Physical Science Department

  1. MISSION: The mission of our department is to provide the rigorous science foundation necessary for students to achieve the skills, knowledge, intellectual curiosity and scientific literacy essential for a wide range of professional or technical careers. The department fulfills the primary missions of community colleges by providing support to academic (science and engineering) education and workforce development/vocational programs (nursing and teacher preparation). Hands on laboratory skills are a critical component for the development of critical thinking skills in many of our courses. The department primarily offers transfer level courses designed to satisfy the needs of science majors, allied health students, college general education requirements, and liberal studies teacher credential programs.
  2. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Physical Science Department encompasses eight disciplines which affect many of BC's students and Bakersfield's population. These disciplines (Architecture, Astronomy, Chemistry, Engineering, Geography, Geology, Physics, and the area of Physical Science) variously satisfy general education requirements, provide courses for majors, serve as prerequisites for the allied health programs, and aid in BC's community outreach efforts (both directly and through K-12 teacher training support). All are active in supporting BC's Strategic Initiatives and core processes.
    Examples of specific activity include planetarium programs, Engineering Design Competition & Physics Olympics (outreach); Physical Science classes (heavily attended by teacher trainees); strong faculty involvement in MESA and AMP (retention), IMPAC (articulation), and assessment development techniques (retention/success); and continued development of on-line classes and web pages (access). Within each discipline are found these and/or other examples of both current and planned (future) program components which further enhance the success of our students through the guidelines found in the strategic initiatives. Brief descriptions of each discipline are given below, with an assessment of future growth directions following these.
    Many of our faculty have developed websites for their courses and programs to post lecture slides + notes (even an entire textbook), for online assessment tools, to guide students to the particular courses needed for a particular educational and career goal, and to provide supplementary material for their students. Astronomy and Geology have non-lab classes taught via internet and television (telecourses). Our faculty provided crucial leadership to resolve conflicting class schedules for chemistry, math, biology, physics, and engineering majors, enabling students to progress more efficiently through their major(s). The Physical Science faculty are heavily involved in the campus assessment development efforts, including participating in an NSF funded project to model assessment practices for the college. We participate in the broader science departments’ work in program planning, scheduling, and retention efforts (MESA and AMP). Other areas of work include issues of matriculation (through IMPAC and campus committee work) and governance (Academic Senate). Our teaching practices enhance the learning environment well beyond traditional lectures, with extended discussion/problem sessions in group environments, the use of computer-based visualization/computational techniques, and various lab practicals stressing skills application and good communication.
    Career Pathways of our students: Agriculture & Natural Resources (science majors students), Engineering & Industrial Technology (architecture + engineering students), Health Services (those in the Allied Health pipeline). The students in the general education classes are in the other three career pathways [Arts, Media, & Communication; Business, Management and Technology; Public & Human Services (including education students)].

The Architecture program provides a comprehensive program with a series of beginning core courses consisting of materials, drawing, both hand and CAD, and practice and design courses for transfer to a 4-year (BA) or 5-year professional degree program. The program currently offers A.A. and A.S. degrees in Architecture and a Certificate of Achievement in Architectural CAD. Career pathway: Engineering & Industrial Technology. Methods to attain career: Lower Division Preparation for Baccalaureate Degree & Beyond method or the Professional, Career & Technical Associate Degree/Certificate method to achieve their goals. All courses are designed for transfer, except for Arch 55 and 56 (Uniform Building Codes).
The astronomy program has one beginning course in astronomy, taught in three modalities; on campus in the classroom, over the internet, and telecourse (ITV). An estimated 95% of the students enrolled in astronomy take this non-lab science class to fulfill their general education science requirement. The most common career pathways of students in the astronomy program are: Agriculture & Natural Resources; Arts, Media, & Communication; Business, Management, & Technology; and Public & Human Services. Over 95% of students are using the Lower Division Preparation for Baccalaureate Degree & Beyond method or the Professional, Career & Technical Associate Degree/Certificate method to achieve their goals. The astronomy program has developed student learning outcomes for its course.
BC planetarium that is used primarily by K-12 school groups in Kern County, as well as BC students, is under the umbrella of the astronomy program. Approximately 4500 K12 students come to the planetarium every year.
The chemistry department offers courses that directly contribute to the career pathways of a wide variety of students. These classes are prerequisites for some on-campus programs (e.g. chem 11 for allied health sciences), and all transfer to many 4-year institutions for programs such as engineering, the primary sciences, related health careers (e.g. medicine), and education. Some also serve well as general education requirements.
Classes stress core education competencies in a variety of ways, including important hands-on laboratory exercises. Our teaching practices enhance the learning environment well beyond the usual, with extended discussion/problem sessions in group environments, the use of computer-based visualization/computational techniques, and various lab practicals stressing skills application and good communication.
The engineering and engineering technology programs at Bakersfield College are comprehensive programs designed to meet the curriculum core for most engineering or engineering technology disciplines agreed upon by the Engineering Liaison Committee (ELC) composed of representatives from California community colleges, Universities of California and California State Universities. Although the engineering technology program is offered through the Applied Science and Technology Division, the engineering support courses are offered in the Physical Science Department. These support courses are closely integrated with physics and chemistry.
All engineering courses offered help prepare students for transfer to a four-year college or are required for an A.S. degree. Most of these courses involve hands-on applications, which include laboratory experience, machine technology, applied mechanical projects, and use of special software. Engineering faculty actively participate in department work (program planning and scheduling), articulation (ELC and IMPAC), development of student leadership (MESA and Engineers’ Club), and recruitment/retention efforts (presentations at local schools and conferences and MESA).
The geology and geography programs offer introductory level classes designed to satisfy the general education requirements for many students, particularly liberal studies majors. The lecture and laboratory courses provide students with an insight into our physical and cultural worlds, and the processes that have shaped and will continue to shape our planet and our civilizations.
The physics area in the physical science department offers two physics sequences to students. A two - semester trig - based general physics sequence is offered for the students going into the professional field such as medicine, architecture, pharmacology, dentistry, optometry, veterinary science, physical and occupational therapy, and also for the students who need to take a science course with lab as general education requirements at Bakersfield College. The other sequence of the physics course offered is a three-semester calculus-based physics, which is taken by students majoring in physics, astronomy, engineering, chemistry, biology, medicine, architecture and medically related fields.

Physical Science:
The Department offers an Introduction to Physical Science course, which is a key course in the science curriculum for liberal studies/pre-teaching majors and general education. Although this is not an academic discipline but merely a course, the course lacks continuity due to the high number of adjunct and rotating faculty who teach the course. The number of sections of Physical Science 11 is 10 sections per year.

  1. UNIT WSCH/FTES PROJECTIONS: In Fall 2002, the FTES for the Physical Science Department was 231.63 (Maas data says zero FTES/WSCH in satellite centers for Fall 2002—check!). 25.18 of the FTES was through distance education modes in astronomy and geology. The WSCH was 6948.75 with 755.34 of the total via distance education modes. The courses were taught by an equivalent of 14.47 FTEF. We are expected to grow at an annual rate of 2.5% so by 2020 we are expected to have a FTES of 361.26 (increase by factor of 1.5597 in 18 years OR use factor of 1.4717 in 18 years if annual rate is 2.17%).
  2. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: The Physical Science Department is projected to grow at the same rate as the College. What follows is the development by discipline.
    The replacement of the existing instructor will need to take place the calendar year 2005-06. An additional instructor will need to be added to the program with projected growth. Presently, six adjunct faculty are involved in the program, which is equivalent to 36 hours per year.
    The addition or revision of courses to the program will be revisited periodically as we articulate with the schools of architecture and Cal Poly SLO in particular.
    More sections of the beginning astronomy course will need to be offered. A course focusing on only the solar system will be developed in the future. It will also fulfill the general education science requirement. Cooperative-learning strategies will be more extensively deployed in the on campus and internet sections. The planetarium will be upgraded and expanded.
    Our planning includes some major upgrades to our aged laboratory equipment, and the expansion of our curriculum to include a year-long transferable organic class. External funding sources (notably NSF) are available and will be sought by the faculty to aid in the purchase of the major equipment necessary for the organic course. A Fall 2003 poll of students shows a significant need for organic chemistry, as 47 of 69 responding science majors at BC would take an organic chemistry course, if offered, and 26 of those need organic before transferring. A full year sequence in organic chemistry is required for most chemistry/biology/ physics majors transferring to 4-year institutions as well as for those moving into pre-professional health programs (medical, veterinary and pharmacy schools). It also complements our plans to update the requirements for the chemistry A.S. degree.
    Lab upgrades include both an overhaul of current equipment and the addition of modern computing facilities readily available to our students. While there are a number of computer labs on campus, they are not readily accessible on short notice nor are they amenable to lab use over a period of days. A number of stations (est. 12) are desirable for each lab, with up-to-date computers. Some additional facility upgrades are probable with the addition of the organic class (hoods in particular).
    The engineering program will continue to grow and additional sections of some engineering courses will need to be offered. An electric circuits lab will be developed and offered soon. In addition, a strength of materials course with a lab and a computational course for engineering using Excel or Matlab will be included in the engineering curriculum. It is expected that as new computer programming languages are developed that the existing numerical programming course for engineers will need to be updated. In the appendix (Appendix A) is a detailed projection of the growth in the engineering sections by semester for the next 10 years.
    There is interest among the engineering faculty to offer some engineering courses at the Delano campus. Consequently, this may require adaptation of existing curriculum for the Delano facilities.
    More sections of the geography and geology courses will need to be offered. Currently we have one lab class available for both subject areas. Recognizing that Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings are not suitable lab times because of conflicts with most day lecture classes, there is only one time slot available for an additional lab: Tuesday night. Staffing needs are detailed in the next section below.
    Physical Science:
    Our plan is to increase the teaching staff and support for Physical Science 11 so that more class sections can be offered each term.
     An endeavor will be made to update the course objectives and student learning outcomes to provide the students with more effective physics education at Bakersfield College.
     The Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education will also be used to improve physics instruction at Bakersfield College.
     BC physics faculty needs to attend the AAPT or TYC21 workshops to update teaching skills and new information about physics education.
  1. REQUIRED RESOURCES: Many department lectures are taught in laboratory space due to the low availability of lecture rooms. Often these rooms are poorly configured for lectures, and none of the labs in physical science are equipped with advanced media capability. The department requests a concerted effort to equip or furnish the department with at least two laboratory spaces with permanent media capability or 2 portable units that can then be moved based on need.
    What follows are the required resources by discipline with justification. (Note justification for planetarium expansion + teacher support in Astronomy section applies to other general education science classes—why science classes are an essential part of a general education program.)
    Major items to be considered:
  2. With the growing presence of CAD, MS-12 will need to be converted to a third CAD lab. This will mean the addition of 25 computers, 2 plotters, and an overhead mounted data projector.
  3. A conversion of MS-12 means that the 24 tables now in MS-12 need to be moved to MS-4 and the 18 tables in MS-4 removed.
  4. One inclusive teaching station for MS-4 or 12, which would include, but not be limited to: digital camera w/ zoom lens, latest generation of computer, projection screen, pressure sensitive tablet, video cassette recorder, slide projector, scanner, printer, sound system, wireless microphone, surge protectors, software (to be determined) and teacher situation which would include modular shelving, camera bracket, lights, and drawing board.
  5. Replacement blueline printer — 42-inch minimum.
  6. 11x17-inch copy machine.
  7. Additional office space

The over 40-year old planetarium will be upgraded and expanded beginning mid-December 2004 with completion May 2005. The current 24-dome theater will be expanded to a 36-foot dome theater. A new star projector will replace the 1950s technology star projector and all-dome video will be included in the upgrade plans. The money for the equipment will come from the congressional earmark that was funneled through FIPSE. Because the FIPSE money must be used by June 30, 2005, the planetarium expansion must be moved up in the queue of construction projects that will use Measure G money. Approximately, $370,000 of the Measure G money allocated to the Math-Science building will be used to expand the walls and ceiling of the planetarium. The FIPSE money will be used to purchase and install the equipment inside the building shell.
One of the primary missions of a California community college is “to advance California’s economic growth and global competitiveness through education, training, and services that contribute to continuous work force improvement.” The United States’ economy is becoming ever-more dependent on science and technology-based industries and agriculture. In order to maintain our competitive edge in innovation and economic influence in the world, our workers and industries will need more knowledge and skills in science to prosper in the 21st century. Therefore, the demand for highly-skilled, science-literate workers in our country is great and will only continue to increase. Local workers will need to be able to apply more scientific reasoning and concepts where they work and at home in the future. In order to compete with other areas of the country, local workers will need to improve their knowledge of and skills in science and technology. Of the seven “business clusters” identified in a study by the Natelson Company for the Kern Economic Development Corporation and the city of Bakersfield, five (aerospace, chemicals and plastics, high-tech, and to a lesser extent: textiles/apparel, and value-added agriculture) require college-level science education. The Natelson report noted that educational levels lag in Kern County and that especially the high-tech and aerospace business clusters dictate a need for increased skills in our local workers.