28thJuly 2008


The Meadows Resource Centre

Present: B. Downes;J. Openshaw;J. Collins; L. Crowder; B Patten

Officers:M. Walbank; L. Bates;K. Fairhurst

Apologies:Cllr J. Heywood, J. Gandy and H. Asrress


The minutes of the meeting held on 19th May 2008 were accepted as a correct record.


a)Financial Position

Devolved Budget –at the start of the meeting, the remaining, uncommitted devolved budget funding was £13,738

Community, Health & Well-being Fund – at the start of the meeting, £1,309 was remaining which had to be allocated at this meeting as the cut off date was September 2008 for this fund. There was no problem with doing this as there were payments made previously, which could be re-allocated to this fund.

Salford Sports and Physical Alliance Fund (SPAA)– £8,000 remaining

b)Contracts / Service Level agreements

Meadows Resource Centre – The Meadows has been given an assurance that they can continue to rent the building for another two years. Their annual application is yet to be submitted which will apply for £8,000, an increase of £1500 to cover rising costs.

Fairbridge– For several years, Fairbridge have applied for more than the amount stipulated in their contract (£8,000). This year, community Committee have agreed a payment of £14,000. A proposed Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Fairbridge was distributed previously to group members to peruse. It would replace the existing contract and be in line with the SLA’s already agreed with SCL and CANW.Itstarts at £14,000 but allows for a provisional 2.5% annual increase for inflation, which the old contract did not.There was some discussion about the balance ofSLA’s against unsolicited applications for funding.

It was agreed that a special meeting be held to look at management of the devolved budget given that it seemed likely that the funds would be exhausted well before the end of the financial year. And:

Recommendation: that theSLAbe made with Fairbridge.

c)SalfordCity Radio

Steve Suttie station manager of Salford City Radio was in attendance to explain why the application for funds had been re-submitted to this group. The first application was sent citywide as the NRF funding was at an end therefore further fundingneeded to be sourced. This situation then changed as the NRF funding was extended for a further 6 month and other funders were being looked at. The funding for C/W is still requested as the area is under represented in terms of volunteers at the station. The funding would enable the recruitment of 12 local people to betrained and skilled up.

Recommendation:Pay £2000 from devolved budget (included in table at 3. below).


Members considered the applications for funding and agreed the following recommendations:



1. SalfordElimChurch / £140 community barbeque / Refuse – Budget group felt parents should be paying
2. 319 Air Training Corps / £90 share from C/W for sports equipment / Pay £100 from SPAA to include registration to Sports Council
3. HopeHigh school / £293 share from C/W for Living
for Sport event / Pay £293 from CH&WB fund
4. 82nd Salford Scout Group / £937 share from C/W for room hire / Pay £937 from Devolved budget (see note 1)
5. Little Tots Toy Library / £3451 share from C/W to employ I a worker for a year / Refuse – cannot commit to salary costs except where planned. Also other toy libraries exist
6. Salford Football Focus / £541 share from C/W for a kit / Pay £500 from SPAA (see note 2)
7. Langworthy ken Yu Kai Karate / £451 share from C/W for room hire (share should be £322 based on addresses given) / Pay contribution of £322 from
8. Afro Integra In the N/W / £262 share from C/W for English booklets & running costs / Refuse – Only two or three households in C/W and funds would purchase many leaflets
9. Langworthy FC / £198 share from C/W for presentation evening / Pay £50 from devolved – club is charging entrance fee and a raffle which should cover other costs
10. 100thSalford Scout Cubs / £463 for room hire (from addresses given, it should be £317) / Pay £317 from devolved
11. Bluebell Residents & Tenants Association / £535 for hanging baskets & brackets / Pay £535 from devolved (see Note 3)
12. Edward Ave 11 / £621.22 for plants/compost etc / Pay £400 from devolved. (see note 3).
13. SalfordCity Radio / £4500 for resources to support local volunteers / Pay £2000 from devolved
  • Note 1.– The group requested that a comment should be made in respect of the funding forms not having a specific section asking about how and what fundraising the group have done. This should be built into the forms when next revised.
  • Note 2 –Jim Collins details to contact the club to ascertain if they would like kit from de la Salle. If a kit is donated between now and September, review payment at CC.
  • Note 3 – Kay Fairhurst to help both groups apply to the PCT’s ‘Communities for Health’ fund. If successful, review the recommendation to pay at Community Committee.
  1. monitoring forms

Members noted that monitoring forms / reports had been submitted by:

  • Fairbridge
  • Salford Community Leisure
  • CVS Basis Forum
  • Alzheimer’s Society
  • Shared Learning in Action
  • 55th Boys Brigade
  • Friends of Summerville
  • Salford School FA
  • Rendezvous cancer support

  1. bolton road cctv

A group of council officers, councillors and policehave been trying to source funding for cameras forBolton Road. In terms of council funding, it is current city policy to look for funding from Community Committees for CCTV.

The costs of installing two cameras would be:

  • £23,800 capital costs
  • £3695 revenue costs.

55 businesses have been approached about the installation and if all agreed to pay £350 per business this would cover the capital costs; £67 pa would cover the revenue. The group wished to ask Community Committee for a contribution towards the capital costs.

Recommendation:That Community Committee agree in principle to contribute towards the cost of CCTV on Bolton Road but do not specify an amount because of uncertainty about how much committee will have available.

  1. ANY other business

Kay asked the group if they felt that the community tea events should be funded by this budget group. Group members agreed that funding should come through this group.