Temple Christian School

Syllabus for

Web Design and Programming

I.  Course Description and Philosophy

This course is designed to instruct students in Web site construction and design. Students will learn HTML/CSS coding and then be introduced to popular Web design and graphics programs including Dreamweaver, Flash, and Photoshop as well as the content management system Wordpress. The course will cover the usage of graphics, sound and video and discuss the appropriateness of multimedia on Web sites for journalism, advertising, public relations, and e-commerce. Students will work on several small Web projects that will lead to a final project. The goal is to emphasize more than just the skills associated with individual programs, but the integration of several programs into designing effective and attractive Web sites.

In addition, the class will address social and theoretical implications of technology, such as the digital divide, cyberlaw, e-commerce, and Web content credibility and accessibility.

II.  Scriptural Emphasis

Computer supplies the language and patterns of reasoning used in the sciences and other branches of knowledge. The primary goal of computer should be the use of computer applications to solve problems, to provide a wealth of knowledge, and to present information in a manageable manner.

God is the great Engineer and Architect of the universe. He has allowed man to excel in computer knowledge. Man’s task is to use the capabilities of the computer for man’s benefit and for the glory of God.

The computer has aided Christians to “Redeem the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). The speed and capabilities of the computer have allowed Christians additional time to be about the Father’s affairs. The computer has also enabled Christians to enact a more excellent way as scripture says to “covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way (1 Corinthians 12:31). It also allows us to “Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40).

The purpose of Computer Applications is (1) to aid the student in understanding the capabilities and concepts of the computer, and (2) to help the student acquire the skills needed to use and apply this information.

III.  Course Goals and Objectives

Upon successful completion of the Introduction to Computers class the student will be able to:

o  an understanding of HTML, CSS, and other Web design technologies

o  an understanding of the role of content management systems

o  a broad perspective on the interactive, multimedia, Web 2.0, and communication environments, including issues of diversity and inclusiveness

o  the ability to create Web sites that are functional and well designed

o  the ability to produce engaging multimedia to accompany sites

IV.  Sequence

First Nine Weeks

Weeks 1 thru 3 Digital Citizenship & History of the computer system

·  What is digital citizenship?

·  How do my decisions affect others.

·  Who made the first computer.

·  The evolution of the computer.

3 Weeks test over the history of the computer.

Weeks 4 thru 6 How does the computer work?

·  Software

·  Hardware

·  Processor

·  Building of the computer

6 Weeks test over how a computer works.

Weeks 7 thru 9 History of the Internet and how it works

·  Arpanet

·  E-mail

·  Evolution on the WWW

·  Where we are now and what the future holds

9 Weeks test over the history

Second Nine Weeks

Weeks 1 thru 3 Introduction to HTML.

·  What is HTML

·  Why is it necessary

·  Why should we learn how to use it

·  What is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

3 Weeks test over the history

Weeks 4 thru 6 HTML Basics

·  What do you need to create your own webpage

·  What are tags and attributes

·  Pictures

·  Hyperlinks

·  RGB

Beginner web pages

6 Weeks Test

Weeks 7 thru 9 More HTML Basics

·  Heading tags

·  Ordered lists and unordered lists

·  Basic tables

·  Forms

Intermediate web pages

9 Weeks Test

Semester Exam

Third Nine Weeks

Weeks 1 thru 3 Computing

·  What it means to write code.

·  How to read code.

·  What it means to run and debug code.

Advanced web pages

3 Weeks Test

Weeks 4 thru 6 Computing

·  Cont. with run and debug code.

6 Weeks Test

Weeks 7 thru 9 Procedural Programming

·  Variables

·  Logical Operators

·  Mathematical operators

9 Weeks Test

Fourth Nine Weeks

Weeks 1 thru 3 Control Structures

·  Loops

·  Functions

·  Error Handling

3 Weeks Test

Weeks 4 thru 6 Data Structures

·  Strings

·  Lists

·  File input and output

6 Weeks Test

Weeks 7 thru 9 Advanced Topics

·  Object-oriented programming

·  Computer Algorithms.

9 Weeks Test

V.  Methodology

This class uses a variety of teaching methods to accommodate various learning styles. Lecture is but one method in which students will be introduced to course concepts. Students are expected to participate in news and current event discussions, providing topics that are of interest to them. The instructor will cover skills session in class as a group, and students will practice those skills.

VI.  Textbook

None will be used at this time.

VII.  Enrichment

Group and individual projects.

VIII.  Evaluation

Daily Work 50%

Written Tests 50%

There is no extra credit available for this class.

In general,I will not accept technology failure as an excuse for late or missing work. For your own sake, I recommend that you:

·  Be prepared for (even expect) minor technology problems

·  Submit your work early

·  Double-check your submission before the due date