Summative Evaluation Report (Impact on P-12 Learning)

Joyce Estes

Introduction: Briefly describe your online P-12 Practicum Learning Module and Assessment. Include the title of the course, level, school, topic, student demographics, and time spent doing the part of the lesson that relates to the assessment.

The title of the course taught during my P-12 Practicum Learning Module and Assessment was 7th Grade Pre-Algebra. We covered the chapter on Number Theory and Algebraic Reasoning, starting with Section 4 on Prime Factorization. The participating students were five 7th graders from WildwoodChristianAcademy in Marble Hill, GA. There were three boys and two girls that participated. We covered the entire module in 14 days.

In regards to your assessment of student learning: What evidence do you have of your ability to effectively assess student learning? (You may use narrative form, chart form, graph, table, description, bulleted points, or a combination.)

  • Posttest scores increased by 6.6% compared to the pretest
  • Homework scores increased by 16%

Homework scores are as follows:

Week 1 Homework Assignment / Student Score / Class Average
Student 1 / 95% / 78.4%
Student 2 / 75%
Student 3 / 65%
Student 4 / 85%
Student 5 / 72%
Week 2 Homework Assignment / Student Score / Class Average
Student 1 / 85% / 80%
Student 2 / 75%
Student 3 / 85%
Student 4 / 95%
Student 5 / 60%
Week 3 Homework Assignment / Student Score / Class Average
Student 1 / 100% / 91%
Student 2 / 85%
Student 3 / 90%
Student 4 / 100%
Student 5 / 80%

Homework scores increased by 16% overall. There was some confusion in the first week on which problems were to be submitted. I allowed students 5 extra days to redo their work and resubmit it to me. Only 2 students took advantage of that. I found that with this age group, getting them to complete all assigned problems was the challenge. The low scores reflect not their lack of knowledge of the subject matter, but rather them not completing the assignment/s. I feel this is due to the fact it is tiresome and time consuming to type math work on a program such as MS Word. The students didn’t have access to a scanner. If they had, I would’ve been happy to grade handwritten work scanned and emailed to me. I feel this would’ve encouraged more participation and completion of their assignments, resulting in higher scores.

  • Discussion questions were relevant to the subject matter, yet individually geared so that students would have unique answers. Please see the wiki for questions and replies.

In regards to your ability to plan for effective instruction: What evidence do you have of your ability to effectively plan and implement instruction that incorporates knowledge of students’ skills, concepts, ability levels and prior experiences?

The pretest I gave these students included questions relating to material that would be covered in the module. This helped me to see how much they knew or didn’t know. Also, it helped me to foresee what I would need to focus on more heavily and what the students didn’t need as much attention on. In addition to the material-type questions, I included survey-type questions that gathered information regarding their comfort level with using a computer, attaching documents in an email, and software they were familiar with. Most all of them indicated they were comfortable with my requirements. However, one student indicated that she wasn’t sure about it. I gave her special instructions in an email. This is the actual copy of the email:

Hi Student (undisclosed name)!
I hope today went well! I was browsing through the pre-test and noticed that you said you have no experience attaching documents to an email. I wanted to offer my help if you need it. Save your file somewhere that you can find it easily. I usually save mine on my desktop. When you create an email to me, find the button that looks like a paper clip. Or, it may just say "Attach a file". Click that. Find where you saved your document and choose it. Then it should be attached! If you have trouble, please let me know. Mrs. Head may be able to help you if you need it also.
Thanks and let me know if you need anything!
Mrs. Estes

The cooperating teacher informed me that the students were somewhat tech-savvy and would have no issues with working with the wiki. To ensure that they were on track with everything, I met with them in person on the first day at their school. I spent the class period going over what to expect and was there to answer any questions they had. However, prior to this meeting, I created wiki and WiZiQ passwords and usernames for each student. I emailed this information to them individually so they would have it ready to go for the first meeting. This is a copy of the email sent:

Hi student (name undisclosed)!
I am very excited to see you on Monday! I wanted you to have a quick reference email to the tools you will be using during the next 3 weeks. Save this email, as it has your password and logins to everything you'll need. I look forward to working with you! Please use this email address to contact me anytime during the next 3 weeks that you need me. If you need help on your course work, technical help, or the course in general, please do feel free to contact me.
Have fun!
Mrs. Joyce Estes
Wiki - Where you will find the course:

Username: xxxx
Password: xxxx
WiZiQ - Where you will take quizzes

Username: xxxx
Password: xxxx

In a true online environment, I know this “meeting” would not be possible. However, it was requested by the cooperating school. They really didn’t need it though. I mainly was there to help if they had questions. None of the questions asked couldn’t have been answered via email or telephone. The email with their instructions on how to get started was sufficient for this grade level. The first page of the wiki included an introduction to the module and detailed instructions on what to expect. All was laid out step by step. If I were to do this again, I would make it less wordy and perhaps put information in more bullets.

As far as planning instruction, it was as if I were planning for 3 weeks in a traditional classroom, just making it online! The course material is the same, the delivery is the difference. I thoroughly enjoyed creating the online games and quizzes because I knew not only would the students take advantage of it, but they would be able to see their results without waiting on me to get them graded as opposed to the traditional setting. My current T-4 Secondary Mathematics certification indicates I am trained in teaching mathematics at this level. Please see the course wiki for more evidence of how well instruction was planned for the online environment.

In regards to your ability to use assessment results when choosing learning strategies: What evidence do you have of your ability to effectively integrate assessment for learning strategies into instruction?

I used different means of assessment throughout the module to cater to different learning strategies. I feel it’s imperative to not only use conventional tests and quizzes, but to assign graded daily/weekly work. The technologies that I had access to limited my assessment on quizzes and tests because they couldn’t show me their work. It was either right or wrong, something I’m opposed to in grading knowledge of Mathematics. I’m not a fan of multiple choice questions for math. It’s necessary to see their work to measure their level of knowledge of the subject matter. Had this been a real online class, I would’ve had access to better testing software. However, to appeal to the different learning strategies, I integrated homework assignments, self-assessment quizzes, gaming, discussion questions, and live classroom work. Of these different strategies, I feel the most effective was the live classroom. I could watch as each individual student worked problems. I saw immediately their weaknesses and strengths. Had this been a real course, I would’ve scheduled individual sessions with the students for grading. Students at this level need one-on-one interaction, so I learned quickly. They aren’t going to request it most likely, as I encouraged them to and no one did. This tells me it would have to be assigned and required. I currently tutor students live online and have found that it is very easy to assess quickly what their knowledge level is, the learning strategy that I need to apply, and when I need to change gears. This all is done within the first 5 minutes of a tutoring session. I would apply the same tactics for my online course students. After the first session with each student, I would make a note of what strategy worked best with them and apply that for each session following. My 2-3 years experience tutoring online will be a great advantage to me in the online-course setting. I feel this would be the most effective means of student assessment in a real course setting.

In regards to your ability to use evidence-based practices to impact P-12 learning: What evidence do you have of your ability to use evidence-based practices? What evidence-based practice did you implement in your Online Learning Module? What references support the use of that practice? (List at least 3 with complete APA references).

  • I included a weekly discussion question for students that pertained to the material covered that week. Students posted their replies to the wiki. Each student would have a different situation, thus having a different answer. This allowed me to further assess their learning of the material.

Australian Flexible Learning Framework. (September, 2008).
Designing and Implementing e-learning – Discussions. Retrieved from

  • I included eight online games pertaining to the material covered.

Aldrich, C. (2009).
Virtual Worlds, Simulations, and Games for Education: A Unifying View. Innovate, 5 (5). Retrieved from

  • I provided online quizzes that were non-graded for each section covered. These provided immediate feedback to the students to see how they were doing. In addition, I gave timely feedback individually for each quiz and test that was given. During live classroom meetings, I was assessing each student by calling on them individually to work selected problems. Also, discussion questions were given for assessment weekly. These practices werediscussed and recommended in the following article:

Kim, N., Smith, M.J., & Kyungeun, M. (2008).
Assessment in Online Distance Education: A Comparison of Three Online Programs at a University. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Volume 11 (1). Retrieved from

Part 2: Learner assessments. Include copies of learner assessments used to measure student gain/loss in the achievement arena. Include instructions to the students about the assigned tasks and scoring guides or criteria used to score student responses on the assessments.

Daily homework was given and scored. Instructions and rubrics can be found on the course wiki,

Pretest and Posttest were given online using Students accessed this via a link on the wiki. Specific instructions and grading rubrics were provided there.

On the pretest, the first 11 questions were course topic-related, while the rest were for my personal information. These were survey-type questions for me to get to know the computer abilities of each student.

On the posttest, the first 14 questions were course-topic related. The last 3 were survey-type questions for me to see how the students felt about the course in general.

Please find them below:

7th Grade Pre-Algebra
Mrs. Estes Practicum Pre-Test and Results
Please answer to the best of your ability.
1.)Find the first five multiples of 12.
  1. 12, 24, 36, 48, 60

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6

  1. 1, 12, 24, 36, 48

  1. None of the above

Response: 100% - a
2.)Find the first five multiples of 5.
  1. 5, 10, 20, 25, 30

  1. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

  1. 1, 5, 10, 15, 20

  1. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

Response: 100% - b
3.)Find all of the factors of 36.
  1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 36

  1. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 18, 36

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36

  1. None of the above

Response: 100% - c
4.)Find all of the factors of 24.
  1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24

  1. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24

  1. 1, 2, 4, 8, 24

  1. None of the above

Response: 40% - a, 20% - b, 40% - d
5.)A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 that has exactly two factors.
  1. True

  1. False

Response: 80% - a, 20% - b
6.)A composite number is a whole number that has more than two factors.
  1. True

  1. False

Response: 80% - a, 20% - b
7.)LCM is:
  1. The common factor between two numbers.

  1. The common multiple with the least value between two or more numbers.

  1. The common number that will go into two or more numbers.

  1. None of the above.

Response: 60% - b, 20% - c, 20% - d
8.)Which is the variable in the expression n + 3?
  1. n

  1. +

  1. 3

Response: 80% - a, 20% - c
9.)What is the 5 called in the expression x – 5?
  1. Variable

  1. Constant

  1. Neither

Response: 20% - a, 60% - b, 20% - c
10.) What is the quotient of two numbers?
  1. What you get when you add them

  1. What you get when you subtract them

  1. What you get when you divide them

  1. What you get when you multiply them

Response: 100% - a
11.) In 24x, what is the coefficient?
  1. x

  1. 24

  1. neither

Response: 60% - a, 20% - b, 20% - c
12.)What is your comfort level attaching documents in an email and sending them?
  1. Excellent

  1. Good

  1. Some experience

  1. No experience

Response: 40% - a, 40% - b, 20% - d
13.)On a scale of 1-4, 4 being the highest, how do you rate your computer abilities?
  1. 4

  1. 3

  1. 2

  1. 1

Response: 60% - b, 20% - c, 20% - d
14.)Do you think you would like to take an online course at some point?
  1. Yes, definitely!

  1. I think so. It’s a possibility.

  1. I’m not real sure. Ask me again after these 3 weeks!

  1. Not at all.

Response: 40% - a, 20% - b, 40% - c
15.)Do you consider yourself self-motivated? In other words, do you feel like you need parental or teacher motivation in order to get your work done?
  1. Very self-motivated

  1. Somewhat self-motivated

  1. Need some encouragement to get my work done.

  1. Wouldn’t do any of it if my parents and teacher didn’t make me.

Response: 20% - a, 80% - b
7th Grade Pre-Algebra
Mrs. Estes Practicum Post-Test and Results
Please answer to the best of your ability.
1.)Find all of the factors of 24.
  1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24

  1. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24

  1. 1, 2, 4, 8, 24

  1. None of the above

Response: 0% - a, 80% - b, 20% - d
2.)A composite number is a whole number that has more than two factors.
  1. True

  1. False

Response: 100% - a, 0% - b
3.)LCM is:
  1. The common factor between two numbers.

  1. The common multiple with the least value between two or more numbers.

  1. The common number that will go into two or more numbers.

  1. None of the above.

Response: 60% - b, 40% - d
4.)What is the 5 called in the expression x – 5?
  1. Variable

  1. Constant

  1. Neither

Response: 20% - a, 80% - b
5.)Which is the variable in the expression n + 3?
  1. n

  1. +

  1. 3

Response: 80% - a, 20% - c
6.)In 24x, what is the coefficient?
  1. x

  1. 24

  1. neither

Response: 40% - a, 60% - b
7.)The prime factorization of 96 is:
  1. 2^3*3

  1. 2^5*3

  1. 2^4*6

  1. 2*48

Response: 20% - a, 60% - b, 20% - d
8.)Find the GCF of 36, 60, 90
  1. 6

  1. 2

  1. 12

  1. 4

Response: 20% - a, 80% - c
9.)Find the LCM of 15 and 18:
  1. 3

  1. 60

  1. 90

  1. 12

Response: 20% - a, 20% - b, 60 - c
10.)Write as an algebraic expression: 2 times the difference of a number and 11
  1. 2x-11

  1. 2(x-11)

  1. 2(11-x)

  1. 22-2x

Response: 40% - a, 60% - b
11.)Solve 6x = 78
  1. X = 468

  1. X = 12

  1. x = 11

  1. x = 13

Response: 100% - d
12.)Solve x-12 = 15
  1. X = 27

  1. X = 3

  1. X = 0

  1. X = 4

Response: 80% - a, 20% - b
13.)Determine whether 64 is a solution of 36 = n – 12.
  1. Yes

  1. No

Response: 100% - b
14.)Combine like terms: 12a^2 + 3a^2 + 2a + 4 –a
  1. 15a^4 + a + 4

  1. 15a^2 + a + 4

  1. 12a^2 + 5a^3 + 4 – a

  1. 17a^2 + 4

Response: 40% - b, 60% - d
15.)Now you’ve completed this module. Do you think you would like to take an online course at some point?
  1. Yes, definitely!

  1. I think so. It’s a possibility.

  1. Not at all.

Response: 20% - a, 60% - b, 20% - c
16.)Do you feel the resources, videos, self-assessment quizzes, and games were useful to you during this unit of instruction? Please add your thoughts or suggestions about how they could have been different, or if you would change them at all. (unedited replies)
  1. I like all of the resources already used! I would not change anything!!!

  1. I dont think I would have changed them and I thought they were very helpful too.

  1. Yes, but I wish we could of had more time with the teacher in the online class room. That is what helped me. I enjoyed this online course!

  1. I think they helped out a little bit.

  1. yes, i thought that they were very helpful because if i had question you could literaly show me by writing on the white board in the online class

17.) Do you feel like you could be successful taking an online class now that you have tried it? If not, please tell why. (unedited replies)
  1. I feel like I could be successful! This online class has really been a lot of fun!

  1. I dont think so. I think I get it more if Im writing it on a piece of paper and it also helps if a teacher is talking too.

  1. Yes of course! Now that I know what it is like I am more confortable doing it! It was very fun! The games really helped!

  1. I think I would be.

  1. im kinda half and half because when i had a question about some of my home work it was harder for me to have help. i really liked it though becuase i was able to get ahead when i needed to.

Chapter 2 Mid-Chapter Quiz
1.)The prime factorization of 342 is:
  1. 2*3^3*19

  1. 2*3^2*19

  1. 3*171

  1. 2*3*57

2.)The prime factorization of 1512 is:
  1. 2^3*3^2*7

  1. 2^3*3^3*7

  1. 2^3*3^2*21

  1. 2^2*3^3*7

3.)What are the prime numbers less than 30
  1. 1,2,3,4,7,11,13,17,19,23,29

  1. 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,27,29

  1. 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29

  1. 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,18,19,23,29

4.)Find the GCF of: 16, 28, 44
  1. 2

  1. 16

  1. 28

  1. 4

5.)Find the GCF of 18, 45, 63, 81
  1. 3

  1. 2

  1. 18

  1. 9

6.)Find the GCF of 30, 45, 60, 75, 90
  1. 3

  1. 5

  1. 9

  1. 15

7.)Find the LCM for 30, 75, 90
  1. 450

  1. 90

  1. 15

  1. 500

8.)Find the LCM for 8, 12, 18, 20
  1. 2

  1. 36

  1. 360

  1. 34560

9.)What do the letters LCM and GCF stand for? Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor

Part 3: Pre-test and Post-test data. Complete the tables. If more than one assessment measured achievement, include an additional line in the table for each assessment.

Table 1: Assessment Overview

Name of Assessment

(e.g., Vocabulary test)


Name of School where online P-12 Practicum Learning Module was implemented


Topic of the P-12 Practicum Learning Module


Student Demographic: (Example: 3rd grade reading students)


No. of students taught

/ Pre-Assessment/ Post –Assessment Used
(e.g., written pretest – written posttest) /

Length of Unit of instruction (Example: 3 weeks)

Pre-Algebra Chapter 2 Test / WildwoodChristianAcademy / Number Theory and Algebraic Reasoning / 7th Grade Pre-Algebra Students / 5 / Online Pretest and Posttest given / 14 days

Table 2: Assessment Individual Data

Student Identifier (no names)


Pretest score in percentage


Mid-Chapter Quiz


Posttest score in percentage

Student A







Student B







Student C







Student D







Student E







Table 3: Assessment Group Data