Central Intermediate Unit # 10

Superintendents Advisory Council

Central PA Institute of Science and Technology

March 13, 2013 – 9:00 a.m.

Meeting Summary

Handout or supplemental informationat

  1. Welcome and Introductions Hugh


Jeffrey Miles / Superintendent / Bald Eagle Area
Cheryl Potteiger / Superintendent / Bellefonte Area
Mary Ann Wigfield / Administrative Asst. / CIU #10
Bobbie Pfingstler / Director CSIS / CIU #10
Erick Johnston / Director of Business Services / CIU #10
Jennifer Starner / Director Special Education / CIU #10
Jeff Holter / Education Consultant / CIU #10
J. Hugh Dwyer / Executive Director / CIU #10
Edd Brady / HR Manager / CIU #10
Ed Catherman / IT/Nonpublic Director / CIU #10
Tom Otto / Superintendent / Clearfield Area
Richard Makin / Director / CPI
Arnold Nadonley / Superintendent / Glendale
Kelly Hastings / Superintendent / Keystone Central
Brian Griffith / Superintendent / Penns Valley Area
Stephen Benson / Superintendent / Philipsburg-Osceola Area
Robert O’Donnell / Superintendent / State College Area
  1. Superintendents’ Monthly Topic: Center for School Safety – Don Smith
  • Safety Program must be sustainable financially, logistically.
  • Training is important for age appropriate levels.
  • Collaboration between school districts and county emergency responders is very important.

Planning for school safety conference:

  • Content/planning/considerations for a one-day event:
  • Survey staff on how comfortable they are with current procedures
  • Staff changeover mandates repetitive trainings
  • Tabletop exercises benefit administrators
  • Teachers want to know how to respond/specific procedures
  • Active shooter programs – talk about what to do:
  • Fortify the room
  • Flee (can only run as fast as slowest student)
  • Fight
  • General session then breakouts for particular groups is recommended
  • Some IUs are doing a series of trainings throughout the school year
  • Survey administrators in districts and get input for topics
  • What trainings exist for after the school day safety concerns:
  • Security of the building (do not prop doors after hours)
  • It is critical that after-school activity coordinators understand the importance of and their responsibility for school security
  • Is there any new thinking for front entrance security?
  • Schools should consider a double-locked door concept as opposed to a “blind buzz in” system
  • Once in,visitors should be in a contained registration area
  • There should be a second, locked door
  • Consider better camera quality at front doors, maybe w/ a 17 inch monitor for broader area visibility
  • Using a script of three or four questions is recommended for interviewing visitorsbefore admittance:
  • State why are you here
  • Do you have an appointment
  • Can you leave your package inside the doors w/o coming in
  • Some districts are checking photo id and verifying identify of visitors
  • Some districts are collecting visitor driver’s license until visitor leaves
  • What are advantages/disadvantages to armed security guards on school premises?
  • The amount of training a security guard has versus law enforcement is a consideration
  • Non-law enforcement personnel should have security holsters, not sliding holsters, and also should have weapons retention training—how to defend against having weapon taken
  • Benefits of contract versus proprietary security:
  • Most districts’ contract security will bemuch better and less expensive than hiring security
  • Hiring employeesmeans fulfilling all the above training requirements

Hugh will follow-up with Mr. Smith and will develop plans for the CIU # 10 safety conference.

  1. Presentation:State College Staff Copyright Training – Bob O’Donnell

Bob reported allSCASD hired staff are required to take the online course, which may take up to three hours to complete. Guest password information is being forwarded to superintendents to look at the course. Other districts may be able to use the State College copyright course for a fee.

  1. Presentation: CIU # 10’s 2013-2014 GOB and Districts’ Role in Approving – Erick Johnston reviewed the CIU #10 General Operating Budget and reminded superintendents of the district approval process. The budget, ballots and resolution are being forward to district business managers. Please make sure your districts put this on your board agendas for approval this month or in April prior to April 25. Central Intermediate Unit #10 final approval will be on April 25.
  1. Preliminary Keystone Results – Brian Griffith, All

Brian initiated a discussion about the recent Keystone Exam results. Several superintendents shared their student results for algebra, literature and biology.

Bobbie Pfingstler reported that there are not yet enough results to use CDT as a predictor but soon there should be a correlation between CDT and Keystones. However there seems to be informal evidence of a good correlation. This year Pennsylvania has 650,000 students taking the exams.

Brian shared Penns Valley results. He expressed concern about delay of SPP. Brian shared his theory about this.

Dr. O’Donnell noted his district’s enthusiasm for the Reading Apprenticeship Program and the value of teachers in all disciplines understanding the need for literacy instruction throughout the curriculum.

Information and Discussion

  1. CIU # 10 Updates
  1. Special Education – Jen Starner
  2. Multi District Staff Information – Jennifer provided a handout that shows which districts are using CIU #10 Special Education Services. If your district plans to discontinue services for next school year, please notify her by March 31. This is an important deadline.
  3. PAIU Special Education Information – Regarding Sequestration issues, if there is a 5% decrease, we have calculated that. The real numbers will be released in May.
  4. Child Count Congruency– Jeff Holter

Due to the changeover from Penndata to PIMS, Jeff would like to meet withindividual district Penndata and PIMS personnel, together,to ensure everyone understands the proper reporting procedures for child accounting next year. Jeff will make contact with the district personnel to set the meetings up and include superintendents when he contacts each district’s staff.

  1. Continuous School Improvement Update – Bobbie Pfingstler
  1. School Performance Profile – NOT DISCUSSED
  2. Title IIB Math/Science Grant – NOT DISCUSSED
  1. RWAN Consortium – Ed Catherman – NOT DISCUSSED
  2. Online Consortium – Bobbie Pfingstler – NOT DISCUSSED
  3. Health Insurance Trust Consortium – Erick Johnston – NOT DISCUSSED
  4. PAIU Updates Hugh
  5. Kades-Margolis PSERS – This group will offer free workshops at CIU #10 on the following topics:
  6. Act 93 Workshop
  7. PSERS

Hugh will develop a plan.

  1. Sec. Zogby PowerPoint presentation – There was brief discussion about proposed changes to PSERS
  2. KTO Second Year Update – NOT DISCUSSED
  3. ESEA Flexibility (NCLB) PDE Website – Hot Topic on PDE Website – NOT DISCUSSED
  1. CIU # 10 Student Competitions – Elementary Reading, Middle School Reading, Computer Fair, Poetry Out Loud – Hugh – NOT DISCUSSED
  1. Superintendents Advisory
  1. CIU # 10/PSSC Safety Conference – Hugh will be in contact with superintendents. All superintendents responded to the e-survey. Thanks! Superintendents prefer the Aug 1 or 2 dates
  2. Survey Results – All twelve districts participated and have interest in a conference
  3. Possible Dates August 1, 2, 15, and 16 are being considered. Consensus was that earlier in August is better.
  4. Content Input – Hugh will work with PSSC to develop topics and agenda.

Open Forum

  1. Cheryl Potteiger reported that Bellefonte ASD is now a Project Lead the Way Training site.
  1. If superintendents have a suggestion for next month’s Superintendents’ Topic, please contact Hugh.

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 10 at CIU #10 West Decatur

The meeting was adjourned early so that superintendents could participate in the Summit on the Mountain student forum ay Keystone Central.