
27-16-1105.Minimum issuance standards for driver's licenses.
(a)(1)Except as provided under subdivisions (a)(2) and (b)(1) of this section regarding the renewal, duplication, or reissuance of a driver's license or identification card, to meet the requirements of this section the Office of Driver Services shall require at a minimum presentation of the following information before issuing a driver's license or identification card to a person:
(A)A photo identity document, except that a nonphoto identity document is acceptable if it includes both the person's full legal name and date of birth;
(B)Documentation showing the person's date of birth;
(C)Proof of the person's social security account number or verification that the person is not eligible for a social security account number; and
(D)Evidence of legal status that includes valid documentary evidence that the person:
(i)Is a citizen of the United States;
(ii)Is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent or temporary residence in the United States;
(iii)Has conditional permanent resident status in the United States;
(iv)Has a valid, unexpired nonimmigrant visa or nonimmigrant visa status for entry into the United States;
(v)Has a pending or approved application for asylum in the United States;
(vi)Has entered into the United States in refugee status;
(vii)Has a pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the United States;
(viii)Has approved deferred action status; or
(ix)Has a pending application for adjustment of status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States or conditional permanent resident status in the United States.
(2)(A)If ten (10) or more driver's licenses are issued with the same address of residence, the applicant shall present documentation that establishes the person's address of residence.
(B)The documentation requirements under subdivision (a)(2)(A) of this section shall include, but not be limited to:
(i)A lease;
(ii)A mortgage statement; or
(iii)A utility bill.
(b)(1)For purposes of subsection (a) of this section and except as provided in subdivision (b)(2) of this section, the office shall presume that any driver's license or identification card for which an application has been made for renewal, duplication, or reissuance has been issued in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section if at the time the application was made the driver's license or identification card had not been cancelled, suspended, or revoked.
(2)Subdivision (b)(1) of this section shall not apply to a renewal, duplication, or reissuance of a driver's license or identification card if the office is notified by a local, state, or federal government agency that the person seeking such renewal, duplication, or reissuance is neither a citizen of the United States nor legally in the United States.
(c)To meet the requirements of this section, the office shall implement the following procedures:
(1)The office shall not accept any foreign document other than an official passport to satisfy a requirement of subsection (a) or (b) of this section; and
(2)No later than January 31, 2006, the Director of the Department of Finance and Administration shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the United States Secretary of Homeland Security to routinely utilize the automated system known as the Verification Information System database of the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program, as provided by section 404 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, to verify the legal presence status of a person other than a United States citizen applying for a driver's license or identification card.

27-16-901.Expiration and renewal of licenses.
(a)(1)(A)Except for the intermediate driver's license and the learner's license, every driver's license shall expire at the end of the month in which it was issued four (4) years from its date of initial issuance unless the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall provide, by regulation, for some other staggered basis of expiration.
(B)A learner's license shall be issued for no more than a two-year period and shall expire upon the driver reaching sixteen (16) years of age. Any person sixteen (16) years of age may apply for an intermediate driver's license provided that his or her driving record is free of a serious accident and conviction of a serious traffic violation for the most recent six-month period.
(C)An intermediate driver's license shall be issued for no more than a two-year period and shall expire upon the driver reaching eighteen (18) years of age and may be renewed at that time as a regular driver's license for four (4) years, so long as the intermediate driver has been free of a serious accident and conviction of a serious traffic violation for at least twelve (12) months before arriving at his or her eighteenth birthday.
(2)(A)The commissioner shall have the authority, by regulation, to shorten or lengthen the term of any driver's license period, as necessary, to ensure that approximately twenty-five percent (25%) of the total valid licenses are renewable each fiscal year.
(B)(i)All drivers' licenses subject to change under this subsection shall also be subject to a pro rata adjustment of the license fee charged in 27-16-801(a).
(ii)The adjustment of the fee shall be carried out in the manner determined by the commissioner by regulation.
(b)Every driver's license shall be renewable on or before its expiration upon completion of an application, payment of the fees designated in
27-16-801, and passage of the eyesight test§ 27-16-704 and shall be renewed without other examination, unlessrequired in § the commissioner has reason to believe that the licensee is no longer qualified to receive a license.

27-16-805.Identification purposes only.
(a)(1)The Office of Driver Services may issue an identification card to those Arkansas residents five (5) years of age or older who are not licensed drivers.
(2)The fee for the card shall be five dollars ($5.00).
(b)(1)(A)For those persons under sixty (60) years of age, the card shall be valid for either four (4) years or two (2) years, depending on the person's age, and is renewable upon expiration.
(B)For persons fourteen (14) years of age and older, the card shall be valid for four (4) years from the date of issue.
(C)For persons five (5) to thirteen (13) years of age, the card shall be valid for two (2) years from the date of issue, and a parent or legal guardian must accompany the applicant to the issuing location and sign the electronic application.
(2)Those persons who are sixty (60) years of age or older who qualify for this card shall be issued the card to be valid for the life of the holder.
(c)Each card shall contain:
(1)A color photograph of the applicant;
(2)A physical description;
(3)The birthdate;
(4)The address;
(5)The date of issue; and
(6)The expiration date.
(d)(1)Any person who applies for a card shall be required to show proof of identity.
(2)Refusal of an applicant to show proof shall result in denial of the application.