Request for ARC Installation

1) Customer name:

2) Version/release/patch to be installed (to be filled by Ex Libris)

3) Login information for ARC installation

Server IP address: Server host name:

Password of the user "exlibris" (or “aleph” if present):

Server name or IP to be used for link to reports:

 Confirm that an exlibris user has been created for remote login, with

permission to "su" or “sudo”.

Root password:

4) Login information for ALEPH installation (to be connected to ARC):

Server IP address: Server host name:

Password of the user “aleph”:

Relevant copy number (a16_n):

ALEPH Version:

ALEPH service pack number:

Multi-ADM Installation:  Yes  No

ADM Library Name:

5) Server specification for ARC installation:

Machine model: Number of CPUs:

Operating system (including version):

RAM size: Swap area: GB

Disk space for ARC data base (by file systems):

/exlibris GB;/exlibris1 GB;/exlibris2 GB;

/exlibris3 GB;/exlibris4 GB;/exlibris5 GB;

Network Connection Speed______Type______

Storage Internal External

Physical Disk Size______GB Number of Disks______

Disk Connectivity Fibre SCSI IDE  SATA Other______

RAID Configuration Software hardware

RAID Level RAID-0 RAID1 RAID-4 RAID-5 RAID 0+1 RAID Other______

Storage Other ______

6) ARC is installed on the dedicated server:  Yes  No

If ARC is installed on the dedicated server - should Ex Libris create new database:

 Yes  No

If ARC is installed on the same server as ALEPH, should we use the same Oracle database as for ALEPH:

 Yes  No

If Yes, enter the database name:

Confirm that database format is UTF8:  Yes  No

7) Please confirm that Telnet/ssh, sftp, TCP/IP and HTTP access for the

Ex Libris IP numbers is provided:



 Local Ex Libris office or distributor if applicableIPs

Communication via:

 Telnet ssh

Outgoing FTP access is enabled for the following addresses:



Confirm that the following port is open and can be used by ARC:

 HTTP port 8080

If you wish that another port be used, please specify alternative port number:

8) Is there confirmation to reboot the ARC server by Ex Libris at any time during the
installation? Yes  No

If no, what is the procedure for reboot?

9) Is there confirmation of the creation of ARC users by Ex Libris?  Yes  No

10) Contact person for installation:

Name and position:


Tel.: Work: Mobile:


Confirmed and accepted by customer:




To be filled in by Ex Libris

11) Customer three-letter prefix: ______

12) Customer code:

13) Ex Libris contact person:

14) Expected installation completion date:

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005Page 1 of 3

Request for ARC Installation

ALEPH versions 15,16,17

Updated: May 31, 2005