Honors Geometry and Finite Math

Miss Katkovcin


Textbook: Prentice Hall Mathematics Geometry


·  Textbook

·  3 ring binder containing syllabus, all handouts, notes, tests, quizzes, and in-class assignments

·  Writing utensils, preferably pencils

·  Graphing calculator (TI-84 preferred)

Classroom Rules and Procedures:

·  Arrive on time and prepared for class. Homework should be out on your desk at the beginning of class.

·  Bring all required materials to each class.

·  Respect all individuals and materials in the classroom.

·  Food, drinks, cell phones, MP3 players, IPads/tablets/nooks, headphones, etc. are NOT permitted to be visible in class unless given permission by the teacher.

·  Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up.

·  Work cooperatively in the classroom and put forth effort every day. Be responsible for your learning!

·  Keep an open mind and be an active learner - have fun!

Grading Procedures:

·  Grades will be composed of regular tests, a midterm exam, a final exam, quizzes, homework, and in-class assignments/activities. Each student’s total points will be divided by the total points possible for the marking period.

·  Tests will be given at the end of each unit. A day of review will occur before each test.

·  A midterm and a final exam will be given during the time designated by the District. The weight of each semester exam will be 10% of the final grade.

·  Quizzes will be both announced and unannounced and will be given on a regular basis.

·  Final grades will be computed by taking 20% of each marking period grade and 10% each of the midterm and final exams.

·  Parents and students are encouraged to regularly check the online grading system (Pinnacle) for updates.

Homework Policy:

·  Homework assignments and practice problems will be given daily. Students will be given a syllabus at the beginning of each unit with daily homework assignments and test/quiz dates. It is the student’s responsibility to complete assignments according to the syllabus. Doing homework is to your benefit!

·  Homework assignments will be checked regularly. Each assignment is worth 2 points. In order to receive full credit for homework, all work must be shown for every problem!

·  Late homework will not be accepted.

Absences and Make-up Work:

·  If a student misses a class, it is his/her responsibility to make-up all missed work and assignments. He/she must copy all notes, follow the syllabus for missed assignments, and check the designated area in the room where extra handouts are kept.

·  If a student is absent on the day of a quiz or test, he/she is required to make up the assessment within one week of the original testing date in the testing center during study halls or free periods.

·  When absent, students should refer to the class website which can be accessed through the teacher pages on the Conestoga website. All syllabi, notes, worksheets, and homework solutions for each unit will be posted here.

Seeking Extra Help:

·  Students can obtain extra help in the Achievement center located in room 264.

·  The National Honor Society offers one on one peer tutoring for students requesting such assistance.

·  Students may also make an appointment to meet with the teacher before or after school.

·  Do not wait until the day before the test to get extra help!


·  Students are to obtain their own personal graphing calculator to use throughout the entirety of the class. A TI-84 Plus is preferred. If any student has trouble obtaining a graphing calculator, one will be provided for them to use for the duration of the class.

·  Graphing calculators are to be used as an educational tool during class. Playing games, typing messages, linking non-class related material, etc., will not be permitted in class.

School-wide Cut Policy:

·  Because attendance is highly correlated with academic success, school policies are designed to discourage unauthorized absences from class.

·  Students who remove themselves from the educational environment by “cutting” class will receive a marking period grade reduction of ten percentage points for the first cut. A second cut will result in a grade of 50% for the marking period.

Miss Katkovcin’s Contact Information:

·  Email -

·  Voicemail - 610-240-2185