Významné publikace, Important Papers
1. Chmelík, F., Trojanová , Z., Převorovský, Z., Lukáč, P.: The Portevin - Le Châtelier Effect in Al-3%Mg and Al-2.92%Mg-0.38%Mn Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique. J. Mat. Sci. Letters 11 (1992), 91-93.
2. Valiev, R. Z., Chmelik, F., Bordeaux, F., Kapelski, G., Baudelet, B.: The Hall-Petch Relation in a Submicro-Grained Al-1.5%Mg Alloy. Scripta metall. mater. 27 (1992), 855-860.
3. Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Převorovský, Z.: Acoustic Emission from Zinc Deformed at Room Temperature. Part I: The Influence of Strain Rate on Deformation Behaviour and Acoustic Emission of Pure Zinc. J. Mat. Sci. Letters 12 (1993), 1086-1087.
4. Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Převorovský, Z.: Acoustic Emission from Zinc Deformed at Room Temperature. Part II: The Influence of Grain Size on Deformation Behaviour and Acoustic Emission of Pure Zinc. J. Mat. Sci. Letters 12 (1993), 1166-1168.
5. Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Převorovský, Z.: Acoustic Emission from Zinc Deformed at Room Temperature. Part III: The Influence of Substitutional Solutes and Grain Size on Deformation Behaviour and Acoustic Emission of Zinc. J. Mat. Sci. Letters 12 (1993), 1236-1238.
6. Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z., Převorovský, Z. Lukáč, P.: The Portevin - Le Châtelier Effect in Al-2.92%Mg-0.38%Mn Alloy and Linear Location of Acoustic Emission. Mat. Sci. Eng. A164 (1993), 260-265.
7. Languillaume, J., Chmelik, F., Kapelski, G., Bordeaux, F., Nazarov, A. A., Canova, G., Esling, C., Valiev, R. Z., Baudelet, B.: Microstructures and Hardness in Ultrafine-Grained Ni3Al Intermetallic. Acta metall. mater. 41 (1993), 2953-2962.
8. Lukáč, P., Balík, J., Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z.: Plastic Instabilities in Al-3%Mg. Solid State Phenomena 35-36 (1994), 423-428.
9. Islamgaliev, R. K., Chmelik, F., Gibadullin, I. F., Valiev, R. Z., Biegel, W.: The Nanocrystalline Structure Formation in Germanium Subjected to Severe Plastic Deformation. Nanostructured Materials 4 (1994), 387-395.
10. Chmelík, F., Dosoudil, J., Plessing, J., Neuhäuser, H., Lukáč, P., Trojanová, Z.: The Portevin - Le Châtelier Effect in Cu-Al Single Crystals Investigated by Acoustic Emission and Slip Line Cinematography. Key Eng. Mat. 97-98 (1995), 263-268.
11. Landa, M., Převorovský, Z., Chmelík, F., Dosoudil, J., Lukáč, P., Trojanová, Z.: Plastic Deformation of a Zn-0.25%Cd Polycrystalline Alloy and Linear Location of Acoustic Emission. Key Eng. Mat. 97-98 (1995), 407-412.
12. Dosoudil, J., Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Chmelík, F.: Acoustic Emission from Deformed Zn Single Crystals. Key Eng. Mat. 97-98 (1995), 401-406.
13. Islamgaliev, R. K., Chmelík, F., Biegel, W., Valiev, R. Z.: Structural Investigation of Ultrafine-Grained Germanium Produced by Severe Plastic Deformation. Key Eng. Mat. 97-98 (1995), 79-84.
14. Islamgaliev, R. K., Chmelík, F., Biegel, W.: The Features of the Nanocrystalline Structure in Germanium Subjected to Severe Plastic Deformation. Nanostructured Materials 6 (1995), 381-384.
15. Spanl, M., Lang, H., Pfeiler, W., Chalupa, B., Chmelík, F., Šíma, V., Sprušil, B.: Thermal Hysteresis between Ordering and Disordering in CuAu Alloy. Verhandlungen der DPG Reihe VI, Band 31 (1996), 1682-1686 (německy).
16. Chmelík, F., Balík, J., Lukáč, P., Pink, E., Čepová, M.: The Portevin - Le Châtelier Effect in an Al-10%Zn Alloy Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique. Mat. Sci. Forum 217-222 (1996), 1019-1024.
17. Lukáč, P., Balík, J. Chmelík, F.: Physical Aspects of Plastic Instabilities. Mat. Sci. Eng. A234-236 (1997), 45-51.
18. Islamgaliev, R. K., Chmelík, F., Kužel, R.: Thermal Structure Changes in Copper and Nickel Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation. Mat. Sci. Eng. A234-236 (1997), 335-338.
19. Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z., Kiehn, J., Lukáč, P., Kainer, K. U.: Non-Destructive Characterization of Microstructure Evolution in Mg-Based Metal Matrix Composites Submitted to Thermal Cycling. Mat. Sci. Eng. A234-236 (1997), 774-777.
20. Islamgaliev, R. K., Chmelík, F., Kužel, R.: Thermal Stability of Submicro-Grained Copper and Nickel. Mat. Sci. Eng. A237 (1997), 43-51.
21. Chmelík, F., Kiehn, J., Lukáč, P., Kainer, K. U., Mordike, B. L.: Acoustic Emission and Dilatometry for Non-Destructive Characterisation of Microstructural Changes in Mg Based Metal Matrix Composites Submitted to Thermal Cycling. Scripta Mater. 38 (1998), 81-86.
22. Kužel, R., Islamgaliev, R. K., Chmelík, F.: Structural Studies of Submicron Grained Copper, Germanium and Silicon. Mat. Sci. Forum 278-281 (1998), 496-501.
23. Chmelík, F., Pink, E., Król, J., Balík, J., Pešička, J., Lukáč, P.: Mechanisms of Serrated Flow in Aluminium Alloys with Precipitates Investigated by Acoustic Emission. Acta mater. 46 (1998), 4435-4442.
24. Islamgaliev, R. K., Kužel, R., Obraztsova, E. D., Burianek, J., Chmelik, F., Valiev, R. Z.: TEM, XRD and Raman Scattering of Germanium Processed by Severe Deformation. Mat. Sci. Eng. A249 (1998), 152-157.
25. Lukáč, P., Trojanová, Z., Chmelík, F., Kiehn, J.: Micromechanics of Plasticity of Mg Composites. Inzynieria Materialowa XIX (1998), 130-137.
26. Mašek, P., Chmelík, F., Šíma, V., Brinck, A., Neuhäuser, H.: Microstructure Processes Induced by Phase Transitions in CuAu Alloy as Studied by Acoustic Emission and Optical Cinematography. Acta mater. 47 (1999), 427-434.
27. Čížek, J., Procházka, I., Vostrý, P., Chmelík, F., Islamgaliev, R. K.: Positron Lifetime Spectroscopy of Nanocrystalline Copper. Acta Physica Polonica A95 (1999), 487-494.
28. Šíma, V., Mašek, P., Chmelík, F., Brinck, A., Neuhäuser, H., Sprušil, B., Pfeiler, W.: In situ Metallography of Order - Disorder Transformation in CuAu. J. Japan Institute of Metals (JIM) (1999), 42-49.
29. Lukáč, P., Trojanová, Z., Chmelík, F., Kiehn, J.: Thermal Stress Relaxation in Mg Composites Studied by Non-Destructive Methods. Z. Metallkde 90 (1999), 892-895.
30. Islamgaliev, R. K., Kuzel, R., Mikov, S. N., Obraztsova, E. D., Chmelik, F.: Structure and Optical Properties of Nanostructured Germanium and Silicon Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation. NanoStructured Materials 12 (1999), 919-922.
31. Islamgaliev, R. K., Kuzel, R., Mikov, S. N., Igo, A. V., Burianek, J., Chmelik, F., Valiev, R. Z.: Structure of Silicon Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation. Mat. Sci. Eng. A266 (1999), 205-210.
32. Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P., Moll, F., Kiehn, J., Mordike, B. L., Kainer, K. U.: Creep of Magnesium Composites Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique. Advanced Engineering Materials 2 (2000), 600-604.
33. Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P.: Application of Acoustic Emission in Metal Physics and Materials Science. J. Acoustic Emission 17 (2000), S29-S36.
34. Moll, F., Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P., Mordike, B. L., Kainer, K. U.: Creep Behaviour of a QE22 – SiC Particle Reinforced Composite Investigated by Acoustic Emission and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Mat. Sci. Eng. A291 (2000), 246-249.
35. Kužel, R., Čížek, J., Procházka, I., Chmelík, F., Islamgaliev, R. K., Amirkhanov, N. M.: Structural Studies of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Obtained by Severe Plastic Deformation. Mat. Sci. Forum 378-81, (2001), 463-468.
36. Chmelík, F., Ziegenbein A., Neuhäuser, H., Lukáč, P.: Investigating the Portevin – Le Châtelier Effect by the Acoustic Emission and Laser Extensometry Techniques. Mat. Sci. Eng. A 324/1-2 (2002), 200-207.
37. Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P., Kiehn, J., Mordike, B. L., Kainer, K. U., Langdon, T. G.: Characteristics of Thermal Cycling in a Magnesium Alloy Composite. Mat. Sci. Eng. A 325 (2002), 320-323.
38. Čížek, J., Procházka, I., Cieslar, M., Kužel, R., Kuriplach, J., Chmelík, F., Stulíková, I., Bečvář, F., Melikhova, O, Islamgaliev, R. K.: Thermal Stability of Ultra-Fine Grained Copper. Phys. Rev. B 65 (2002), 94-106.
39. Čížek, J., Procházka, I., Cieslar, M., Stulíková, I., Chmelík, F., Islamgaliev, R. K.: Positron-Lifetime Investigation of Thermal Stability of Ultra-Fine Grained Nickel. phys. stat. sol (a) 191 (2002), 391-408.
40. Trojanová, Z., Chmelík, F., Lukác, P., Rudajevová, A.: Changes in the Microstructure of QE22 Composites Estimated by Non-Destructive Methods. J. Alloys and Compounds 339 (2002), 327-334.
41. Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P., Janeček, M., Moll, F., Mordike, B. L., Kainer, K. U., Langdon, T. G.: An Evaluation of the Creep Characteristics of an AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Composite Using Acoustic Emission. Mat. Sci. Eng. A338 (2002), 1-7.
42. Chmelík, F., Moll, F., Kiehn, J., Máthis, K., Lukáč, P., Kainer, K. U., Langdon, T. G.: Acoustic Emission from Magnesium-Based Alloys And Metal Matrix Composites. J. Acoustic Emission 20 (2002), 108-130.
43. Lukáč, P., Trojanová, Z., Chmelík, F., Rudajevová, A.: Changes in the Microstructure of Magnesium Composites Estimated by Non-Destructive Methods. International Journal of Materials & Product Technology 18 (2003), 57-69.
44. Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Chmelík, F., Riehemann, W.: Microstructural Changes in ZE41 Composite Estimated by Acoustic Measurements. J. Alloys and Compounds 355 (2003), 113-119.
45. Kádár, C., Chmelík, F., Rajkovits, Zs., Lendvai, J.: Acoustic Emission Measurements on Metal Foams. J. Alloys and Compounds 378 (2004), 145-150.
46. Lamark, T. T., Chmelík, F., Estrin, Y., Lukáč, P.: Cyclic Deformation of a Magnesium Alloy Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique. J. Alloys and Compounds 378 (2004), 202-206.
47. Bohlen, J., Chmelík, F., Dobroň, P., Letzig, D., Kaiser, F., Lukáč, P., Kainer, K. U.: Orientation Effects on Acoustic Emission During Tensile Deformation of Hot Rolled Magnesium Alloy AZ 31. J. Alloys and Compounds 378 (2004), 207-213.
48. Bohlen, J., Chmelík, F., Dobroň, P., Letzig, D., Kaiser, F., Lukáč, P., Kainer, K. U.: In situ Measurement of the Acoustic Emission During Tensile Deformation of Different Magnesium Alloys. J. Alloys and Compounds 378 (2004), 214-219.
49. Haušild, P., Karlík, M., Chmelík, F.: Acoustic Emission Study of Cleavage Initiation in A508 Steel Tested in the DBTT Range. Materials Science and Technology 20 (2004), 473-477.
50. Máthis, K., Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P. Lendvai, J.: Investigation of Some Magnesium Alloys by Use of the Acoustic Emission Technique. Mat. Sci. Eng. A387-389 (2004), 331-335.
51. Lukáč, P., Trojanová, Z., Chmelík, F.: Microstructural Characterization by Nondestructive Methods. Materials Science Forum 482 (2005), 103-108.
52. Trojanová, Z., Drozd, Z., Lukáč, P., Chmelík, F.: Deformation Behaviour of Mg-Li Alloys at Elevated Temperatures, Mat. Sci. Eng. A.410-411 (2005), 148-151.
53. Máthis, K., Chmelík, F., Janeček, M., Hadzima, B., Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P.: Investigating Deformation Processes in AM60 Magnesium Alloy Using the Acoustic Emission Technique. Acta Mater. 54 (2006), 5361-5366.
54. Richeton, T., Dobroň, P., Chmelík, F., Weiss, J., Louchet, F.: On the Critical Character of Plasticity in Metallic Single Crystals. Mat. Sci. Eng. A424 (2006), 190-195.
55. Bohlen, J., Dobroň, P., Garcia, E. M., Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P., Letzig, D., Kainer, K.U.: The Effect of Grain Size on the Deformation Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique. Advanced Engineering Materials 8 (2006), 422-427.
56. Chmelík, F., Klose, F.B., Dierke, H., Šachl, J., Neuhäuser, H., Lukáč, P.: Investigating the Portevin – Le Châtelier Effect in Strain Rate and Stress Rate Controlled tests by the Acoustic Emission and Laser Extensometry Techniques. Mat. Sci. Eng. A462 (2007), 53-60.
57. Hellmig, R.J., Lamark, T.T., Popov, M.V., Janeček, M., Estrin, Y., Chmelík, F.: Influence of Equal-Channel Angular pressing on the Acoustic Emission Behaviour of Magnesium Alloy AZ31 Under Compression. Mat. Sci. Eng. A462 (2007), 111-115.
58. Meza-García, E., Dobroň, P., Bohlen, J., Letzig, D., Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P., Kainer, K.U.: Deformation Mechanisms in an AZ31 Cast Magnesium Alloy as Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique. Mat. Sci. Eng. A462 (2007), 297-301.
59. Bohlen, J., Dobroň, P., Swiostek, J., Letzig, D., Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P., Kainer, K.U.: On the Influence of the Grain Size and Solute Content on the AE Response of Magnesium Alloys Tested in Tension and Compression. Mat. Sci. Eng. A462 (2007), 302-306.
60. Dobroň, P., Bohlen, J., Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P., Letzig, D., Kainer, K.U.: Acoustic Emission During Stress Relaxation of Pure Magnesium and AZ Magnesium Alloys. Mat. Sci. Eng. A462 (2007), 307-310.
61. Janeček, M., Král, R., Dobroň, P., Chmelík, F., Šupík, V., Holländer, F.: Mechanisms of Plastic Deformation in AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Investigated by Acoustic Emission and Transmission Electron Microscopy. Mat. Sci. Eng. A462 (2007), 311-315.
62. Kádár, C., Chmelík, F., Lendvai, J., Vörös, G., Rajkovits, Z.: Acoustic Emission of Metal Foams During Tension. Mat. Sci. Eng. A462 (2007), 316-319.
In Czech and Slovak journals
1. Trojanová, Z., Převorovský, Z., Chmelík, F.: Akustická emise polykrystalů Zn-1,1%Al deformovaných při pokojové teplotě. Kovové Mater. 24 (1986), 574-583.
2. Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Hamerský, M., Chmelík, F., Moskalenko, V. A.: Deformační chování titanu alfa v teplotním oboru 295-753K. Kovové Mater. 26 (1988), 424-432.
3. Lukáč, P., Trojanová, Z., Chmelík, F., Hamerský, M., Moskalenko, V. A.: Thermally Activated Process in Deformed Alpha Titanium. Czech. J. Phys. B38 (1988), 491-493.
4. Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z., Převorovský, Z., Lukáč, P., Pink, E.: Acoustic Emission from Al-3%Mg Alloy Deformed at Room Temperature. Acta Univ. Carol. 32 (1991), 61-67.
5. Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Hamerský, M., Kukačka, V., Chmelík, F.: Deformační stárnutí v titanu alfa. Kovové Mater. 30 (1992), 419-427.
6. Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Převorovský, Z.: Acoustic Emission from Zinc and Its Alloys Deformed at Room Temperature. Acta Technica CSAV 39 (1994), 711-753.
7. Chmelík, F., Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Převorovský, Z.: The Portevin - Le Châtelier Effect in Al-3%Mg and Al-2.92%Mg-0.38%Mn Alloys Investigated by the Acoustic Emission Technique. Acta Technica CSAV 40 (1995), 43-83.
8. Dosoudil, J., Trojanová, Z., Lukáč, P., Chmelík, F., Lavrentěv, F.F.: Vliv dislokací lesa na akustickou emisi deformovaných monokrystalů zinku. Kovové Mater. 33 (1995), 181-190.
9. Chmelík, F., Balík, J., Lukáč, P., Pink, E.: The Portevin - Le Châtelier Effect in an AlZn10 Alloy Investigated by Acoustic Emission Technique. Kovové Mater. 36 (1998), 10-14.
10. Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P.: Nedestruktivní studium struktury a fyzikálních vlastností materiálů metodou akustické emise 1, 2. 1. část: NDT Welding Bulletin 10, 4 (2000), 17-23. 2. část: NDT Welding Bulletin 11, 1 (2001), 39-46.
11. Lukáč, P., Trojanová, Z., Chmelík, F., Rudajevová, A.: Some Physical Properties of Magnesium Composites. Materiálové inžinierstvo 8 (2001), 19-26.
12. Bohlen, J., Chmelík, F., Kaiser, F., Letzig, D., Lukáč, P., Kainer, K. U.: Acoustic Emission Generated During Tensile Deformation of an AZ31 Magnesium Sheet. Kovové Mater. 40 (2002), 290-297.
13. Kovács, Z., Chmelík, F., Lendvai, J., Lukáč, P.: Acoustic Emission due to Portevin – Le Châtelier Instabilities in Load Rate Controlled Experiments. Kovové Mater. 40 (2002), 298-306.
14. Chmelík, F., Lukáč, P., Kainer, K. U., Langdon, T. G.: Non-Destructive Characterization of Magnesium Based Metal Matrix Composites During Thermal Cycling. NDT Welding Bulletin Special Issue (EWGAE 2002) (2002), 7-10.
15. Lukáč, P., Chmelík, F.: Použití akustické emise ke studiu vlivu teplotního cyklování na změny mikrostruktury hořčíkových kompozitů. Československý časopis pro fyziku A 5 (2002), 273-280.