Maryland Society of Surveyors

September 24, 2013

Offices of GPI, Annapolis Junction, MD

1.  CALL TO ORDER: President Barry Hoyle called the meeting to order 4:08 PM. Those in attendance were:

Barry Hoyle, President

James Shaw, President-elect

Bill Orsinger, Vice President

TJ Frazier, Secretary

George Wigfield, Treasurer

Alan Dragoo, NSPS Governor

Michael Boyce, Appalachian

William Bower, Chesapeake

Donald Mason, Howard

Aaron Worley, Potomac

Vincent Nohe, Susquehanna Chapter

Jeff Hubbard, Upper Eastern Shore

James Whitehead, Area Director

Pat Simon, Area Director

Tim Quinn, Government Affairs

Matt Smith, Sustaining Members

John Campbell, Immediate Past President

Mark Husik, Executive Director

Rona Goldberg, Associate Director


Approved agenda


  1. Ward Glass of Fisher Collins Carter and Blaine Miller of Western MD recently passed away.

2.  NSPS 11/23 NSPS Board of Governors at BWIA

3.  The format for this meeting will be modified to allow for an extended discussion on the report from the Degree Committee.

MINUTES: Approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report: Approved as present.

Presidents Report: Attended Western MD chapter meeting recently. They would like to see more seminars in their area. SHS will be scheduled for Hagerstown.


Fall Conference – Mark Husik reported that registrations have been very slow to come in, while exhibition hall is pretty much sold out. Some directors expressed that fact that they are extremely busy and haven’t been able to register yet; others felt that the cost of holding a conference in Ocean City was too expensive. For the offerings that are scheduled there is enrollment in all sessions.


1.  Degree Committee - Report and recommendations from Degree Committee were distributed to the Board prior to the meeting. The directors were asked to read and review the report in preparation for the meeting. Lengthy discussion on the findings ensued. NCEES Model Law for surveyors is just that - a suggested model - not a requirement. Discussion on the pros and cons of a four-year degree. Jim Whitehead made a motion to direct Version 1 to Legislative Committee to find a sponsor and submit Version 1 appropriately for the legislative process with a minor change to 10-year re-evaluation. Seconded by Alan Dragoo. After some more discussion, the motion amended. The vote by show of hands resulted in a tie of 7 in favor and 7 opposed.
John Campbell then made a motion to require a 4-year degree for licensure as a surveyor with a minimum of 32 hours concentration in surveying. The current licensing requirement should be grandfathered for 10 years. Jim Whitehead seconded the motion. Final vote: Favor: 12; Opposed 2 Motion carried. The Government Affairs Committee will speak to Bill Kress, our legislative agent on how to proceed with this.

Tim Quinn thanked Barry for service this past year. The Board also extended their gratitude to John Campbell for his 15 years of service to Board. John will soon be moving to Indiana.

Agenda has been met, meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,


Associate Director