Economic / Political / Social
Signed Edict of Nantes reducing tensions between the Huguenots and other religions. By doing so, this also ended many French civil wars. By not having to worry about wars, the economy prospered more than usual. (ABC-Clio) / Won war of 3 Henrys in order to gain power as leader of France. (Gross) / Changed faith from being a Huguenot to Catholicism showing that he was a true politique. By doing so, he connected with his people, and received more support from them. (Gross)
Declared War on Spain in 1595. He was aided by a civil service and a strong minister of finance. Not only was he expanding but he also kept track of his wages constantly. (ABC-Clio) / Converted to Catholicism in order to gain support from the majority Catholic French population during the elections and his reign. (Gross) / Signed Edict of Nantes giving religious freedom to Protestants. This reduced tension between people fighting to be Huguenots and the rest of France because they had nothing more to fight for.(ABC-Clio)
Devised a program for checking the ambitions of the great imperial house. Led to “Grand Design” of France, which he may have also been responsible for. Mostly benefited France in trade and finance. (Gale) / Signed Edict of Nantes which gave him support in his reign from the Huguenots. (Gross) / By changing his faith and signing Edict of Nantes, he ended the majority of religious civil wars in France that were present when he entered his rule. (Gale)
Kept control of Spain and Hapsburg Austria by having alliances with England and the United Provinces. Showed his power and expansion throughout the rest of Europe. (Gale) / Since he worked on the religion problem in France, disputes were reduced and the majority of wars concluded. This benefited the king because he no longer had to worry about distributing more and more rights and it distinguished his power. (Gross) / Worked with Duke of Sully, a catholic, making the Catholic population content. (Gale)
Revived the economy by bringing improving agriculture through the introduction of silk, built road and canals to improve infrastructure, and established new industries. (Grolier) / Gave various rights and liberties showing that he was not an absolute monarchist. This differentiated him from the leaders to follow him in Europe who held absolute control in their nations. (Grolier) / Relieved social tensions by reducing the tax burdens on the peasants and declared a moratorium to relieve the nobles of debt. (Gorlier)