present Mr AF Rushton, Clerk and Financial Officer.
288. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs L Griffiths
and Mrs J Lucy.
289. Minutes.
that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the previous meeting of the committee held on 5 March 2014.
290.Matters Arising.
(i) Willow playingfield – Councillor Parsonage reported that he had met Mr Richard Roberts Flintshire County Council at the Willow playingfield on 17 March 2014 to discuss the possible importation of top soil to the playingfield to provide a more level football pitch. He had been advised that provided good quality top soil was obtained there would be no objection to appropriate levelling works being carried out on the Willow area. Councillors were asked to notify Councillor Parsonage if they became aware of any suitable top soil becoming available.
(ii) Crossways play area – Councillor Mrs Stella Jones reported that an action committee had now been formed to raise funds towards the improvement of this play area. A meeting had been arranged for the 28 April 2014 following which there would be a further report to the next meeting. The sum of £5000 had been included in the budget for 2014/2015 to enable work to commence on improving this play area. It was proposed that further funding be included in the budget over the next two years to enable the completion of the upgrading of this area.
291. Willow Playingfield.
The Clerk reported that the planning application in respect of the skateramp facility would not now be available until the next meeting. The plans for the landscaping of the Willow had been circulated to various Councillors who had supported the proposals. It was now intended to carry out the planting in the autumn. The County Council’s contribution of £10,000 towards this scheme for 2013/2014 had been paid into the Council’s bank account and would be held specifically for that purpose.
that the above report be noted.
292. Maintenance of the River Alyn.
The Clerk reported contact with Natural Resources Wales concerning debris in and around the packhorse bridge. Mr Andy Basford had stated that they were aware of the problem and were in contact with the adjoining land owners in the vicinity of the packhorse bridge and would be arranging for remedial action to be taken.
that the above report be noted.
293. Flintshire County Summer Play Scheme 2014.
The Clerk reported a letter from Flintshire County Council advising that they would be match funding a three week summer playscheme at a cost of £898.20. Should the Council wish to increase this to four or five weeks this was available at an additional £250.00 per week.
that approval be granted to the three week playscheme at a cost of £898.20.
Minutes of a Meeting of the Finance Committee held at the Community Centre, Heulwen Close, Hope on Wednesday
2 April 2014
Councillor Mrs MD Williams (Chairman) and Councillors Mrs C Cunnah, Mrs SL Davies, P Evans, B Hughes, Mrs S Jones, A Parry, EA Parsonage, PR Pemberton,
C Shone, P Smith and IR Sumpter.
Also present Mr AF Rushton, Clerk and Financial Officer.
294. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs L Griffiths and
Mrs J Lucy.
295. Minutes.
that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the previous meeting of the committee held on 5 March 2014.
296. Matters Arising.
There were no matters arising.
that the payments up to and including 31 March 2014, as attached to these minutes and in the total sum of £4849.81 be approved.
298. Repeal of S150(5) of the Local Government Act 1972 – Implementation.
The Clerk reported on the above which repealed the requirement of two signatures on cheques to enable more modern methods of payment. He advised that he did not currently intend to seek to change the present method of payment by cheque.
that the above report be noted.
299. Duration of Meetings.
The meetings began at 6.30pm and ended at 8.30pm.