Angela:. My foot hurts.
Jimmy: Your foot?
Angela: These bleeding shoes.
Jimmy: Where you going?
Angels West End.
Jimmy: You want a plaster?
Angela: You what?
Jimmy: A plaster. For your foot?
Angela: What are you talking about you, eh?
Jimmy: It's all right. It's just that I keep plasters in my car. If you wanted a plaster for your foot you could have one.
Angela: I’ve been walking for nine hours.
Jimmy: (finding a plaster for her) You ought to get yourself a more sturdy set off footwear if that's the kind of walking you're doing. Get some Timberland. Or Caterpillar. Fineshoes.
Angela: I come here all the time. They have the best coffee in King's Cross.
Jimmy: This is a very unusual situation.
Angela: I'm a very unusual person.
Jimmy: I don't often find myself sharing cups of coffee with the fares.
Angela: Is that what you call them?
Jimmy: What?
Angela: People who you give lifts to? You call them a 'fare'?
Jimmy: Yeah.
Angela: That's very impersonal.
Jimmy: Don't take it the wrong way. I meet a lot of people.
Angela: Do you know any card tricks?
Jimmy: No. I can eat fire but card tricks I know nothing about.
Angela: Would you like to see a card trick?
Jimmy: Only if I can be your beautiful assistant.
Angela: I'll bet you the fare you can't work out how I do it.
Jimmy: Get to fuck.
Angela: All right. I'll bet you half the fare.
Jimmy: Do you do this with every taxi driver you get?
Angela: Pick a card.
Jimmy: {picking a card} Because if you do you mustn't get very far.
Angela: Don't tell me what it is.
Jimmy:'Cause, I mean, you'll be stopping and stanine every five minutes.
Angela: Now put it back in the pack and shuffle it. Don't let me see what it is.
Jimmy: (following her instructions} I'm not ordinarily a gambling man, you understand.
Angela: Now cut. [He does) And turn over the top card. That was your card. The queen of hearts. Am I right?
Jimmy: Yeah. You're right.
Angela: Is that half the fare then?
Jimmy: Go on.
Angela: Funny.
Jimmy: What?
Angela: Most people normally lie.
Jimmy: I'm a disarmingly honest person.
Angela: You're Mancunian, aren't you?
Jimmy: As drizzle.
Angela: I like Mancunians.
Jimmy: All of them?
Angela:M'ancunians are very sensitive.
Jimmy: Jesus.
Angela: I had a Mancunian boyfriend once.
Jimmy: What happened to him?
Angela: He killed himself.
Jimmy: Fucking hell.
Angela: Jumped off a bridge over the M25.
Jimmy: Christ.